Saturday, June 28, 2014

One Member Per Council Per Month

I realize I'm making a lot of posts from this meeting. Won't be for long, I don't have much time left on the battery on the laptop.
Having said that, the most important message is One Member, Per Council, Per Month. If we did that, we'd be at 300% of our quota.
But, here's some interesting incentives from Oregon:
- Each member that recruits a new member this fraternal year, will be entered into a drawing for a weekend on the coast for 2.
- The top three recruiters in the state for the fraternal year, if you have at least 6 members, will receive a KofC jacket
- If we recruit 4 members (100% of our quota) by December 31, we will receive $100 back from the state for our council finances. This is enough to pay our per capita for 8 members, it would be very good.
- If we recruit 8 members (200% of our quota) by December 31, we will receive $200.

There is a distinct possibility Fr. Richard will reach 20 men at St. John Fisher, and if so, to keep a council at St. Clare's we need to recruit at least 6 men this fall at St. Clare's. I believe this is possible, but only if all of you talk up the Knights every chance you get. We will have the opportunity to recruit in the announcements after Mass in October.

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