Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just to get the word out

I know many of you are involved in the Care Ministry at St. Clares. Please see the following message from Pia:
Hello Care Ministers:
Long-time parishioner Gladys Montavon passed away on June 2, 2014. Her funeral Mass will be on June 11, Wednesday at 11:00 am here at St. Clare. It would be wonderful if some of you, especially those who have visited her and brought her communion could come to the Funeral Mass. She does not have a lot of family here in Oregon and many of her siblings are older and cannot travel anymore. Maybe, we can show our support for a fellow parishioner by attending her funeral Mass.
There will be a reception after the Mass in the Parish Hall. We need a few volunteers who can help in the reception to set up, prepare coffee, tea and juice and/or bring cookies for dessert. The family will provide the sandwiches and salads.
Please let me know if you can help out in the reception.
Sheila Cullen, could you share this with the SIS group and find out how they can help with the reception and for bringing the cookies/
Thank you so much,


Pia de Leon
Pastoral Associate
St. Clare Catholic Church
503-244-1037, ext 103

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