Friday, May 27, 2022

From Bishop White Seminary

 This is the seminary our RSVP money went to this year.

Congratulations to Bishop White Seminary's graduating class of 2022: Benjamin Gerigk (Archdiocese of San Francisco) David Hoang (Diocese of Orange), Erick Johns (Archdiocese of Seattle), Simon Stehr (Archdiocese of Seattle).

Also, a tremendous amount of thanks goes to Fr. Baraza for his time serving at Bishop White Seminary. Thank you Fr. Baraza for the time you have invested in the men of Bishop White and the future of our Church!

Without your support, none of this would be possible. To you, we are grateful!

Cor Christi Update

Our campaign is currently at $1.98 million! We are confident, through the continued generosity of the people, we will reach our goal of $3.6 million! 

Please pray for the following:

Please pray for the success of our upcoming receptions. One of our "sending" dioceses has committed to hosting a couple of receptions for us this summer and we are scheduling 2 more receptions in our area (Northern Idaho and Tri-City area).

Pray that others would be open to hosting receptions and inviting their network of friends to support Cor Christi!

Cor Christi will play a key role in the formation of the future priests that will serve throughout the western states. Thank you for your prayers and support

Friday, May 20, 2022

K of C Council 15485 Virtual Meeting May 17, 2022 James M. Morgan/ Recorder

 7 pm     Call to Order

  • Warden Membership Check passed since this is a Virtual Meeting
  • Prayer - Our Father
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll call of Officers
  • Reading & Approval of previous meetings minutes
7:05 pm     G.K.s Remarks - Marc Gregoire
  • Thanks to everyone who worked at the St. John Fisher's breakfast
  • Thanks to everyone who handed out Mother's Day Carnations at St. John Fisher Parish and St. Clare Parish: especially Ken Paulsen, Don Mey and Ted Seeber
  1. SP-7 Columbian Award Application due June 30
  2. Report of Officers chosen for next term due July 1
  3. Refund Support Vocations Program RSVP due June 30
  4. Food for Families Form due on June 30
7:10 pm     Treasurer's Report   Mike Devlin
  • Beginning Balance April 19, 2022                             $1,387.95
  • ADD 5/2/22 SJF breakfast proceeds                          +    232.00
  • Total                                                                             $1,619.95
  • LESS Bills Paid                                                          -$1,040.00
  1. $500 Bishop White Seminary donation
  2. $540 Mother/Child  donation
  • Current Checking Account Balance                            $579.95
  • Unity Savings Account Balance             $543.85
  • Charity Savings Account Balance             $5.71
  1. Outstanding checks
  • $100.00 Essay Contest Winner 1st prize
  • $540.00 Mother/Child donation
7:15 pm   Financial Secretaries Report - Phil Jarvis
  • All membership dues have been paid up
  • Our bank accounts have been turned over to Erik Riechers & Mike Devlin
7:20 pm     For the Good of the Order - Mike O'Phelan
  1. As we approact Pentecost, Mike pointed out that Christ said, 'whoever loves me, my father will love them.
  2. He read a wonderful Christian poem by James Freeman that has been posted on the blog.
7:30 pm      Committees -Program Director Gene Andres had nothing new to report.
  1. St. Clare Parish - Ted Seeber: discussed the SJF Breakfast and the Carnation Sale; we will meet in the St. Clare Parish cafeteria in June & the meeting will be hybrid, The Junk & Jewel event will be in June. Details will be posted on the blog.
  2. St. Elizabeth of Hungary - Marc Gregoire didn't have any news to report
  3. St. John Fisher - Gene Andres & Mike Devlin didn't have anything new to report.
  4. Faith Director - Don Mey didn't have anything new to report
  5. Community Director - Michael Chau reported that he is doing outreach at Elsie Stuhr Center
  6. Life Director and Family Director - Ted Seeber will withhold his comments until later
  7. Membership Director - Ted Seeber is trying to enroll transfer knight Andrew Ball in our council
  8. Retention Director - Mike O'Phelan had nothing new to report
7:40 pm     Life is Messy by Mathew Kelly was discussed by our council membership. The book
                  outlines positive advice and direction for Christian men.

7:55 pm     K of C Business
  • The "No Neighbor Left Behind" program was discussed by James M. Morgan
  • Marc Gregoire will request $100 back from State for our Bishop White Seminary Donatio
  • We discussed the June 12 St. Clare Parish Breakfast: Ted Seeber will operate volunteers and Ken Paulsen will take care of the food for the breakfast.
  • Don Mey discussed assisting Fr. Jim Galluzo in the future
  • Ted Seeber and Michael Chau discussed the creation of a Special Needs AMdaptive Mass
  • Marc Gregoire will post information about The Fraternal Benefits Nights on the blog
  • Mike Devlin ask for Goodwill Volunteers to help clean up an elderly neighbors property
  • We discussed our upcoming nomination/election of next years officers during our June meeting
  • If K of C members develop economic problems, KofC might be able to help them with dues, etc.
  • God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of departed members.

8:15 pm    We don't have a District Deputy State Officer

8:20 pm     Sick or in Distress - Hail Mary prayer
  • Medical Professional working to improve and save lives
  • Michael Chau's sister
  • Continued recovery for Shannon Seeber
  • Mike O'Phelan's wife Mary 
  • Continued recovery for Gene Andres' wife
  • Continue recovery for Marc Gregoire
  • God bless everyone in need of the Lord's help

Please report Food for Families Hours and donations

 Gene is filling out our Food For Families Report.  Please report this year's donations and hours worked to .  Just estimate pounds of food given, or your volunteer hours, doesn't have to be exact.  We will get $100 back, up to $500, for ever 1000 lbs of food donated or every $500 donated to SVDP or St. Andre Bessete.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Request for volunteers for yard work

request for brother Knights who may be able to assist with some yard work at the home of Lynne Smith. Her home is located at 8408 SW Capitol Hwy. near Spring Garden Street.

After checking your schedule, hoping you could let me know when you might be available for a few hours on a Saturday morning or early afternoon (or two)  in June. I already received a positive response from Gene. 

Thanks in advance for your consideration. Any assistance we can provide will be greatly appreciated. Once I see when most of the volunteers will be available, I will let you  know the schedule and coordinate with her neighbor, Brian Martinek.
Any questions, please call.
Mike Devlin

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Junque and Jewels Volunteer Link

 Junque and Jewels is back on at St. Clare's!  Volunteers get to shop early, you can volunteer here

Do you need me? I am There!


I Am there - James Dillet Freeman - 1947

You cannot see Me, yet I am the light you see by.

 You cannot hear Me, yet I speak through your voice.  

You cannot feel Me, yet I am the power at work in your hands.

I am at work, though you do not understand My ways.

 I am at work, though you do not understand My works. 

I am not strange visions. I am not mysteries.
Only in absolute stillness, beyond self, can you know Me as I am, and then but as a feeling and a faith.

 Yet I am there. 

Yet I hear. 

Yet I answer. 

When you need Me, I am there. 

Even if you deny Me, I am there. 

Even when you feel most alone, I am there. 

Even in your fears, I am there.

Even in your pain, I am there. 

I am there when you pray and when you do not pray.

I am in you, and you are in Me. 

Only in your mind can you feel separate from Me, for only in your mind are the mists of "yours" and "mine."

 Yet only with your mind can you know Me and experience Me. 

Empty your heart of empty fears. 

When you get yourself out of the way, I am there. 

You can of yourself do nothing, but I can do all. 

And I am in all. 

Though you may not see the good, good is there, for I am there. 

I am there because I have to be, because I am.

Only in Me does the world have meaning; 

only out of Me does the world take form; 

only because of Me does the world go forward. 

I am the law on which the movement of the stars and the growth of living cells are founded.  

I am the love that is the law's fulfilling.

I am assurance. 

I am peace. 

I am oneness. 

I am the law that you can live by.

I am the love that you can cling to. 

I am your assurance. 

I am your peace. 

I am ONE with you.

I am.

Though you fail to find Me, I do not fail you. 

Though your faith in Me is unsure, My faith in you never wavers, because I know you, because I love you.

Beloved, I AM there.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

UPDATED: Virtual Council Meeting Tues May 17th @7pm (Online Meeting Only)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, May17th at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting Online via the link below. Here is the AGENDA to download.

NOTE - We are continuing Life is Messy, Pages 76 -102.

For Online
Marc will open the chat room at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.

You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853

One-touch: tel: +16467493122,,372718853#

NOTE: We are moving to Online for the May meeting due to Multnomah County suggesting to Masking Up again as COVID surges in Portland Region. We were not able to obtain the large Cafeteria space this month (due to School Art Show) to give us a larger space and more ventilation. We have it booked for next month.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Council Meeting Tues May 17th 7pm (Online Meeting)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, May17th at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting Online via the link below. Here is the AGENDA to download.

NOTE - We are continuing Life is Messy, Pages 76 -102.

For Online Only
Marc will open the chat room at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.

You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853

One-touch: tel: +16467493122,,372718853#

Life is Messy by Matthew Kelly (Current Knights Discussion Book - Part 4)

Hello Brother Knights,

At our next KofC meeting on Tuesday, May 17th we will be continuing our discussion on our book by Matthew Kelly Life is Messy with Part 4. Part 4 of the book will be starting with the chapter The past through the chapter Move toward the light (~pages 76-102). For those that do not have the book, you may still be able to pick one up at Church or contact me directly to have a copy delivered to you.

This book is about putting our lives back together, and allowing ourselves to be put back together, when life doesn’t turn out as we expected it to. Based on his own heart-wrenching personal journals, Matthew Kelly shares how the worst three years of his life affected him, by exploring this question: Can someone who has been broken be healed and become more beautiful and more lovable than ever before?

Here are some possible discussion questions that have been recommended for you to think on as you read the 4th part:

Question 1: “Flourishing is beyond happiness. It is produced not only by a person’s choices and actions, but also by a nurturing environment.”  MK p.83
  • Do your relationships, your family, your social group, school, church, workplace, or neighborhood provide an environment that is uniquely nurturing?
  • What do you need to flourish?
Question 2: Read Autobiography in Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson on p.87-88. 
  • Which chapter describes where you are?
  • Are you ready to walk down another street?
Question 3: Sometimes in our distress, the only action we can take is to “move toward the light.”
  • What types of things draw you into the darkness? 
  • What draws you into the light? 

Thank you all,
Marc Gregoire

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Flower Sale Massive success

From Ken, some preliminary estimates:

We had $113 Saturday Night from Phil at St Clare's, $137 and 172.28 on Sunday at St Clare's.  Totals at SJF were 95, 68, 76, 20 and a whopping $200.75

So the tally is:
St. JF - 95, 68, 76, 20, 200.75= $459.75
St. Clare - 113, 137, 172.28 = $422.28
Way better than expected!

Cost of the flowers was $344.98.  Gift to Mother and Child Education Center:  $537.05!
Thanks again everyone!


(AND Ted added some loose change from his van that is uncounted, so let us hold off until Erik gives us the official count!)

St Clare's volunteers 5 Knights, 3 others parishioners (including 2 ladies)

SJF 4 Knights, 2 volunteers.

Many of our Knights worked multiple masses.  About 20 min/person/mass, average, over7 mass times.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

An additional duty

The Archdiocese yesterday sent out an email about a group calling themselves "Ruth Sent Us", threatening Mother's Day Protests at Mass on Sunday.  Wile I am rather sure that there are higher value targets in the city of Portland than our relatively small parishes, I would urge all of our Knights to be safe, smart, and yet also courageous and firm.

Protect our priests.  Protect the Eucharist.  Protect your families.  And please, protect yourselves.

If you see something, be there, be a presence.  And say something.   They claim the unborn are not human and can be killed.  They claim that the suffering can be released from their pain through suicide.  But we know that to kill the defenseless through abortion or euthanasia is more than a sin- it is an attack on the love of the family, an attack on our most fundamental rights.

When in 1882, part of why the Knights was started was to defend the faith.  That is part of why I got 35 men together to charter the John Clare Council in April of 2012.  Be there.  And always remember- our strongest protection is in prayer, so pray for our parishes and our country,  but also pray for those who oppose us that their eyes may opened to the miracle that is life.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Flower Volunteers Still needed for St Clare's

We could still use 3 more volunteers for St Clare's at the 10:45 am Mass on Sunday.

Ken reports flowers are here and blooming, should be full size tomorrow night.  83 per bucket.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Mother's Day Flower Sale Volunteers needed

 The Mother's Day Flower Sale is ON!  This is our major fundraiser for Mother And Child, and a great pro-life witness of our council.  But we need volunteers to make it happen.  We will have 250 flowers per parish to sell; suggested donation of $1/stem.

At St. Clare's we need a total of 9 volunteers- one at each door of the church, at each Mass.  Mass is at 5pm Saturday night, and 8:30am and 10:45am.  Contact Ted Seeber,, and let him know which Mass you can be at.

At St. John Fisher we also need 3 people per mass, but there are more masses to cover- 4:30pm Saturday, 9, 11, and 5:30pm Sunday.  Contact Ken Paulsen, to volunteer!

Even with the lesser numbers at Mass, I believe we can have a great event, and make some much needed money for Mother & Child Education Center.  The real battle for pro-life in Oregon is just beginning, let's come out strong for life.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

A fine breakfast

As reported earlier, our breakfast earned about the same amount as we have previously at SJF, despite the lower number of people served. 

That's a step towards normalcy.

James M. Morgan

SJF Breakfast was a monetary success

Gross 395
Cost 198
Net 197
74 breakfasts served- 55 at first Mass, 19 at 2nd Mass