Monday, April 26, 2021

From St. Clare's Rebuilding Together, Request for Volunteers

 Rebuilding Together got a lot done this past Saturday, Apr. 24 thanks to our 30+ volunteers.  Unfortunately, the rain kept us from finishing the painting and landscaping.  Therefore, we will meet again this Saturday , May 1 at 8am to finish the job. 

PLEASE JOIN US at our homeowner’s home at 2016 NE 65th Ave.  All are welcome even if you couldn’t make it last week…teens, too (14+ with a parent).  

Questions?  Call Tom at (707) 694-1967. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Meeting Notes April 20, 2021

                                 K of C Council 15485 April 20, 2021 Virtual Meeting Notes

                                                       Prepared by James M. Morgan 

7  p.m.     Call to Order

  • Warden's membership check (waived)
  • Prayer: Our Father
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll call of officers
7:05 p.m.     GK's Remarks (Marc Gregoire)
  • There are links on the Blog that will allow you to listen to the speeches of the 113th Annual Oregon State Convention April 30 through May 2nd, 2021.
  • Information on how to contact the St. Clare Parish COVID Vaccine assistance helpers' is on the blog.
  • 3 people have contributed to the Penny A Day charity.  Contact Phil Jarvis to donate.
  • Don't respond to fake SPAM & EMAIL requests for money.
  • Forms Due: Form 1295 has been submitted.  We have not reported our new officer selection.

7:10 p.m. For the Good of the Order   Mike O' Phelan

       The season of Easter leads us ask ourselves who we are and what are we doing here.  It is good and very important to reflect on the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to pray often for Christ's guidance and direction to become better Christians.   

7:20 p.m.   Treasurer's Report ... Mike Devlin
  • Beginning balance     $1,707.19
  • add Penny donation        150.00   (365 Plan)
  • minus Penny donation    150.00   sent to State
  • Current balance          $1,707.19
  • Outstanding checks         100.00
  • Unity Savings             $   543.57
  • Charity savings           $     !0.67

7:25 p.m.   Financial Secretaries Report

Phil Jarvis has been officially accredited to be our Financial Secretary: we are lucky to have his financial expertise.

7:30 p.m.   Committee Reports 

Program Director   Gene Andres doesn't have anything new to report.
St. Clare Parish ---  Ted Seeber & Mike O' Phelan don't have anything new to report
St. Elizabeth of Hungary --- Marc Gregoire said the Church has its On-Line Donations ready for use.
St. John Fisher --- Gene Andres & Mike Devlin asked for help planting trees between St. Luke's Church and   St. John Fisher Parish.

Faith Director    Don Mey said it was nice to hear singing at Easter Services this year.

Community Director   Michael Chau  reported nothing new to report.

Life Director   Ted Seeber 
          Needs volunteers on June 6 to help with a membership drive.  

Family Director   Ted Seeber
          reported no news.

Membership Director    Ted Seeber  
           Is making an effort to collect past-due dues.
Retention Chairman   Mike O'Phelan will also assist in collecting past due dues.

7:45 p.m.   K of C Business

     Marc Gregoire pointed out that I (James M. Morgan) have been the voice behind No Neighbor Left Behind phone call for the last year: it has been a privilege for me to help in any way.  This month, none of the members requested help, even though Ted Seeber's dad had a stroke on Easter.

Ted Seeber wants to create a Degree Team for a live exemplification at St. Clare's after the June 20, 8:30 a.m. Father's Day mass.  James M. Morgan will be the Lecturer for the exemplification and a rehearsal might be scheduled in May.

The jury is still out on what, if anything, we can do during the Pandemic to celebrate Mother's Day.

The possibility of implementing a Special Needs Adaptive Mass is on the back-burner until the Pandemic becomes under control: as of 4\23\2021 the tri-county area is in the High Risk zone again. 

Tom Owens requested our help at Mt. Angel Abbey: some flooring needs new replacement.  Tom's Plan
  1. includes asking our council to donate $300.00 to Mt. Angel Abbey which the council okayed.
  2. Request individual contributions from our members.
  3. Share ideas for raising additional money for this project which is expected to cost $50,000.00.
  4. Share the progress that we have made with other K of C councils and ask them for their help. 
Tom also stressed the importance of having REAL ID.

As you know, if any members are experiencing financial problems and need help paying their dues, please contact Phil Jarvis for assistance.

8:10 p.m.   District Deputy / State Officer Mr. Dan Boone 

suggested that as the weather improves we might consider holding our meetings outside, and that we should try to help get our parishioners to return to mass.

8:10 p.m.  For the Sick & In Distress

Prayers were offered for Mrs. Riechers, Theodore Francis Seeber and the front line workers, doctors and nurses fighting the pandemic.

God bless the work of the Council and its members, and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed

8:20 p.m.   In closing, we prayed for the canonization of Michael J. McGivney


Safe Environment Training, a howto

 I received a few e-mails saying that members who are NOT officers, are confused by the safe environment training login.  So I thought I'd create some screenshots on how to do it.

First, click on this link: to find the overly busy Youth Protection page.

Then scroll down until you see the large green and blue buttons:

If you are one of the officer or leadership roles listed, you log in with the green button, and will be asked for some combination of your name and member number to login.

If not, hit the blue button and use the registration code kofcsafe to register.

Then you enroll:

After that, you will be led to the page of classes to take.  At the end you will get a pdf certificate.  Save it in a good place on your computer- we've already had problems with Armatus not informing Supreme of our accomplishments!  When done, let our GK know, !

Thursday, April 22, 2021

From Oregon Right To Life

 If you got into a conversation with a pro-choice person, do you feel prepared? We want to help.

Oregon needs more trained pro-life people who can compassionately and thoroughly answer pro-choice arguments. To that end, we are launching a new initiative.

We want to get as many pro-life Oregonians through Equal Rights Institute's Equipped for Life digital training course as we can.

We've seen ERI's results. Their staff has had over 5,000 conversations about abortion. They have changed so many minds about abortion.

The course is just around five hours, broken into modules and self-paced. ERI has lowered the cost for our advocates to just $5/person.

If you would be willing to take the course, please send Ted Seeber an e-mail.  Their sign up process is a bit convoluted due to a bulk rate deal ORTL has. 

Ted Seeber
Pro-Life chairman

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tree Planting Work Party

 Tree Planting Work Party
St John Fisher Church
Saturday, April 24th  at 9:30am

Help is needed planting 7 trees on the North side of the church in the area between SJF and St Luke Lutheran properties.  Bring your mask (required), gloves and a shovel if you have them.  We plan to meet at 9:30, rain or shine, and hope to finish around noon.  Please contact me (email) or the parish office ( - 503.244.4945) if you have any questions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

KofC Safe Environment Program Training

Brother Knights,

The KofC Safe Environment Program Training is required for the GK, Program Directors, Community Directors, Family Directors. These people have all completed the training. I would like to extend a big thank you to them.

In addition, it is open to anyone in the Knights who would like to attend or might fill in for one of the other positions.

If interested in completed the training, go to this location on the Knights WEBSITE
  • Click “Youth Protection”
  • Scroll down to video “Protecting our Children” for background
  • Scroll down to “Getting Started with Training” for EVERYONE

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church - ONLINE GIVING

Brother Knights,

St. Elizabeth of Hungary has added an online giving section to their website HERE.

If you attended this church or what like to make a donation, please support the ministries of St Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church and help build the parish by being generous in your financial giving.

Thank you very much for your generosity. May God’s abundant blessing continue to be upon you and your loved ones.

Mt. Angel Abbey - New Floor for Monks' Refectory

Hello Brother Knights,

Tom Owens will be introducing during New Business at our meeting a request to support the MA appeal. Here are the details from the Abbey.


It was such a pleasure to hear from you today.  Your support is vital to the operations of the monastery so the monks can keep praying for you, me and the world!  Thank you.  

The Refectory floor is a neat project because, in addition to being a safety issue, the monastery must be cared for future generations of monks.  Your idea of reaching out to your Knights of Columbus council is really smart and helpful--I hope the other members are as enthusiastic as you. 

I have attached a PDF that can be forwarded.  It should be coupled with the donation page on the WEBSITE.  Of course, we accept good old fashion checks too. Also, people can call us (503-845-3030) and make a credit card gift over the phone.

If folks want to learn more about the monks, the video from the July 2020 St. Benedict Festival is beautiful, informative and has more video of the  Refectory.  This can be seen HERE at minute 29.40, although they carefully filmed so the crumbling floor would not be visible.

God be with you,

Susan Gallagher, MBA

Planned Giving Manager
Abbey Foundation of Oregon
Box 497, Saint Benedict, OR 97373-0497
cell 503.312.5425
main 503.845.3030

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Council Meeting Tues April 20th 7pm (Online Tuesday)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, April 20th at 7pm for our next online Council #15485 meeting.

Here is the AGENDA to download.

Marc will open the chat room at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.

You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853

One-touch: tel: +16467493122,,372718853#

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

113th Annual Oregon State Convention (April 30 - May 2)

Brother Knights,

All members are being provided the opportunity to view the speeches and reports given at the 113th Annual State Convention in Klamath Falls.  This is for viewing only and you will not be able to vote on any of the resolutions or State Officer positions. Below are rough time highlights and the link for each day.

Friday (April 30th) Session
  • 1:00pm Presentation of Colors & Marian Prayer Icons, Welcome and introductions by State Deputy, Supreme Knights Patrick Kelly's Greeting.
  • 2:30pm State Officers, Directors, & District Deputy.

Microsoft Teams Meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 689-206-0410,,3904898#   United States, Orlando
Phone Conference ID: 390 489 8#

Saturday (May 1st) Session
  • 8:00am - Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly on and his report on the strength of the Order, State of the State – SD Ron Boyce
  • 10:00am Presentation of the Marian Prayer Icons by the 4th Degree Honor Guard, Nominations of State Officers
  • 1:20pm Msgr Joseph Betschart to address the Delegation
  • 1:50pm Abbot Peter Eberle to address the Delegation
  • 2:00pm Archbishop Sample to address the Delegation
  • 5:00pm  Necrology Mass @ St. Pius X

Microsoft Teams Meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 689-206-0410,,823832137#   United States, Orlando
Phone Conference ID: 823 832 137#

Sunday (May 2nd) Session
  • 8:00am Nominations of Delegates to the Supreme Convention
  • 10:30am New Business and 2022 Convention in Hood River, Unfinished Business, Closing Remarks form State Officers.

Microsoft Teams Meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 689-206-0410,,888335690#   United States, Orlando
Phone Conference ID: 888 335 690#

Friday, April 9, 2021

Paul Herberholz, Charter Member of 3591 and age 100 passed away

  Paul Herberholz, Charter Member of 3591 and age 100 passed away on March 28th, he would have been 101 on June 25th. His Funeral Mass will be tomorrow at 11:00 AM at St Anthony, there will be a Rosary at 10:30. And unbelievably he didn’t pass from old age! He had a kitchen fire and tried to put it out, he had some burns and smoke inhalation is what got him. He put up a good fight for a couple days though.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Please Pray for PGK Theodore Francis Seeber, Council 5416, Silverton

 My father, Theodore Francis Seeber, had a stroke this morning, after waking up Easter Morning with an enlarged heart.  He was sent to Meridian Park Hospital in Tualatin.  Please pray for his healing.

Theodore Michael Seeber.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fake e-mails going out in the name of Phil Jarvis

I know it's April 1, but I am not the originator of this joke.

If you get an e-mail supposedly from, but when you hit reply it comes up, that is a fake e-mail from a hacker.  Reply-To spoofing is a common scam technique, and I have no information that Phil has changed his e-mail address.

If you reply and identify this as a scam, you will get back "Am Not Hacked".

There is no need for Phil to know if you use online shopping either.