Monday, October 31, 2022

Fr. Jim Galluzzo Toiletry Project - Help Needed

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY!!! We are still in need of additional volunteers for Fr. Jim. Toiletry Kits will be packaged, Sunday NOVEMBER 13th, from noon to 3:00 PM in the basement of the St. Clare Parish Office. We need at least 8, current volunteers are Tom Owens, Michael Chau, James Morgan, Richard Digregorio, Don Mey, and Oanh Nguyen. Fellow Knights, we can fill these spots! Please email Tom Owens ASAP at,, if you are able to help.

BOXES!!! Fr. Jim is also in need of packing boxes for transporting and distributing the "Toiletry Kits". The best boxes are medium sized approximately 14"deep x 20" long, 10" to 12" high, but anything close will work. He needs about 60 total. He has 20+ in hand. Contact Don Mey at,, I will be happy to pick them up prior to Sunday, November 13th.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

A request from our Beef & Blueberry supplier

We do not normally do this, but our Blueberry supplier is in a bind.  The GK of Silverton council has two beef ready and just got a call from the Butcher's, which due to current supply chain issues had a year long wait list, so he has purchases available in half or quarter.  Very competitive price given inflation.

Hand Maid Farm  
William Bill Seeber  

We raise grass fed beef with no hormones or antibiotics.  

The total cost for the wrapped beef will be about $8.00 per pound, depending on cutting instructions.  

The Rail weight with bones is about:  600 lb.

The price for the animal to be paid to the farm is on the Rail weight of $4.00 per pound to the farm.

That price is made up of the following example:
1000 lb. animal
600 lb. rail weight
360 lbs. packaged

Slaughter Fee $125
Cut & Wrap $360
Farm $2,400
Total = $2,885
Price per pound in the package = $8.01 / lb

Saturday, October 22, 2022

K of C Council 15485 October 18,2022 Minutes - Recorder James M. Morgan


7:00 pm     Call to Order

  • Warden's Membership check
  • Prayer - Our Father
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call of Officers
  • A motion to accept the Previous Meeting minutes was made,  seconded and accepted
7:05 pm     GK's Remarks (Don Mey)
  • The Grand Knight discussed the importance of reading our K of C Blog, and urged our membership to participate in the "Ask To Join Challenge" to increase our membership
  • Richard Digregorio was introduced as our new Retention Chairman
  • We were asked to check our blog calendar to find out information and to see when our Officers Meetings would take place (Usually the 2nd Tuesday of the month) 
7:10 pm     Treasurer's Report   (Mike Devlin)

  • Beginning Balance          $1,719.03
  • ADD St. Clare Breakfast     620.00
  • New Balance                   $2,339.03
  • Less Bills                                 none
  • Unity Savings                     $543,95
  • Charity Savings                      $5.71

7:15 pm     Financial Secretary's Report   (Erik Riechers)

  • Access to our site was previously delayed. We have access now: so the Financial Secretary will be able to produce vouchers for signatures which will allow payents of approved donations.
7:20 pm     For the Good of the Order   (Michael O'Phelan)
  • Michael discussed The Feast of St. Luke, and pointed out that Luke was not an original disciple of Christ, but that he studied the works of the other disciples and recorded their rich Christian lives.
  • He noted that the only parable about the prodigal son comes from the gospel of St. Luke.
  • In conclusion he discussed Luke Chp. 18 verse 9 - 14 about the vain, boastful parishioner who pointed out how holy he was and compared him to the humble tax collector who said, "God have mercy on me, I am a sinner."
7:30 pm     Committees   Program Director Eugene Andres excused. Parish/School Updates
  • St. Clare / Don Mey    Fr. Don is on Retreat and Fr. Jim Galluzzo will take his place
  • St. John Fisher  / Mike Devlin  Fr. Richard went to Costa Rica where he got sick and was hospitalized for several days. He has returned and is resuming his duties. There will be a breakfast on Sunday, 10/23/22 at St. John Fisher
  • St. Elizabeth of Hungary   / Marc Gregoire   Fr. Charles Wood is starting a church bulletin and implementing an online donation site for the parishioners
  • Faith Director / Michael O'Phelan didn't contribute anything new
  • Community Director  / Michael Chau is actively volunteering at Elsie Stuhr, and they are always looking for more volunteers.
  • Family Director / Ted Seeber    The Essay contest will end on November 11, 2022 and Ted will select people to judge them in November.
  • Membership Director / Dan Riechers  had nothing new to report
  • Retention Chairman  /  Richard Digregorio had nothing to report
7: 40 pm   K of C Business
  • No Neighbor Left Behind phone calls / James M. Morgan   Contacted all the members and everyone was doing well.
  • A motion to donate $500.00 from the St. Clare Breakfast to Mother & Child was made, seconded and passed
  • Mike Devlin enlisted more volunteers to help at the St. John Fisher Breakfast on 10/23/22, and it was recommended that we consider donating some monies from that breakfast to charities like the SJF St. Vincent de Paul Charity. To be considered at our next council meeting.
  • We were reminded that Fr. Jim Galluzo Holiday Art Show will be held at his loft on Nov. 4, 5, & 6
  • We were reminded that on Nov. 13, 2022, Fr. Jim Galluzzo will be assembling Toiletry Kits for the homeless. See Tom Owens and the Blog Calendar for details.
  • A book discussion on Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly will start at our November meeting; try to read 20 % of the book by then
  • The SC Exemplification Ceremony scheduled for Oct. 8, 2022 was postponed
7:55 pm   New Business
  • We were ask to consider whether we should have a Holiday gathering this year, and we will discuss that at our next meeting.
8:00 pm   District Deputy Mark Larson spoke to our Council
  • Explained the role of the 4th Degree, and urged members to join it: they perform Honor Guard services in the community and in the Church, guard over Archbishop activities, etc.
  • He admonished us to be active in the "Ask To Join Challenge", and he asked us to wear something that identified ourselves as K of C members when we perform functions like breakfasts, etc.
  • He asked us to consider going to the 43 Annual Father Taaffe Homes BBQ Salmon & Steak Dinner on 10/23 22 at 5:30 pm. Additional details on the blog. (Tickets are $48/person)
8:10 pm   Sick or In Distress - Hail Mary
  • Continued prayers for Ted and Shannon Seeber who are having some health issues
  • Prayers for Marc Gregoire's mother who has recently been diagnosed with cancer
  • Prayers for Bonnie Owens who is having some health issues
  • Prayers for Mary O'Phelen's
      God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of departed members.

8:15 pm pm --- Closing Prayer
  • Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Breakfast October 23rd

Just a reminder that our council is sponsoring a pancake breakfast in the Corrado Center at St. John Fisher church this Sunday, October 23rd.  The entrance to the Corrado Center is behind the church near the school.  The door will be open at 7:00am.  Servings will be after the 9:00am and the 11:00am Masses.  Preparation for the first serving should begin around 8:00am.  Your help is needed to make this a successful event for our council.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Council Wins Star Award

What you may have missed at our meeting!

District Deputy Mark Larson presenting Star Council Award to PGK Marc Gregoire, GK Don Mey, and past Membership Director/PGK Ted Seeber

Monday, October 17, 2022

 Council Meeting John Clare Council #15485, Tuesday October 18th 2022 

Hybrid Meeting (Online and In-person)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, October 18th at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting. You can meet us in the St. Clare Parish Hall/Cafeteria or join Online.

Here is the AGENDA to download.

For InPerson:
We will be meeting in St. Clare's Parish Hall/Cafeteria doors should be opened around 6:30pm.
For Online:
The Online link will open at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.
You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853
One-touch: tel: +16467493122,,372718853#

Important Volunteer opportunities:

Pancake Breakfast at St. John Fisher, Oct 23rd. Volunteers needed, contact Mike Devlin, @ 

Fr. Jim Galluzzo Toiletry Kits for the Homeless, November 13th, St. Clare Parish Office basement, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Volunteers needed, contact Tom Owens, @

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Do not forget to let Gene know about your good works

 We were just talking about this last night in the Officer's meeting!  From the Oregon State Council:

"In 2021-2022, Knights stepped up with more than 48 million hours of volunteer service. Each one makes the world a better place - and helps form men of greater purpose and service. A higher calling summons you each and every moment, and hour. Learn more at"
How do we know this number for the entire order? In December and January, we ask men to fill out a survey about the volunteering work they do. That gets turned in as a part of our annual survey as a council. All councils turn this in, and it takes this long to process them all. By doing this survey, we justify our status as a 501c(8) nonprofit.
EVERYTHING you do as a Knight counts, even if it is a more individual volunteering opportunity like being Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound, helping out a neighbor, or being there for a suffering friend. Think Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy- it all counts. Sure, sometimes we're involved in very showy things like a breakfast at Mass or like what the Polish councils are doing for Ukrainian refugees, and those matter too, but those are reported in a different way. So let us know when that survey comes out in December.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Exemplification Scheduled For Saturday,,October 8

We have an exemplification scheduled for Saturday, October 8, after the 5pm Mass at St Clare's.  While I believe we have all the reading parts covered, we could use two more volunteers for non-speaking parts.  Required dress code is a dark sports coat and tie.  Email if you can make it.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Fr. Richard is sick.

 HI Brother Knights,

I just learned this morning that Fr. Richard is in the hospital.  I was told that the Saturday evening mass may be canceled and there's uncertainty about tomorrow's masses.  I believe checking with the parish office may provide additional information.  (503) 244-4945  Please keep Fr. Richard in your prayers.


I just got an email from St. JF saying "There will be no 5:30 Mass on Sunday, October 2. " Which I interpret to mean that the other masses are still on.

On another note, I see too that the last edition of the Catholic Sentinel has just been published.  This periodical has been a centerpiece for Catholic information for 152 years.  It's sad to see it go and the high quality articles, editorials, photos and insights will be missed.