7 pm Call to Order
- Warden's Membership Check (waived)
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call of Officers
- Readings of Minutes posted 7/27/21 approved
7:05 pm GK's Remarks Marc Gregoire
- Our council won the Fr. McGivney Star Council Award this year
- Fr. Don Gutman sent us an email to thank us for the work that we did for St. Clare's Parish
- Information about Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose will be posted on our blog
- The first feast commemorating Fr. McGivney was held on August 13, 2021
- The Service Program Personnel Report and the Semi-Annual Personnel Report are done
7:10 pm For the Good of the Order Mike O'Phelen
Mike O'Phelan was late because he was trying to assist a patients who was nearing the end of their physical life. The main point that he outlined was 'Christ is always with us. He feels our pain when we are sick and when we suffer'. Mike reviewed the reasons why Death with Dignity is wrong;
dying a moral death with Christ's help is a part of our salvation. He reviewed Christ's statement to Apostle Thomas, 'Blessed are those who haven't seen me, but believe in me'.
7:20 pm Treasurer's Report Mike Devlin
Checking Account Beginning balance July 20, 2021 $1,401.79
Add income
Less income
Checking Account Ending balance August 17, 2021 $1,401.79
Unity Savings balance $ 543.67
Charity Savings balance 10.67
2 uncashed checks for
the Mt. Angel Abbey Floor Donation fund:
$100.00 and $350.00
7:25 pm Financial Secretaries Report Phil Jarvis
Christopher Seeber is our new member and we issued him a name badge. All forms that were due have been seen into State.
7:40 pm Committees Program Director Gene Andres, "Nothing new to report."
- St. Clare Parish Ted Seeber & Mike O'Phelan The parish picnic is cancelled. Masks are required at mass and we might have to sign up to attend mass in the near future because of the Delta variant.
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary Marc Gregoire Masks are required at Mass.
- St. John Fisher Gene Andres & Mike Devlin Masks are required at Mass.
- Faith Director Don Mey Nothing new to report; Fr. Don at family reunion.
- Community Direct Michael Chau Nothing new to report.
- Family Director Ted Seeber Whiskey Creek Fishing outing cancelled.
- Membership Director Ted Seeber Haven't started enrolling new members. He bought $100.00 worth of blueberries from his brother for future breakfasts'.
- Retention Director Mike O'Phelen All members have been retained.
8:10 pm K of C New Business
James M. Morgan, No Neighbor Left Behind: I contacted all of the members and everyone stated that they were doing well.
Tom Owens reported that he was working with Susan Gallagher who has been coordinating the Mt. Angel Abbey floor repair project. He will give us some better information at our next
We have not heard from Seminarians Marcos & Jonah probably because they are on summer
We don't have a new District Deputy - who is needed to swear in officers.
Tom Owens asked for a donation of a laptop and a printer for two of the Vietnamese he is working with.
8:25 pm Sick or In Distress
- For Sue Cook who committed suicide.
- For Shannon Seeber who is being diagnosed for possible physical problems
- For Crystal Wood who suffered a stroke.
- For Marc Gregoire's sister-in-law who has cancer.
- For all medical doctors, nurses, and frontline workers fighting this pandemic,
If you are having money issues because of the Pandemic or related loss of work, call Marc Gregoire to adjust your K of C dues.
God bless the work of the council and its members, and grant eternal peace to the souls of departed members.
8:30 pm Closing Prayer
Prayer for the canonization of Michael J. McGivney.