7 pm Call To Order
- Warden's Membership Check
- Prayer: Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call of Officers
- Readings of Minutes: Minutes were approved.
7:05 pm GK'S RMemarks: Marc Gregoire
Marc discussed the recent efforts of our council to interest other K of C Councils get involved in our
Mt. Angel Abbey Monks Refectory floor project.
State Officer, Dan Boone, will step out of office on June 2021.
Fraternal Benefits Nights: needs another member.
Forms Due: Applying for a SP-7 Columbian Award Application. Gene Andres should have all of
the other forms that we need sent in ready by the end of June.
7:10 pm For The Good Of The Order - Mike O'Phelan
Mike O'Phelan pointed out how important pray is in our lives, and he stressed the importance of
praying often. He also stressed the fact that we should pray for our country; "under God" is crucial to our freedom. He went on to suggest that although we have to accept secular life, we
know the difference between right and wrong and we are expected to make the right choices:
choices that affect us and others have to be right. As Catholics and members of the K of C we represent Christ. Mike finished his talk with the knowledge that
'There are a lot of storms in our lives, but we can use them to grow'.
7:20 pm Treasurer's Report - Mike Devlin
Beginning checking balance $1,477.19
2 dues payments $ 70.
Mt. Angel floor donation $100.
Bill to Mt. Abbey paid $100
Current Checking Account Balance $1,547.19
Unity Savings Account $543.63
Charity Savings Acct. 10.67
Outstanding checks (Mt. Abbey Flooring check) $100
same as above $350
7:30 pm Committees - Program Director Gene Andres Nothing planned just finishing up paperwork
Parish & School Updates
- St. Clare Parish - Ted Seeber & Mike O'Phelan: We got rid of mass sign-up, but continue to wear a mask.
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary - Marc Gregoire: Same as St. Clare Parish.
- St. John Fisher - Gene Andres & Mike Devlin: If you have been vaccinated no mask is required.
Faith Director - Don Mey Absent, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Community Director - Michael Chau: Nothing new.
Life Director: Ted Seeber: Gene Andres will pick up baby bottles to turn in on 6/16/21.
Family Director: Ted Seeber: His son, Christopher will become a Knight on 6/20/21.
Membership Director: Ted Seeber: Nothing to report from effort to get new members in June.
Retention Chairman: Mike O'Phelan: Proclaimed a Knight Alert RE: Non-paid dues.
7:40 pm - K of C Business
- James M. Morgan reported everyone was contacted and doing well!
- Tom Owens was unavailable to give up a report on our Mt. Angel New Floor project.
- Ted Seeber hashed out our recent new member drive and our up-coming Exemplification service on June 20, 2021 after the 8:30 am mass at St. Clare Parish.
- Nothing new on proposed Special Needs Mass.
7:50 pm - Marc Gregoire led critique of "I Heard God Laugh" - Part II.
Mike O'Phelan pointed out something during that discussion that I thought was interesting: He
said, 'God answers prayers in 3 ways: YES; NOT YET; AND I HAVE SOMETHING BETTER FOR YOU". It was mutually agreed that we should pray 10 minutes a day, or more; and during our prayer, we should ask God what he wants.
8:10 pm New Business
- Vote on new officers for the next term.
- File election results with the State.
- New Officers will take over on 7/31/2021.
- We will have another teleconference in July 2021.
- Members who have lost their jobs or who are having financial difficulties can have their dues adjusted.
8:20 pm Dan Boone, our District Deputy will retire after June 30, 2021.
8:25 pm Prayer for the Sick and Those in Distress:
- Paul Pompili's brother, who fell from a ladder.
- Mike O'Phelan's wife Mary.
- Ted Seeber's father.
- Peter Cullen.
- Michael Chau's grandmother.
- Phil Jarvis' family.
- All medical and front line workers fighting the Covid Pandemic.
- Those in need of the Lord's help.
God bless the work of the Council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of departed members.
Closing Prayer: Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney