Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Join us for pro-life rosary at First Saturday Adoration

First Saturday Adoration is on again at St. Clare's, missed last month due to snow.  February 4th,1pm-4pm in the West Transept of the Church.  Pro-life Rosary will be offered by our council at 3pm, Benediction will be offered by Deacon Bill at 3:45pm.  Come join us visiting with Our Lord, then stick around and help set up for the breakfast!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Still need to hear from volunteers for the Breakfast

Still need to hear from volunteers for the Breakfast.  Ted's heard from some of you, but not all.  We especially need help with the 7am-10:30am shift; this is where we expect to serve most of the Breakfasts, as it is a Children's Choir day.

If you're willing to do the Judas Shuffle to give us a head's up for communion, you can even attend Mass, during either shift (we have plenty of men who work both shifts to handle the quiet period).

E-mail Ted Seeber

Update on Robert Van Domelen

Our brother Knight, Robert Van Domelen of Hillsboro Council 1634, Past State Warden (1974-1975) and brother of our own Jim, had reduced circulation in his legs over the weekend, and went to OHSU.  While waiting to be admitted, a clot broke loose and he had a stroke.  He's at OHSU for now, and will eventually go to a rehab center in Woodburn.  He turns 75 on February 7.  Please pray for the Van Domelen family and for Robert's recovery.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Prayer Request from Judy Van Domelen

I am asking for prayers for my brother in law.  He was admitted to OHSU January 9 with blood clots in both legs.  He had a stroke later in the evening while waiting for surgery.  He is in ICU, they are trying to get him stable enough to go to a rehab and then eventually  surgery for the clots in his legs.  I am asking all you prayer warriors to offer up healing prayers for my brother in law.  
Thank you,
Judy Van Domelen

9 Days for Life, Day 9, USCCB

January 29, 2017
For God’s peace to fill the hearts of all who travel upon the path of adoption.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us to “hold fast to the hope that lies before us. This we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm” (Heb 6:18-19). We pray that all who are involved in the adoption process would be filled with the hope of Christ and “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding” (Phil 4:7). We also remember that we too can cling fast to this anchor of hope, for we have received “a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’” (Rom 8:15). May our loving Father envelop each of us in his love today and open our eyes in faith that we may see and rejoice in his love. 
Acts of Reparation (choose one)
One Step Further 

Maya*, who placed her child for adoption, gives nine suggestions for offering ongoing support in “Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption.” In “An Adoption Love Story,” Jenny* shares her and her husband’s story of adopting their son, Andrew. Read about some of the challenges, concerns, and joys on their journey in this article. (supplemental reference information)
Click the image to download,
then share using the hashtag #9DaysforLife!

(To also share today's prayer & action guide, 
include the following link in your post: http://bit.ly/2017day9)

*Names changed for privacy.
NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.
Did You Know?
The Respect Life Program brochures are available for order and for free download to use as bulletin inserts, handouts, and more!
Hope after Abortion

Saturday, January 28, 2017

9 Days for Life, Day 8, USCCB

January 28, 2017
For an end to the use of the death penalty in our country.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be

As Catholics, we believe and put our hope in a merciful and loving God. We are conscious of our own brokenness and need for redemption. Our Lord calls us to imitate him more perfectly by witnessing to the inherent dignity of every person, including those whose actions have been despicable. Our faith and hope is in the mercy of God who says to us, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Mt 5:7) and “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13). As Christians we are called to oppose the culture of death by witnessing to something greater and more perfect: a gospel of life, hope and mercy.

Acts of Reparation (choose one)
  • Do something nice for someone else without being asked or telling anyone. Pray for him or her while you do so.
  • Read about a Church teaching you don't understand in the Catechism.
  • Read about the life of a modern saint. You might be surprised by how much you have in common with him or her.
One Step Further
For some people who are committed to upholding the sanctity of human life, the death penalty can present a challenge. Properly understood, however, Catholic teaching against the death penalty is both persuasive and eminently pro-life. Find out why in “Life Matters: A Catholic Response to the Death Penalty.”
Click the image to download,
then share using the hashtag #9DaysforLife!

(To also share today's prayer & action guide,
include the following link in your post: http://bit.ly/2017day8)
NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.
Order copies of this prayer card and other Respect Life Program materials in the USCCB Store!

Friday, January 27, 2017

9 Days for Life, Day 7, USCCB

January 27, 2017
May those who long for a child of their own be filled with trust in God’s loving plan.


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


It can be very difficult and painful when the Lord doesn’t answer our prayers the way we hope. We may have many doubts and questions, wondering why we face the challenges that we do. Yet even though our suffering is often shrouded in a sense of mystery, we believe that the Lord loves us with great tenderness and compassion that is beyond our imagination. Knowing this, we can trust that “all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28). 
Acts of Reparation (choose one)
  • Smile. Ask God today for the grace to be extra joyful and share Christ’s love with those who need encouragement the most today. 
  • Today, pray the Rosary, or even just a decade, for someone who has hurt or disappointed you, and ask for the grace to forgive that person. (Pro-Life Rosary Prayer Intentions
  • We can sometimes forget how blessed we are to have many of our daily comforts. Give up sleeping with your pillow tonight.
One Step Further
Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility” seeks to provide compassionate guidance that is both practical and informative for married couples who are walking on this road. Although geared to such couples, the article is also helpful for anyone to read, offering insight into the experience of infertility and giving awareness of the need for sensitivity in our relationships with those who may be affected.

NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.
Click the image to download,
then share using the hashtag #9DaysforLife!

(To also share today's prayer & action guide,
include the following link in your post: http://bit.ly/2017day7)
Hope after Abortion