Thank you to all who volunteered at the extremely busy breakfast at St. Clare's on Divine Mercy Sunday. I have the following statistics and lessons learned to report.
First of all- the money.
We took in $803 in cash, $35 in Venmo, $95 in credit card donations, for a gross take of $933.00
Ted's business passed $94.09 on to the bank account, $.91 was eaten in credit card processing fees. This is a small enough amount that Information-R-Us will continue to offer credit card processing with the next breakfast- better signage will be created before then.
Total expenses, including credit card processing, was $298.45, for a net of $634.55.
We lost track of number of breakfasts served- at least 206. Ted was expecting less than 200 and only put 200 plates out. We also let the restocking cart run out of silverware during the 10:45 Mass- Ted will be asking for a volunteer next breakfast at St. Clare's to take over overseeing coffee and busing tables for both masses.
On shopping, Ken Paulsen did most of it and should have done all of it; Ted tried to use Christopher's Fred Meyer discount on the sausages, but we ended up spending about $1.80 per bag over advertised price at Winco. We bought 600 sausages, had 3 bags left which we will use for next breakfast (had one bag from a previous breakfast for a total of 650- so the proper amount going forward at St. Clare's is 500 sausages). We purchased 480 eggs and used 384, the remainder 96 eggs were broken down into 8 cartons and donated to SVDP. Since we buy in 5 dozen boxes- and used 32 dozen, recommended buy from here on out will be 35 dozen for St. Clare's breakfasts.
Thank you greatly to Roger Hebling, Christopher Seeber, James Michael Morgan, Rich Digregorio and Shannon Seeber for helping Ted set up.
Scott Young flipped pancakes for us again and mixed up 4 tubs of batter- I did not hear if we ran out or not but we only had a couple ziplock bags of pancakes left over.
Paul Pommpili, Gene Andres, Michael Chau and Daniel Salomon did a good job on the serving line.
Mike O'Phelan did his normal great job on the eggs.
Dan and Jazlyn were on coffee and orange juice, while Tom Owens and Oanh Nugyen did a good job resetting tables between the masses.
Don Mey and Mike Devlin kept up nicely on the dishes and helped with cleanup at the end, along with Rich Digregorio.
Thank you all for your hard work! This was a large and stressful breakfast. But it resulted in 2 new candidates for the Knights, whom we will see this Saturday at 5pm Mass at St. Clare's for a CUF degree!
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