7:00 pm - Call to Order
• Warden’s Membership Check
GK- excused
DGK- Excused
Treasurer Present online
FS Present
Chan Present and acting GK
10 members present for voting strength
• Prayer - Our Father
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll Call of Officers
• Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (January)
approved unanimously
๏ 7:05 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)? (Michael O’Phelan)
• Welcome Deacon Bill!
• Member Challenge
• Blog / Calendar
๏ 7:05 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
1919.98 start, + dues - donations paid = 1728.58 Faternity 544.03 Unity 5.71 Charity
๏ 7:10 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers) Dues received, 4. Audit is overdue, no correspondence
๏ 7:15 pm - Committees
• Program Director - (Gene Andres)?
• Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey)
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin)
• Faith Director (Mike O’Phelan)- Fr. Don and Deacon Bill leading us greatly in Lent, listen to the gift of the Holy Spirt
• Community Director (Michael Chau)- Conestoga Camera photography
• Family Director (Ted Seeber)
• Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
• Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
๏ 7:17 pm - KofC Business
• No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Rich DiGregorio)- Got 8 people to the meeting, had to leave a lot of messages
• Fraternal Benefits Event - Webinar Feb. 23rd @ 7:30 PM CST and Feb.
28th @ 8:30 PM CST. Sign up on Blog post, dated 2/03/2023.
• Pancake Breakfasts - St. Clare, confirmed for March 5th. St. John
Fisher, confirmed for Mar 19th. Volunteers see (Ted Seeber/Mike Devlin)
• KofC / Peace & Justice ministries to host @ St. Clare - Lenten Soup
Supper and Stations of the Cross; Friday, March 31st, volunteers
needed (Don Mey)
• 115th Oregon State Convention - April 21-23 Hermiston, Or. Delegate
registration due by April 1st. Who is interested in attending?
Ted Seeber and Christopher Seeber elected as Delegate
๏ 7:19 pm - New Business
• Open Discussion
---- 7:19 pm - For the Good of the Order (Mike O’Phelan)
๏ 7:19pm For the Good of the Order- look inside ourselves and look to where we've failed, where we can grow- go to confession for Ash Wednesday- Christ and the Priest always forgives- this is not our home, our home is in eternity. Repent and Be Glad . Have a Happy Lent
๏ 7:30pm - “Holy Moments” Part 3 The Divine Plan (Pages 61-96).
Group leaders; Ted Seeber, Mike O’Phelan
• What idea in part 3 stood out the most for you? Why?
• With all the messy things happening in the world today, what is there that
gives you hope?
• Do you see a difference between hope and optimism? If so, what? Give an
• How can we convert one of the Beatitudes into Holy Moments or virtues?
Can you give an example?
• How can you and I transform our culture one Holy Moment at a time? Give
an example?
๏ 7:45pm - Sick or in Distress – Hail Mary
Mike Devlin, Mark Larson, James Morgan, RIP Kim Kennedy, For the family of Ray Nelke, Roger's Wife's friend died this week but decided not to go to North Dakota in light of the Storm of the Century. Let us pray for all those mentioned and those who will be harmed in this storm.
• God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal
peace to the souls of departed members.
๏ 8:30pm - Closing Prayer – Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney