7 a.m. Grand Knight Marc Gregoire called meeting to order.
The meeting was a teleconference. It was opened with: the Lord's Prayer, followed by The Pledge of Allegiance. We skipped Roll call of officers and the Membership check. The previous-meeting minutes were approved.
7:05 a.m.
The Grand Knight Remarks included:
Welcome everyone; Congratulations to the Essay $50.00 Contest Winner, Gabriella, and best wishes in state and national contests. It was noted that in this months Agenda, you can find a link to the K of C Convention and the Pope's message to the Knights. As a result of Ted Seeber's efforts, our council won the Star Council Award. Our Semi-Annual Audit was completed online. And we discussed the Former Service Program Personnel (Gregoire, Andres, Chau, and Seeber) who need to complete their training.
Forms Due
The Essay Kit (9/1/20) can be downloaded, and the semi-annual circle status & audit does not apply to our council.
7:15 p.m.
For the Good of the Order was skipped because Michael O'Phelan was absent.
7:20 p.m.
The Treasurer, Mike Devlin, and the Financial Secretary,Phil Jarvis, made their reports.
OUR CHECKING ACCOUNT began the month with $983.69. No Bills. Received $500.00 from food for families. New balance was $1590.94
Our charity account had a balance of $543. The council elected to give All incoming donations of $500.00 to the Warm Springs Reservation who has suffered water-well problems and Covid-19 problems. (The day after the meeting, additional donations came in, final check to Warm Springs was for $600)
7:30 p.m.
Committees Director, Gene Andres, Report
Marcos Alvarad, a seminarian that we supported, wrote an appeal for seminarian support in the Catholic Paper. Next week we will discuss, "should we assist Marcos again?", and should we contribute money to St. John Fisher's confirmation classes.
Parish Updates
St. Clare/Ted Seeber said 50 people can attend any mass if you sign up on https://www.saintclarechurch.org/
St. Elizabeth/Marc Gregoire reported nothing new to report at this time.
St. John Fisher/Gene Andres had a meeting with Fr. Richard and offered K of C support if needed. Mike Devlin suggested that we offer financial assistance for their Confirmation Classes.
Faith Director Don Mey was absent.
Community Director Michael Chau didn't have anything to offer at this time.
Life Director, Ted Seeber, re-interated that we got 1 new member last month.
Family Director, Ted Seeber, said it's important to have daily family prayer sessions.
Membership Director, Ted Seeber, said the Bottle Exchange licensing requirements for a charity have not been met yet. Phil Jarvis said he would take bottles to St. John Fisher or we could give bottles to Catholic Charities. At present, our council has a 501c8 charity license.
Retention Chairman, Michael O'Phelan absent.
7:50 p.m.
K of C Business
No Neighbor Left Behind / James Morgan contacted members by email and phone, and stated that our members did a wonderful job raising money to help the Warm Springs Reservation.
Linda Collins who resides at 753 Nicole Drive in West Linn 97068 is asking for HELP ASAP to move back to Portland. Her Phone no. is 503.266.1689
State Officer Dan Boone commented that there will be a Fraternal Benefits seminar on 9/16/2020; that we should run a membership drive in our church bulletin, and that there are no required programs for the Columbia Reward.
Recorder: James M. Morgan/ JamesM.Morgan18@gmail.com /503.320.1510