Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mother's Day Flower Sale

On Mother's Day, Sunday May 14, The Knights will be selling carnations after Sunday masses at St. Clare & St. John Fisher.  The proceeds of the sale will be donated to benefit Mother and Child Education Center - which is a pro-life organization dedicated to helping pregnant women.

We've ordered more flowers than in past years and will need several volunteers to assist in the sale after each mass at each parish.  Please sign up to assist after the mass you plan to attend.  - Contact Ted for St. Clare ( or Ken for St. John Fisher (  It takes very little time, and it benefits a very worthy cause. 


Next Breakfast in 7 days!

May 7th is our next breakfast at St. Clare's! Setup will be 6pm-8pm Saturday, May 6th. Normal shifts available to volunteer May 7th- 8am-10:30am, 11:30am-2pm, and 8am-2pm. Contact Ted Seeber to volunteer

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Thanks to all those who volunteered to serve breakfast at St. John Fisher this morning.

Deacon Scott opened the school kitchen early - followed by Ted delivering supplies from our storage closet and Ken bringing in the groceries.

Soon, youth group members joined us - William Weber with his father Rick (from the Tigard council) and other youth group members Kyle and Patrick.

Marc Gregoire, Phil Jarvis with his wife Donna, Mike Devlin, Paul Pompili, Michael Chau and Tom Owens pitched in with cooking, serving and cleaning.

Thanks to all who helped and all who ate.
From Ted and Phil- Gross was $256,  net $144.  Good job all!  Next breakfast in 2 weeks at St. Clare's.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

As mentioned by GK at the meeting- Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortion in Oregon

Monday, April 17, 2017

Meeting Minutes for Monday April 17, 2017

Roll Call
 GK- Present
FS- Present
DGK- Present
Chan- present
Recorder- Excused
Treasurer- Present
Advocate- Present
Warden- Present
IG- Excused
OG- Absent
1 year trustee Present
2 year trustee Present
3 year trustee Excused

 10 Officer 11 Brothers

 Chaplain- thank you for the help with St. Clare's Easter Egg Hunt Previous Minutes Approved with minor corrections. (Spelling of April in third to last line)

 Grand Knight's Remarks: Had the distinct privilege over Easter serving with Archbishop Sample. From that, my take away was that the reason people don't understand the Mass, is because they don't understand the Church- and by extension, they don't understand Jesus Christ. The Knights are very much the hands and feet of the Boby of Christ. He is God incarnate in us, we want to be the Body of Christ for others. Encounter Christ, be changed- go out and preach what Christ Preaches.

 Treasurer's Report. $1696.41 start $1039.41 end $500 donation to Dan Mac $10 to Tim Crimmins $351.50 Oregon Council Per Capita $200 St Clare Breakfast Stipend

 Financial Secretary: Food for Families due Breakfast Check from October at SJF was lost. Will roll into next Breakfast Check. For the Good of the Order: Easter- Jesus Christ is Risen, He is Alive. Poem read in honor of Lectuerer's Father. Meagan O'Rourke "In Sync".

-Pancake Breakfasts April 23 SJF, May 7 St. Clare
-Divine Mercy Cards "Silent Recruitment Drive" April 22/23 both Parishes

 New Business 
-This Saturday; Archbishop Sample is coming to SJF to "Bless the Rose Festival", with all the Princesses.  Planting two Rose Bushes.
- Stop Funding Abortion Initiative Ballot Signature Gathering
-Maintenance Help- Jenny Holden- Mowing/fix-its
-Dan Mac appreciation and thank you
-Carnation Sales May 13-14 both parishes, Baby Bottle Drive at SJF
-Fr. McGivney Guild Newsletter mentioned.  Pray for Physical Aliments to help him become a Saint.

State Deputy Report
Columbian Award For Ken Paulsen
Oregon State KofC Charities Raffle is now online:
State Convention is spread out- you really will get to see the sights.  Old St. Francis Church, New St. Francis Church, Powell Butte

Next Meeting Scheduled for May 15, 7pm

Prayer Requests:  Daniel's Employment, Education.  Prayers for Daniel's Parents in a challenging housing situation.  Prayers for Bonnie and Bob Owens.

Queen of Heaven Rejoice Alleluia Final prayer

Meeting Adjouned 7:55pm

K/C Breakfast at St. John Fisher this Sunday 4-23

Hello Brother Knights!

We're planning a breakfast feast for next Sunday at St. John Fisher.  We'll have two shifts:

Set-Up Shift from 8am to 10:30am (includes serving after the 9am mass)

Clean-Up Shift from 10:20 - 1pm (includes serving after the 11am mass)

Sign up for one or both.  We can use lots of help although the youth group will also pitch in and help us.   It's always lots of fun - and a free meal for all who help!!!

In addition to the serving line staff (serving pancakes, sausages, eggs, fruit, beverages & condiments) we need pancake & egg chefs, table setup / cleanup / coffee & beverage mixologists / dishwashers & friendly faces. 

Please sign up... especially if you haven't served at a breakfast recently.  You'll find it's worth the time spent - especially considering this is Divine Mercy Sunday.    

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Two more Sunday Morning volunteers needed at St. Clare's

If you could either stay after 8:30am Mass for about 20 minutes on Easter Sunday, or come at 9:30 for 10:45 Mass on Easter Sunday, contact Ted Seeber, I have a really easy volunteer job for you- being a crossing guard behind the school for children wishing to participate in the Easter Egg hunt. Once the hunt is over and the kids are all down having coffee and donuts with their parents, the job is over.

A Blessed Triduum leading into Knights action

My Dear Brother Knights,
  A Blessed Triduum to you and your family.  May these holy days draw us closer to Christ and his Church, and inspire us to share the Good News with the world.

  We have our monthly Council meeting on Monday, April 17 at 7 pm at St. Clare.  I hope to see you all there.

  On the following Sunday (Divine Mercy), we are busy.  At both parishes we will be handing out Divine Mercy cards with an attached notice about the Knights.  We also are hosting a pancake breakfast at St. John Fisher.  If you are able to help, please contact me.

  As an added bonus, Jim Stahl, one of our brothers, is the prime minister of the Royal Rosarians.  He has arranged for Archbishop Sample to bless the Rose Festival at St. John Fisher Church on Saturday, April 22nd at 11 am.  It would be nice to have the Knights show up in support.

  God bless.

Deacon Scott

Saturday, April 1, 2017

An invitation to join Knights of Columbus

Welcome to our page for John Clare Council 15485, covering St. Clare's and St. John Fisher in Southwest Portland, OR. If you have come here from scanning the QR code on a response card, business card, or other attachment to the Divine Mercy Card you received at Mass, please watch the video and then email with your contact information to be invited to a family information meeting soon.

All male members of St. Clare or St. John Fisher over the age of 18 are eligible to join the Knights of Columbus! We save lives and we change lives. Come find out how!