Did you know
the parish website
includes a special
section called
Family Living?
Go to www.saintclarechurch.org and click the “Family
Living” icon at the bottom of the webpage for tips and
tools to help your family integrate the faith into daily
life. A new article will be posted on Aug. 3: Knowing
the Church leads to knowing Christ by Archbishop
Peter Sartain of the Archdiocese of Seattle.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
St. Clares wants to say thanks to all volunteers
And Knights of Columbus is an approved ministry of the parish. Come let Fr. Steve and the Parish Staff show their appreciation August 11, from 5-7pm.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Petition for Pope Francis's Laudato Sii
We prayed the prayer for an authentic human ecology at the end of our meeting on Monday, and now I get in my email an online petition calling for the attention of the world's leaders on an authentic human ecology. This concept, blending Catholic Pro-Life, Catholic Social Teaching, and environmental teachings together, began under Pope Benedict XVI and is continuing quite strongly under Pope Francis. I urge you to consider signing.
Ted Seeber, Past Charter Grand Knight.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Minutes From Meeting July 20, 2015
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2015
St. Clare Office Fireside Room
- 7:00pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
Chaplain N/A
Grand Knight Present
Deputy Grand Knight Present
Chancellor Present
Financial Secretary Present
Recorder Excused
Treasurer Present
3 year Trustee Present
2 year Trustee Present
1 year Trustee Present
Lecturer Present
Advocate Present
Warden Present
Inside / Outside Guards Excused
- Previous Minutes Posted to the web
- 7:10pm Officer Installation
District Deputy Dave Saunders - 7:25pm Grand Knight’s Remarks
It is an honor to be elected as Grand Knight. Nice things said about PGK Ted Seeber. We are still a young council, this is a pivotal year. GK am optimistic. Remarks made about the Knights Leadership Conference in Salem. We are a visible arm of the Catholic Church. We carry a big responsibility. We can have a big effect on our council, churches, and the population as a whole. Please read what your job is and what you are supposed to be. I have historically not been a good leader. I will try to be a good leader for this council. At this workshop I would like to recognize Dave Saunders for DD getting 178% of quota. Polinus answered a lot of questions, won a tie. I want to emphasize Charity, Unity and Fraternity. We want to help our parishes and help ourselves. A pivotal year where we can really make a difference. Star Council requirements were brought up. Oregon Baptism Pin Program was brought up. GK challenge you to ask one man a month to join. - 7:30pm Treasurer’s Report/FS Report
July 20 Treasurers report Checking $1705.33.
Deposits: Movie night $16.
Food for Families $500.
Dividends $.08
Other accounts Unity $541.29. Charity $40.07
FS. Two members shorter- Kevin Hagan has left us, Rodney Miyamoto was unable to be found after 2 years. $27.42 for Catholic Advertising/Pro-Life Check in process to Supreme. Still have 7 members who have not paid their dues. Columbian Award has been approved. Audit Report presented and signed. Trustees are supposed to go back to the bank statements and vouchers to double check. Summer Session of the State Convention was quite moving. A Lutheran Pastor, now a Knight- spoke to us in firey language and quite too the point. Many uplifting and encouraging things. Form 100s have changed. Supreme has instituted a new process and we will have to work through it. Form 365 needs people appointed. State would like some personal information. - 7:35pm For the Good of the Order
Mike O'Phalen Two items tonight. Reading from Guideposts on Service. Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus' Mother and Brothers. - 7:45pm Committee Reports
- Life
- Community
- Junque & Jewels
10 of our brothers donated nearly 30 hours of time, between setup, teardown, and working the sale, $15,000 was earned for St. Clare's Parish - Movie Night: Is continuing with small audiences. Next month is Toy Story. As this is a movie about fraternity, we will be inviting lapsed Knights to an ice cream social for the movie night.
- 8:00pm New Business
- St. Clare's Parish Picnic
Motion was given and passed a vote to use our own private grills for hamburgers and a turkey fryer for cooking hot dogs. - Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine at the Grotto
Patroness of the Americas, Patroness of the Unborn. We are pro-life so we support this. It will be at the Grotto, the National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother. September 20th at Noon. Groundbreaking and freewill donation lunch. Working on Fraternity and Unity. Charity Unity and Fraternity are covered by the Knights of Columbus. Brother Doug Kline is the mastermind behind the project. Click here to donate, then click on the Knights Symbol. You can also come to a meeting at St. Henry's on July 26th. Supreme may yet get involved as well. There will be a plaque on the inside of the building that says "Donated by the Knights of Columbus of Oregon. FS: Proposed to send out an e-mail with the link through Supreme e-mail. Motion carries, FS will take care of it.
Worthy Advocate Marc Gregoire has offered $250 matching donation if the Council will consider a council donation next month. - 8:18 pm District Deputy/State Officers
Our Worthy DD gave us a report of the FS meeting and Member Management. - 8:25pm Sick or in Distress: Ted's wife Shannon, going in for surgery on Wednesday. Brother-in-law of Pastoral Council chair Theresa Duda. Gary Stump and Burt Guilione from 3591 Council. Our Council. Fr. Frank Campbell from Central Catholic is dying.
- 8:30pm Laudato Sii Prayer
- No First Degree.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Meeting July 20
Meeting Agenda
July 20, 2015
St. Clare Office Fireside Room
- 7:00pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Roll Call, Reading of Previous Minutes
- 7:10pm Officer Installation
- 7:25pm Grand Knight’s Remarks
- 7:30pm Treasurer’s Report/FS Report
- 7:35pm For the Good of the Order
- 7:45pm Committee Reports
- Life
- Community
- Junque & Jewels
- Movie Night
- 8:00pm New Business
- St. Clare's Parish Picnic
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine at the Grotto
- 8:15 pm District Deputy/State Officers
- 8:20pm Sick or in Distress:
- 8:25pm Laudato Sii Prayer
- A first degree DVD video may be presented after the meeting.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
A preview of coming attractions from Catholic Sentinel
Coming to either our July or August meeting: Knights Council in Gresham spearheads Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine at the Grotto
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