The Challenger games keep getting later, my only chance to get Christopher to Mass is 5pm Saturday, and we've got the setup for the breakfast. And I'm going to have to ask somebody else to do Rosary at Adoration at St. Clare's.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Monday, May 27, 2024
A Drizzly Day in Columbia Park: Ed Kiyoi Memorial Jamboree, Challenger Baseball
Here are the videos from the Ed Kiyoi Memorial Jamboree. It was a Drizzly Day in Columbia Park in Troutdale. Thank you to Dan Riechers, Erik Riechers, Michael Chau, and Ted Seeber for braving the rain to record the games.
Little League Field 3- Oregon District 4 Mariners vs East County
Senior League Field 1- Oregon District 4 Cubs vs Vancouver Giant A's
Senior League Field 2- Oregon District 4 Angels and A's vs Vancouver Dodgers
Senior League Field 3- Oregon District 4 Dodgers vs Vancouver Mariners
Friday, May 24, 2024
St. Clare Breakfast June 2
As usual, we'll be doing three shifts:
Saturday June 1 6pm-8pm setup
Sunday June 2 7:30am-10:45 am depending on the job, some can arrive later, plenty of spots available
Sunday June 2 10:30am-2pm depending on the job, some can arrive later, plenty of spots available
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Challenger Little League Jamboree Schedule
Junque and Jewells Volunteer Signup
It's coming.
Sign-up to volunteer at St. Clare's Junque & Jewels Rummage Sale at https://stclarepdx.ivolunteer.
Meeting notes 5-21-2024
KofC Council 15485 Hybrid Meeting
May 21st, 2024
Hybrid Meeting
7:00 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:03 pm - Warden’s Membership
- Roll Call of Officers
- GK - Present
- DGK- Absent
- Chan-Present
- Treasurer- Present
- Adv - Present
- FS - Present
- 3YT - Excused
- 2YT - Excused
- 1YT - Present
- Warden- Present
- Recorder-Present
- OG-Present
- IG- Present
- Voting Strength: 13 total members
7:05 pm - Reading / Approval of minutes April minutes Approved
7:08 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- 116th Convention Message
- We NEED new members- people dying to get out.
- Star Council Update
- We are on track for Star Council
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- Membership Challenge- Ask to Join!
7:15 pm - District Deputy Remarks (Mark Larson)
- Get the Reports done!
- COR Initiative- How do we increase our faith.
- District 3 was fully represented
- Supreme nullified the one resolution we were worried about
- 4th Degree Assembly 1292 talked about Patriotic Degree
- 4th of July Parade
- Memorial Day Color Guard
- 4th Degree Meetings are a lot like a 3rd degree meeting
- Two hands serving the body of Christ
7:20 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- Fraternity Checking: $3166.01
- Unity Savings: $544.33
- Charity Savings: $ 5.71
- We have a number of outstanding expenses
- Report accepted
7:25 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Reichers)
- Transfers done brought us up to our 5
- Perspective Shared from the Convention- be proud of our Grand Knight
- Met GK Bill Seeber of Silverton Council
- Our District Deputy is well known in the state
- Report accepted into the record
7:30 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Met goal
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- We are about the same- will try to contact Knights who we Need to talk to
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
- Need to update phone list with new people
7:40 pm - Committees
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey)
- First Communion held
- Junque and Jewels
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin)
- Last Saturday of the Month Wine and Cheese- Will likely pass this month as it is Memorial Day Weekend
7:55 pm - KofC Business
- Final nominations and voting of Officers 2024/2025 slate. Voted on Slate- passed unopposed.
- Pancake Breakfast at SC 6/2, volunteers needed, see Ted Seeber.
- Pancake Breakfast at SJF 6/9, volunteers needed, see Mike Devlin.
- COR SC parish discussion groups “Beautiful Eucharist” to begin September, propose, once per month following the 8:30 AM and 10:45 PM Masses. Consider volunteering. SJF TBD. (Tom O, Michael O)
8:10 pm - KofC New Business
- Donation recommendations, ASAP - Mother and Child - $500.00
- Food for Families - The Francis Center - $500.00 (alternates, St. Vincent de Paul or St. Andre Bessette)
- RSVP - Bishop White Seminary- $500.00
- St. Andrew Nativity School - $500.00
- ASAP - Holy Family Catholic Clinic - $500.00.
- Note: donations to these recipients to date 2023/2024; M&C $500, St. ANS $500, HFCC $500, Mt. Angel $500(recipient TBD).
- Open Business
7:56 pm - “Beautiful Eucharist” book discussion.
8:28 pm - Closing Prayers
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- Millie Muoth
- Pat O'Phelan
- Shannon Seeber
- Michael Chau's Grandmother
- RIP GK Cousin Steve
- GK Cousin Peg
- Fr John McGrann
- RIP Wife of GK from Elizabeth Ann Seton Council
- For Daniel's mother and sister and Aunt Phylis
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
8:30 pm - Adjournment
Monday, May 20, 2024
Meeting Announcement Tuesday May 21, 2024
KofC John Clare Council Hybrid Meeting Tuesday 5/21/2024
The meeting on 5/21 will be in-person @ St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM, and on-line, meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Online information listed below. Meeting Highlights;
- Final call for Officer Nominations and vote for the 2024/2025 year .
- Recommendations for donations.
- Volunteer opportunities; Pancake Breakfast at St. Clare on 6/2, see Ted Seeber. Pancake Breakfast at St. John Fisher on 6/9, see Mike Devlin.
- Book discussion "Beautiful Eucharist":
1. In the introduction, Matthew Kelly explains that, for him, the Eucharist is the most important reason for him remaining a Catholic. What are some of the reasons for you remaining a Catholic?
2. What inspired you the most from reading the introduction and first chapter of this book? Why?
3. In chapter 2, Jackie Angel relates her turning point in moving from a bored, lukewarm young Catholic to one who experienced a true love of faith. She says it was that the Eucharist became real to her as the best way of uniting herself to Christ. How has the Eucharist enhanced your relationship with Jesus?
Here is the Agenda to download.
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Sunday, May 19, 2024
Challenger games from May 18
Here's the game video Michael Chau and Ted Seeber got for May 18:
Orioles vs Red Sox
And don't forget, we need help to record games at the Jamboree!
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Message from Challenger Baseball
Let’s play ball This Saturday 5/18, we will be hosted by Wilsonville Little League. It will be a bit cooler this time around but the sun will still be shining. Ensure your player have sun protection and water to keep them hydrated See you on the field! |
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
St Andrew Nativity Charity Luncheon
St. Andrew’s Nativity School in Portland is holding their promoting success fundraising luncheon on Tuesday June 4 with student-led tours of the school at 11 and the luncheon stating at 12. I would encourage you to come and see for yourselves the impressive impact that the school is having on the lives of low-income middle school students and their families. This Jesuit sponsored middle school is tuition free and enrolls minority students and those of recently immigrant families coming into Oregon. Please join me and several other Knights (Michael Chau and Oanh Nguyen) in supporting this effort. Open the website, see the introduction, go to the bottom row of pictures, click on Individual tickets and follow the directions. Call Tom Owens at 503.789.7313 for further information. Thanks.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Challenger Baseball videos from May 11
Thank You to Michael Chau, Gene Andres, and Ted Seeber for volunteering. All of the following links, which you can see on the blog, will open in You Tube. Subscribe and Like to get new games as they are posted.
Mariners vs Orioles
And finally, the league was invited for Youth Night at the Hillsboro Hops. Here's the video Michael got of that, with some sound drop-outs for them playing copyrighted music over the speakers.
Hillsboro Hops Event
Remember, we're going to need extra help on the 25th in Troutdale. The next game, May 18th, will be at Woods Middle School in Wilsonville. For both of these, if weather turns nasty in either direction, call Ted Seeber to see if the game is still on before heading out.
Flower Sale Success!
Slightly less successful than in the past, but what we didn't know is that we'd be competing with Unbound at SJF. Still, we more than made back expenses.
St. Clare Collections: $478
SJF Collections: $222
Total Collections $701
Cost of flowers: $355.28
Donation due to Mother and Child: $345.72
Thank you to Ken Paulsen for organizing the SJF drive, he writes:
Thanks goes to Gene, Paul, Mike and Scott who helped after masses. I'm
especially grateful to Paul who took on the 5:30 pm mass alone on Sunday
as I had forgotten to get there at the end of mass. (I lost track of
time at Our Mother's Day party.)
We had a guest priest this Sunday who represented the charity
"Unbound". It's a worthy cause that allows charitable people to sponsor
a disadvantaged person who lives in poverty. Their displays in the
Narthex garnered a lot of attention after mass and so we were a little
less prominent than we've been in the past. Left over flowers were
given out after the 5:30 pm mass.
At St Clares, thank you to Michael James Morgan, who took the North Door at 5pm Mass, Rich DiGregorio who took the West door at 5 pm Mass, Erik Riechers who took the North Door at 8:30am Mass, Dan Riechers who took the West Door at 8:30 AM Mass, Paul Reswebber who took the North Door at 10:45am Mass, Cheryl Vanek who took the West Door at 10:45am Mass, and Michael Chau who helped Ted Seeber at the East Door for all three Mass times.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
prayer request Ben Seeber
Monday, May 6, 2024
Mother's Day Flower Sales
We still need help at the 8:30 and 10:45 Masses at St. Clare's, contact Ted Seeber ( to volunteer at St. Clare's.
Contact Ken Paulsen ( ) to volunteer for a Mass at SJF.
Please be at your assigned door during announcements at the end of Mass- quite often people start leaving directly after the Eucharist.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Prayer Request - Stephen Miller
My cousin Steve has entered hospice in Sedona, AZ. He has battled cancer and a long recovery from a stroke the past few years. He has had another severe stroke this past week and the cancer has spread. Please join me in praying for his heavenly relief. Prayers as well for his wife Peg and their children and grandchildren.