Friday, September 30, 2022

From State Deputy Ray Prom

It's back.  Big and bold, if you've never gone to this men's conference sponsored by The Holy League and the Knights of Columbus, I highly recommend it.  The stories you will hear from the speakers are inspiring, and nothing beats 6am Rosary and Mass before the sun rises.


Sunday, September 25, 2022

From Fr. Jim

Sunday November 13th we will be putting the gift bags for the homeless together from 12 to 3 pm in St Clare’s office basement. 
We will be putting together 3000 gift bags.
Need help packing, counting and loading the boxes of gift bags.
If anyone can help that would be great 
Fr Jim

Please let Gene Andres know if you volunteer for this at

Friday, September 23, 2022

K of C Council 15485 September 20, 2022 James M. Morgan / Recorder


7 pm     Call to Order

  • Warden's Membership Check / waived Michael Chau is in Florida
  • Opening prayer Our Father
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call of Officers (Tom Owens & Michael Chau excused)
  • A motion to accept previous meetings minutes was made, seconded and accepted.
7:05 pm     Grand Knight Remarks   / Don Mey
  • Grand Knight, Don Mey, is implementing monthly Officer Meetings to schedule the agenda for our regular monthly meetings which are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
  • The Officer Meetings will be attended by the Grand Knight, the Deputy Grand Knight, the three trustees, the Financial Secretary and the Recorder.
  •  Since the previous Retention Chairman, Mike O'Phelan, has become the Faith Director, Dan Reichers will have to select a new Retention Chairman.
  • The GK joined Tom Owens, Paul Pompili, and Richard Digregorio for telephoning St. Clare's Parishioners to invite them to attend mass and the Church Picnic, and thanked them for their help.
  • The Grand Knight also thanked Ted and Chrisopher Seeber for setting up a Logo Booth for the children and Michael Chau for setting up a table that provided information about the Knights of Columbus.
7:15 pm     Treasurer's Report / Mike Devlin
  • Beginning Balance          $ 1,719.03
  • No Activity
  • Ending Balance               $ 1,719.03
  • Unity Savings Acct.         $   543.00
  • Charity Savings Acct.      $       5.71
  • A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made, seconded and accepted unanimously.
7:20 pm     Financial Secretary's Report /  Erik Riecher 
  • Eric just received the information that he needed to generate his reports this week, so hye will start making reports at our next meeting.
  • There was a motion to accept the Financial Secretary's report, it was seconded and accepted.
7:25 pm   For the Good of the Order /  Faith Director Mike O'Phelan
  • Discussed the importance of our human condition: we aren't perfect and we make mistakes.
  • Emphasized the need to ask God for mercy and for guidance & direction.
  • Reminded us that 'the same God that dwells in us also dwells in others'.
  • In conclusion, he reminded us of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you'. 
7:35 pm     Committees:   
  • Program Director  / Gene Andres      Reminded us to turn in our Volunteer Hours if we haven't done so. And he wanted to remind us that there will be a screening of the movie Mother Teresa No Greater Love on Oct. #, 2022 at the Regal Bridgeport Village Tigard theatre.
  • Parish & School Updates
  1. St Clare Parish    / Don Mey     Told us that the school mass schedule had changed back to Pre-Covid Protocol. There would be one mass on Wednesdays for everyone attending St. Clare Parish School. He also said that ArchBishop Alexander K. Sample will reside celebrate St. Clare's 8:30 a.m. mass 9/21/22.
  2. St. John Fisher     / Mike Devlin    Didn't have anything new to report.
  3. St. Elizabeth of Hungary  /  Marc Gregoire  Told us that the 4 young women missionaries had arrived and that they had already started their religious mission of working with the homeless and connecting them to public servicess that were available to them in Portland.
  • Faith Director / Mike 'O'Phelan Comments discussed in The Good of the Order.
  • Community Director   / Michael Chau   Excused
  • Family Committee   / Family Director - Ted Seeber.  The Committee is composed of Ted Seeber, Gene Andres and Mike O'Phelan.  Ted said the Annual Essay Contest just started and will end on Oct. 31, 2022. The Committee is presently discussing Special Needs Masses,  and a Family Adoration Night.  
  • Membership Director / Dan Riechers had nothing new to report. Ted Seeber who plans K of C Ceremonial events was planning an Exemplification Service for Deacon Bill McNamara who is an E-card K of C member, but he hasn't been able to schedule the event.
  • Retention Chairman / Don Mey   Nothing new to report.
8:05 pm   K of C Business
  • No Neighbor Left Behind / James M. Morgan contacted all of the members this month and everyone is doing well.
  • St. Clare October 2, 2022 Pancake Breakfast was discussed. Some members have volunteered to make pancakes and make scrambled eggs, but we need more volunteers. Please see blog for more information.
  • Mike Devlin is trying to schedule a St. John Fisher Breakfast for October 23, 2022.
  • We will start discussing the book, Holy Moments at our next K of C meeting..
  • Fr. Jim Galluzzo would like us to 'tell people that he is having a Holiday Art Show Nov. 4, 5 & 6' , and that he will need volunteers to pack Toiletry Bags for the homeless on Nov. 13 from 12 to 3 pm in the basement of St. Clare's Parish Office.
8:10 pm    New Businrss 
  • We covered news on Mother Teresa movie: see Program Director Gene Andres report.
  • Exemplification Service for Deacon Bill McNamary is still in the planning stages.
  • There will be an Officer's Meeting on Oct. 3, 2022.
8:20 pm   State Officers & District Deputy Mark Larson
  • Mark discussed starting soccer and basketball teams for our Parish kids.
  • He told us that there would be a Coats for Kids Drive on Oct. 15, 2022.
  • And he asked us to attend a "40 Days For Life" event featuring a presentation by Campaign Director Steve Karlen. The event will be at Our Lady of the Lae Catholic Church at 790 A Avenue, Lake Oswego on Monday Oct. 10, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
8:25 pm     Sick and in Distress
  • Gene Andres ask us to pray for his son's father-in-law, Jim Gallagher.
  • Don Mey asked us to pray for a safe birth experience for his daughter-in-law.
  • Prayers for all those who are in need of the Lords Mercy.   
8:30 pm    Closing Prayer  
  • God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
  • Prayer for Canonization of Fr. Michael J. McGivney

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Volunteers needed- St. Clare Breakfast October 2

Once again, I'm opening this up for three shifts:

  1.   Shift 1:  Setup & Shopping.  On October 1, at 4pm, Ken will have the necessary items at St. Clare's.  Needed 3-4 volunteers from 4pm-5pm for setup.  If we have enough people, we should be able to have 67 place settings set up in that time and be able to attend 5pm Mass.  If we don't have enough people, we'll continue after Mass, but should be done no later than 7:30pm.
  2. Shift 2: 8am-10am Between 8-15 people needed.  Let me know if you want a specific job, mainly setup, cooking, serving first rush.  Might last as long as 10:30, but there will be time before 2nd rush to eat if you work both shifts 2 & 3
  3. Shift 3:  10:30am-1pm Between 8-12 people needed.  Resetting, dishes, cleanup and putting stuff away.  

    Contact Ted Seeber, if you can volunteer for any or more than one of these shifts.

Monday, September 19, 2022

KofC Council 15485 Meeting October 18th

Council Meeting John Clare Council #15485, Tuesday October 18th 2022 

Hybrid Meeting (Online and In-person)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, October 18th at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting. You can meet us in the St. Clare Cafeteria or join Online.

Here is the AGENDA to download.

For InPerson:
We will be meeting in St. Clare's Cafeteria. Doors should be opened around 6:30pm.
For Online:
The Online link will open at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.
You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853
One-touch: tel: +16467493122,,372718853#

Important Volunteer opportunities:

Pancake Breakfast at St. John Fisher, Oct 23rd. Volunteers needed, contact Mike Devlin, ASAP

Fr. Jim Galluzzo Toiletry Kits for the Homeless, November 13th, St. Clare Parish Office basement, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Volunteers needed. Contact Tom Owens.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Fr. Taaffe Homes is looking for volunteers


The Father Taaffe booth needs volunteers this next week. The Knights usually have a strong presence in the booth, in years gone by.

Please consider helping. Respond to Heidi, not me. Thank you.


Hi All –


IF  YOU  HAVE  NOT  ALREADY  SIGNED  UP  FOR A SHIFT  -  there is still time at the Oktoberfest event in Mt. Angel – in our new vendor site.


We could really use your help with the closing shifts on Thursday – Friday – Saturday  -  from 6:00 – 9:15 p.m.  and  9:00 – Closing.


There is also room with all the other shifts covering Thursday – Sunday – September 15-18:



10:00 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.

2:00 – 6:15 p.m.

6:00 – 9:15 p.m.

9:00 – Closing




10:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

1:00 – 4:15 p.m.

4:00 p.m. – Closing


As you can see each shift is approximately 3-4 hours with plenty of time either before or after your time with us to enjoy the other great parts of the Festival.


Please let me know if you are able to take a shift.  It is such fun and a great contribution for our Father Taaffe Home Foundation.


Thanks so much.




September 15 – 18, 2022


  • We have an amazing new home for our Father Taaffe Booth.
  • We will be located in the beautiful Festhalle – Biergarten kitchen.
  • Completely covered – no more rain dampening our spirits or sales.
  • Offering our great menu plus some new additions.


We still have room for you – but our shifts are already filling quickly.


Please contact:

Heidi Frederick
