Thursday, August 25, 2022



 We have a number of volunteer opportunities at St. Clare Church. Fr. Don has asked if the Knights would conduct a call tree, inviting St. Clare Parishioners to the One Mass, One Family & St. Clare Picnic (see flyer below). We will need phone volunteers starting Tuesday Sept. 6th through Friday Sept. 9th. If calling from the St. Clare Offices, calls to be conducted between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Tuesday thru Thursday. Friday expanded hours with calls beginning at 12:30 PM. You may choose to call from your personal phone. Lists of parishioners will be available Tuesday Sept. 6th.  Contact Don Mey directly via text or email with the day or days you are available.

Debbie Henkelman is organizing the St. Clare Picnic on Sept. 11th. Debbie advises the greatest need is for food servers and ground crews (filling in food and drinks and keeping garbage empty).  This is the link for volunteers to sign up.  If you are able to volunteer, please copy Gene and I regarding potential service hours.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

K of C Council 15485 August 16, 2022 Minutes James M. Morgan/Recorder

 NOTE: This August  16, 2022 In-Person K of C meeting was held in St. Clare Parish Church

7:00 pm - Call to Order

  • Warden's Membership Check
7:05 pm - Installation of Officers for New Term 
  • Mark Larson District Deputy, District 3 presiding
  • Deacon Bill McNamara, Acting Chaplain
7:35 pm - GKs Remarks (Don Mey)
  • Reading & Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
  • Calenday pending input from the St. Clare School Children Mass dates: We might have a breakfast on the 1st Sunday in October, 2022 the 1st Sunday in March 2023 and/or the 1st Sunday in March 2023.
  • We are going to begin having Monthly Officer Agenday Meetings starting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm on Video. A select group of officers will plan our monthly K of C Meetings
  • Since an officer can only have 1 role, the Grand Knight named Dan Riechers to be the Membership Director.
  • Don Mey pointed out that there are open Director/Chairman Roles in Vocations, Life, Health Service, Public Relations, and Insurance Promotion, and he asked volunteers to see their descriptions online.  
7:40 pm Treasurer's Report   (Mike Devlin)
  • Beginning Checking Balance                           $1,393.53
  • ADD                                                                 +   400.00
  • TOTAL                                                              $1,793.53
  • Less Paid K of C Supreme (Advertising)     -          74.50
  • Current Checking Account Balance              $1,719.03  
  • Unity Savings Account Balance                      $   543.91
  • Charity Savings Account Balance                   $      5.71
  • There are no outstanding checks   
7:45 pm  Financial Secretary's Report  (Erik Riechers) 
  • There isn't a report because Erik just received State's background approval.
7:50 pm  For the Good of the Order   (Mike O'Phelan)
  • Mike cited scripture from Joshua 1st Chp. vs 9 as he gave a message on how God is with us at every moment of our lives.  
8:00 pm Committees
  • Program DirectorGene Andres didn't have anything to say at this meeting.He will be one of the officers at the 2nd Tuesday Council meeting
  • Parish/School Updates
  1. St. Clare (Don Mey) This was Don's 1st Mass after his vacation. He discussed the Sept. 11, 22 picnic plans at St. Clare and the possibility of making more phone calls to raise church attendance.
  2. St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin) Nothing new to report.
  3. St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Marc Gregoire) Fr. Charles was confirmed as Parish Priest. There are two houses on the Church property: Fr. Charles will live in one house and the other house will be used by missionaries from South America.
  • Faith Director (Don Mey) Nothing to report.
  • Community Director (Michael Chau) Nothing to report.
  • Family Director  (Ted Seeber) wants to form a committee to establish a Friday Adoration/Fun night at St. Clare. See KofC Business: Special Needs Adaptive Mass.
  • Membership Director (Dan Riechers) Just took over the directorship. He is a student at the University of Portland; where he is active in the Catholic Conversation Club and works a lot with younger students.
  • Retention Chairman  (Mike O'Phelan) Nothing to report.
8:10 pm K of C Business
  • James M. Morgan contacted all the members this month and everyone was doing "GREAT".
  • Special Needs Adaptive Mass (Ted Seeber & Michael Chau) Fr. Don will conduct a Special Needs Adaptive Mass designed for people with behavior problems once a quarter. Laurie Zupsic is scheduling the first mass.
  • Tom Owens proposed the following motion: "I move that our council provide assistance, when requested, to Fr. Jim Galluzzo who works with the poor of Portland." The motion was seconded by Ted Seeber and accepted unanimously by our Council.
  • Tom Owens further proposed another motion: "I move that our council donate $300 to help support the work of the St. Andrew Nativity School in Northeast Portland to help education low-income minority middle school students." That motion was also seconded by Ted Seeber and it was also accepted unanimously by our Council.
8:20 pm New Business 
  • Tom Owens proposed that our Council discuss Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly.
  • The book can be purchased online at
  • There was no open discussion.
8:25 pm District Deputy/State Officers  (Mark Larson) emphasized the following comments.
  • Council Questions   
  1. What is your Counils Long term plan? Have you shared it with your membership?
  2. As Officers how do you expect the membership to follow where you have not gone?
  3. When was the last time that you asked someone to join the council?
  4. What are your council goals?
  5. How is our council going to meet our goals?   
  • Knights Questions   
  1. How do I help?
  2. Have I completed the Safe Harbor Program?
  3. Am I a member of the McGivney Club?
  4. What degree am I? Are you part of the 4th Degree? If you are, are you part of the honor guard?
  5. When was the last time you asked someone to join the council or your Assembly?    
  • Calendar Event Information
  1. Invite from Hermiston Council: October 22, 2022, Hermiston Polish Dinner.
8:26 pm Sick or in Distress List --- Hail Mary prayer
  1. Mary Muoth
  2. Mildred Muoth
  3. Mary Ann Perlot
  4. Rich Lockrie 
  5. Suzanne Michele Morgan Cohen
  6. Irv Cohen
  7. Les McMillan
  • God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
8:25 pm Closing Prayer

    Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Father Michael J McGivney

Monday, August 15, 2022

John/Clare Council 15485 August 16th Meeting


Council Meeting Tuesday August 16th 7pm (In-person Meeting) 

                               Installation of Officers New Term, followed by business Agenda

In person @ St. Clare Parish Church

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, August 16th at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting, in person, at St. Clare Parish Church, 8535 SW 19th Avenue, Portland, OR 97219.  We will conduct the Installation of New Officers, with Mark Larson, Deputy Director, district 3, and Deacon Bill McNamara, acting Chaplain, in attendance. (We request business casual with collared shirt for this ceremony)  We will continue with our monthly meeting following the installation of New Officers.

We have 2 important items scheduled for a vote on our Agenda. Please review the information recently posted on our Blog regarding, 1) Support of Fr. Jim Galluzzo Ministries, and 2) A $300.00 donation to St. Andrew Nativity School. Here is the AGENDA to download.

Attention John/Clare Council members 15485

From Tom Owens dated July 17th in an email sent to Don Mey and forwarded to all John/Clare Council members.

I have had contact, as you requested, with Fr. Jim Galluzzo two weeks ago regarding how our Council might support his various charitable activities with the poor and homeless. Below is a brief summary of our conversation.

Contact with Fr. Jim Galluzzo  

I talked with Fr. Jim this past week regarding support our KC Council may be able to provide to him for the charitable organizations he coordinates—The Urban Spirituality Center (USC) and Diversity as Gift (DAG). USC serves the needy at Street Roots, Rose Haven, Maybelle Center for Community, and the Portland Homeless Family Solutions. The types of items he collects through USC include bottled water, men and women’s underwear, socks, hygiene items, baby diapers and wipes, and children’s underwear, school supplies, juice boxes and dried fruit and nuts. 

The DAS serves the homeless, low-income people and people living with AIDS. Assistance they provide includes hygiene kits, coasts, sweaters, socks, hats, gloves, first aid kits, gift cards, back packs, school supplies, shower supplies etc. in addition to cash to 13 homeless projects and emergency funds for electric bills, food and rent. Agencies he assists include the Maybelle Center for Community, Downtown Chapel, Sisters of the Road, St. Francis Dining Hall, Rose Haven, St Andrews Nativity School, and Street Roots. 

Fr. Jim is currently collecting school supplies for children in August. Perhaps we can recruit some KC volunteers at our next monthly meeting to form a committee to help plan, organize, collect and deliver some of these items to Fr. Jim now and on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. We might also dedicate the proceeds from one or two pancake breakfasts a year for the needs identified above. I would be happy to coordinate with Fr. Jim and a KC chair of these activities. 

I wish to make two motions for the new business section of our Tuesday meeting. One is to have a member discussion and vote on whether we, as a Councl,  agree to support the various ministries of Fr. Jim Galluzzo and recruit a team of KC volunteers and chair to coordinate this work.

Motion 1) Is to support the various ministries of Fr. Jim Galluzzo, with man power as needed, schedule of events and requirements to be posted on Knights Blog Activity Calendar

Motion 2)  John/Clare Council to donate $300 to help support the work of the St. Andrews Nativity School in NE Portland. This school, under the sponsorship of the Jesuits, provides a first-class education, tuition free, for about 45  6 through 8 grade low income, predominately minority boys and girls. The staff also commit to follow up with the students and their families to prepare to get high school scholarships and later scholarships for college and/or work training programs. Michael Chau and I attended a tour of the school and fund-raising lunch there last month and were impressed. Michael, Oanh Nguyen, and I have already committed to making personal monthly donations to this school.

Additional information from Tom Owens dated July 21st;

Rational for Council support for the St. Andrew Nativity School 

Thanks for your comments and questions about why our council should support the St. Andrew Nativity School. I believe our Council should require a rational statement for all future financial donations. Here are some of my thoughts. First our Catholic faith requires us to reach out to those in need, both locally and beyond. There is no doubt that we should help St Clare and St. John Fisher Catholic schools. However, I feel we must also reach out to extremely poor communities beyond our local neighborhood. Here are some specific reasons I can share for why we also should support the St. Andrew Nativity School. 

  1. The Nativity School is a newly recognized national model for Jesuits to broaden their focus beyond the "best and brightest" high school and college students to also include poor minority middle school children who might lack the inspiration, motivation, and dreams of becoming successful Catholic leaders. The Nativity School selects poor minority children and some from refugee families who would otherwise not have the resources to attend a Catholic middle school that can help form them in their faith and give the necessary educational background to gain scholarships to Catholic high schools and colleges. Having been an inner-city middle school teacher myself, I know the importance and challenges of working with minority students who would otherwise lack the skills of getting into a competitive private high school or college. 
  2. Without a school like Nativity, many of these young minority boys and girls would be likely to drop out of high school and some would likely become gang members and end up in prison. 
  3. The staff at Nativity School work to challenge students to become the best version of themselves while in grades 6 through 8 but also to work with families and children to prepare to get scholarships into good Catholic high schools and continue to monitor and guide them to get scholarships into colleges and/or vocational training. 
  4. The Nativity School is sponsored by the Jesuits and is also one of the groups that Fr. Jim Galluzzo donates clothing and school supplies to. 
  5. Many adults wonder why some neglected poor minority children go on to perform acts of violence and destruction in our cities. Rather than investing money on more prison space, why not do things to help prevent young people from such crime by giving them the encouragement and tools to become productive citizens. 
  6. Three of our council members (Michael Chau, Oanh Nguyen and myself) have visited the school and participated in their annual fundraising lunch and have committed to making monthly donations to help the Nativity School. For a brief glimpse of what the school has done for its graduates I recommend you view the You Tube  Knights of Columbus John Clare Council #15485: Introducing St. Andrew Nativity School K ( 
  7. In addition to my request for a Council financial donation to the Nativity School, we might also help publicize the needs of the school, gather children’s clothes and school supplies for the children, and become a model for other Oregon KC Councils to also consider supporting this school. 


Please take the time to review this important information.

Tom Owens

Friday, August 12, 2022

Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, Pray for Us!

Click through to see video. A new devotional has started in the Phillipines among Knights Councils. Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, Pray For Us!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Volunteer Opportunity: Ice Cream Social at St. Clare's

Volunteers are needed for the Ice Cream Social Saturday Night at St. Clare's. Contact for more info.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

From Supreme: Proclaim the Dignity of Every Human Life

Click through to post to see a video from Supreme on the dignity of human life.

Monday, August 1, 2022

From the Haindmaids of the Precious Blood

 A group of contemplative nuns,The Handmaids of the Precious Blood , make it a point to pray for our priests and other leaders in the church.  They also have one nun, Sr. Regina, whose cartoons I often read.

This week, Sr. Regina is paying a great honor to our Order, in favor of the 140th Supreme Convention.

Click through to the article on the blog to see the cartoon.