K of C Council 15485 April 20, 2021 Virtual Meeting Notes
Prepared by James M. Morgan
7 p.m. Call to Order
- Warden's membership check (waived)
- Prayer: Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll call of officers
7:05 p.m. GK's Remarks (Marc Gregoire)
- There are links on the Blog that will allow you to listen to the speeches of the 113th Annual Oregon State Convention April 30 through May 2nd, 2021.
- Information on how to contact the St. Clare Parish COVID Vaccine assistance helpers' is on the blog.
- 3 people have contributed to the Penny A Day charity. Contact Phil Jarvis to donate.
- Don't respond to fake SPAM & EMAIL requests for money.
- Forms Due: Form 1295 has been submitted. We have not reported our new officer selection.
7:10 p.m. For the Good of the Order Mike O' Phelan
The season of Easter leads us ask ourselves who we are and what are we doing here. It is good and very important to reflect on the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to pray often for Christ's guidance and direction to become better Christians.
7:20 p.m. Treasurer's Report ... Mike Devlin
- Beginning balance $1,707.19
- add Penny donation 150.00 (365 Plan)
- minus Penny donation 150.00 sent to State
- Current balance $1,707.19
- Outstanding checks 100.00
- Unity Savings $ 543.57
- Charity savings $ !0.67
7:25 p.m. Financial Secretaries Report
Phil Jarvis has been officially accredited to be our Financial Secretary: we are lucky to have his financial expertise.
7:30 p.m. Committee Reports
Program Director Gene Andres doesn't have anything new to report.
St. Clare Parish --- Ted Seeber & Mike O' Phelan don't have anything new to report
St. Elizabeth of Hungary --- Marc Gregoire said the Church has its On-Line Donations ready for use.
St. John Fisher --- Gene Andres & Mike Devlin asked for help planting trees between St. Luke's Church and St. John Fisher Parish.
Faith Director Don Mey said it was nice to hear singing at Easter Services this year.
Community Director Michael Chau reported nothing new to report.
Life Director Ted Seeber
Needs volunteers on June 6 to help with a membership drive.
Family Director Ted Seeber
reported no news.
Membership Director Ted Seeber
Is making an effort to collect past-due dues.
Retention Chairman Mike O'Phelan will also assist in collecting past due dues.
7:45 p.m. K of C Business
Marc Gregoire pointed out that I (James M. Morgan) have been the voice behind No Neighbor Left Behind phone call for the last year: it has been a privilege for me to help in any way. This month, none of the members requested help, even though Ted Seeber's dad had a stroke on Easter.
Ted Seeber wants to create a Degree Team for a live exemplification at St. Clare's after the June 20, 8:30 a.m. Father's Day mass. James M. Morgan will be the Lecturer for the exemplification and a rehearsal might be scheduled in May.
The jury is still out on what, if anything, we can do during the Pandemic to celebrate Mother's Day.
The possibility of implementing a Special Needs Adaptive Mass is on the back-burner until the Pandemic becomes under control: as of 4\23\2021 the tri-county area is in the High Risk zone again.
Tom Owens requested our help at Mt. Angel Abbey: some flooring needs new replacement. Tom's Plan
- includes asking our council to donate $300.00 to Mt. Angel Abbey which the council okayed.
- Request individual contributions from our members.
- Share ideas for raising additional money for this project which is expected to cost $50,000.00.
- Share the progress that we have made with other K of C councils and ask them for their help.
Tom also stressed the importance of having REAL ID.
As you know, if any members are experiencing financial problems and need help paying their dues, please contact Phil Jarvis for assistance.
8:10 p.m. District Deputy / State Officer Mr. Dan Boone
suggested that as the weather improves we might consider holding our meetings outside, and that we should try to help get our parishioners to return to mass.
8:10 p.m. For the Sick & In Distress
Prayers were offered for Mrs. Riechers, Theodore Francis Seeber and the front line workers, doctors and nurses fighting the pandemic.
God bless the work of the Council and its members, and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed
8:20 p.m. In closing, we prayed for the canonization of Michael J. McGivney