Saturday, January 30, 2021

Calls for Resolutions for the State Convention 2021.

Brother Knights,

It is time to start thinking and formulating resolutions for discussion and/or enactment at the 2021 State Convention in Klamath Falls, on April 30th to May 2nd, 2021 (Note State By-Laws Article 1, Sec. 13 & 14).

Resolutions sent from councils need to be signed by either the Grand Knight or Trustee and the Financial Secretary.  The original copy with appropriate signatures and the imprinted Knights of Columbus Council Seal needs to be sent to the State Advocate by March 1, 2021.  Copies of the original resolution also need sent to both the State Deputy and State Secretary.

A Resolution Committee appointed by the State Deputy in January will review the resolutions in early March.  Copies of the resolutions with the committee’s recommendation will be sent to all councils approximately end of March.  Delegates that will be attending the State Convention should be knowledgeable of the contents of the resolutions and be ready to discuss and/or vote the opinion of their council.

Here is the LINK with guidelines.

Knights of Columbus (Oregon) - New YouTube Channel

Brother Knights,

The State has set up a YouTube Channel for K of C in Oregon. Here is the LINK for the channel.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

 K of C Council 15485 Virtual Meeting

January 19, 2021  / Recorded by James M. Morgan

7 pm Call to Order

  • Warden's Membership check (waived)
  • Prayer "Our Father"
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll call of officers & members / yes for present
  • Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes Approved
7:05 pm GK's Remarks (Marc Gregoire) The Grand Knight requested that our membership who had resolutions that they wanted considered at the State Convention in 2021 send every their ideas to him.
  • He asked that we fill out the new Sid Thiel Survey that will be sent to us this week.
  • We discussed the new Council Business Meeting Conduct manual; we decided that our council was to small to have an officers meeting and a membership meeting every month.
  • We put the Parishioner Award on hold for later discussion.
  1. The Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest form is N/A.
  2. The Free Throw Championship form is N/A.
  3. On 1/31/21 --- The Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity form and the Partnership Profile Report for the Special Olympics is due.
7:10 pm   For the Good of the Order  (Mike O'Phelan)
      Mike discussed the importance of the Feast For Mary Mother of Jesus.  He cited John 19:25-34
      Jesus took on all of the bitterness of the world: Stay pure in heart, humble and allow the Holy Spirit
      to guide you.

7:20 pm   Treasurer's Report  (Mike Devlin)

Checking Statement balance on 12/15 /2020            $1,377.69
Dues Received                                                                790.00
Total                                                                             2,167.69
Less Essay Supplies & Expense                                     200.00

Current Fraternal-checking balance                            $1,967.00

Unity Savings                                                                   543.53
Charity savings                                                                     5.67
audit report 

7:25 pm   Financial Secretary Report  (Phil Jarvis)

          Phil reported that he sent the semi-annual audit report to the State Supreme Assessments: this is              important because we are a 990 N Tax Report.

  1. Gene Andres, Program Director, didn't have anything new to report.
  2. At St. Clare's Parish, Ted Seeber and Mike O'phelan said they would discuss Faith in Actions later.
  3. Marc Gregoire said there wasn't much happening at St. Elizabeth of Hungary except the priest was trying to set up his donation process.
  4. Gene Andres and Mike Devlin were pleased that many parishioners could attend Christmas masses..
7:45 pm   K of C Business
  • James M. Morgan reported that every member was contacted, and no one in our council had any problems.
  • Ted Seeber expressed a drive-by-method that would allow parishioners to donate money to the Mother and Child Fundraiser: he is processing the idea-feasibility with Fr. Don.
  • Deacon Scott gave the Essay Contest winners their prize money.
  • The Oregon March for Life was cancelled, along with the State's Charitable Green Sheet idea
  • Ted Seeber is looking into a Special Needs Adaptive Mass: if one is established some knights will need to clean the Church after each mass.  
  •  If you are experiencing economic problems check with Phil Jarvis to have your dues for 2021 waived.
8:00 pm  District Deputy Dan Boone didn't attend the meeting.

8:15 pm   Sick and In Distress
  • Prayed Hail Mary
  • God bless the work of the council and its members and grant Eternal Peace to the souls of departed members.
  • Mike Wilcoxen's funeral (1/23/21) was discussed, and we prayed for Kevin Guenther and his family as they too struggle with the Covid-19 virus.
  • We prayed for Phil Jarvis's daughter-in-law, Karen, who has cancer, and for Marc Gregoire's wife's family who are struggling with the Covid-19 virus.
8:20 p.m  
      In our closing pray, we prayed the Hail Mary and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy         Spirit we prayed for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney. Peace and Harmony in the whole world!

Shining Armor Award

Brother Knights,

There exists a pin you will see very few of as a Knight, The Shining Armor Award.  The requirements for it are all about becoming a productive member of the council.  The requirements are not that hard, but few men achieve this honor.

There are 5 requirements with this program:  
1)  Worked on at least 3 council Faith in Action Programs
2)  Attended at least 3 Council Meetings
3)  Attended Exemplification
4)  Met with Council Insurance Representative or Attend Online Fraternal Benefits Night
5)  Sponsored at least One New Member

Catholic Men's Retreat at Powell Butte

Brother Knights,

The State Council is putting on a Catholic Men's Retreat at Powell Butte both in person and virtually. Information is below if you are interested.

If interested, here is the LINK for registration.

Virtual Easter Spirituality Reflection

Brother Knights, 

During stressful times we all need a place to reflect, pray and get our mind in the right place.  

On March 18th @ 6:30pm State Chaplain Fr. Theo Lange is holding a Virtual Easter Spiritual Reflection. 

This will be a virtual event and to register please check out the flyer for those instructions.  You will need to reserve early due to the limit of 150 participants. The event is being sponsored by Medford’s 4th Degree Assembly 905.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Bishops ask you to join 9 days for life Novena

 Since March for Life has been postponed or moved online in most states and nationally, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops requests we all join in for 9 Days for Life Novena, starting Thursday, January 21.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Please Pray for Phil's Daughter-in-law Karen

Will you ask on the blog that we all pray for my oldest son's wife.  She has just been notified that her ovarian cancer is back and has metastasized to her lungs.
Thank you,

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Council Meeting Tues January 19th 7pm (Online Tuesday)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, January 19th at 7pm for our next online Council #15485 meeting.

Here is the AGENDA to download. 

Marc will open the chat room at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.

You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853

One-touch: tel:+16467493122,,372718853# 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Funerals at St Anthony's to be Livestreamed

As you probably already know, Helen Mason's and Mike Wilcoxen's funerals will be next Friday and Saturday.    Due to the limited number of people that may attend, in addition to Helen's and Mike's families, you must contact the church office to sign up.  The funeral will be live streamed on Facebook on the St Anthony's page. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Kevin Guenther is in the ICU

Brothers, Kevin Guenther, Past Grand Knight, has been admitted to the hospital with Covid-19. He will most likely be moved to the ICU. I call upon every Knight reading this to stop whatever you are doing and offer up a prayer for our brother followed by a Hail Mary asking to intercede on his behalf. I thank you all.

Jeff Frisch
Grand Knight Council 3591              

Monday, January 11, 2021

Oregon March For Life “Postponed”


The Oregon March For Life originally scheduled for January 23rd has been postponed.  Oregon Right to Life hopes to reschedule the event to the end of the 2021 legislative session, sometime in the spring.  They also hope to hold a virtual event on Saturday, January 23 in place of the March.

Follow this link for more information.

An event many of us were looking forward to, the Oregon Right to Life March for Life, has been postponed.

 Article is here at the Catholic Sentinel .  Due to COVID-19 restrictions and expected counter-protesters becoming extremely violent, the decision has been made to postpone this event.

Lois Anderson says there will be an online event for January 23rd, but “It would be tragic to have the event co-opted by people who want to push their own political agendas,” she said. “Worse still if, in their struggle, our innocent advocates were hurt.”

Friday, January 8, 2021

Mike Wicoxen has passed away. RIP, Brother Knight

Scot Young from our parent council writes:

Hi Ted, I wanted to let you know that Mike Wilcoxen, long time Financial Secretary of 3591, passed away early this morning, January 8, 2021.  I'm sure you are aware that he had been in poor health for a long time. He's in a much better place now.