Wishing everyone a relaxing, peaceful day connecting in some way with the people you love.
An Online Home for the John Clare Council, Knights of Columbus Council #15485, to discuss public events, ideas, and issues.
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Knights of Columbus Council 15485 - Virtual Meeting Minutes 11/17/2020
Council Recorder: James M. Morgan 503.320.1510
7 pm Call to Order
Hello Brother Knights,
Please join us this Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm for our next online Council #15485 meeting.
Here is the AGENDA to download along with our closing prayer.
Marc will open the chat room at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.
As you all know, we got Star Council last year. This is a yearly award for councils that achieve insurance, membership, and charitable program quotas. Some reasons we got this award include: