Saturday, December 28, 2019

What did you do as a Knight in the past year?

Supreme and your Council Leadership want to know!  There's a new form to fill out, called the Individual Fraternal Survey Worksheet.  We need these returned, by e-mail or on paper, by January 21 so that we can compile the answers onto our council report by January 21st.

We have numbers for anything that was a true Council Event.  But you do much more as a Knight.  Inspired by your Knighthood, you gather friends and family into a variety of charitable causes.    You give money, you visit the sick, you serve at Mass in various forms of ministries.  You are the backbone of the church- what Matthew Kelly calls the 7.5% who do 90% of the work.  This is the time to brag about that!  Doing so helps our order keep our tax exempt status as a 501c8 organization.

Click here to go to the PDF form that you can print out, or fill out online.  Some browsers are incapable of filling it out online, but you can always print it out and bring it to our next meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 7pm.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Reminder- Potluck Family Meeting December 6th - Agenda

December 6, 2019
St. Clare Parish Hall

  • 6:00 Ted will open the door.  Door will stay open until 8pm.
  • 6:30  Food Blessing & eat
  • 7:30  Open Meeting with Our Father and Grand Knight's Remarks
  • 7:35  For the Good of the Order
  • 7:45  Recognition of Knight of the Year and Family of the Year
  • 7:50  Recognition of Years of Service for Continuous Service over 25 years
  • 7:53  Recognition of Honorary Members
  • 7:55  Recognition of Knights Ladies
  • 8:00  Essay contest winners recognition St. John Fisher
  • 8:15  Essay contest winners recognition St. Clare
  • 8:30  Begin Cleanup - need to leave room set up for Fr. Rick's talk in the morning

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Nov 17 Meeting Minutes

11/17/2019 Minutes

7:00  Opening Prayer
Roll Call: Present - Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Recorder, Treasurer, Trustee 1st, Financial Sec., Dist. Deputy, Inside Guard, Warden.  9 brothers present.

7:10 GK Notes:  Be careful with closing procedures after breakfast events.  Pay close attention to ovens, and electrical appliances.
A $50 gift card goes to the brother who sponsors the most new members by Feb 2020 meeting.
  • Suggestion to award the last $50 gift card to the brother who recruits a new member.

7:15  Treasurer's Report
  • Starting balance: $1,580.53
  • Income: $1,210 from last two breakfasts
  • Bills Paid: $1,117.75
  • Ending Bal: $1,672.78
Financial Secretary Report
  • No change in membership
  • Group decided to skip free throw contest
  • Request for "Coats for Kids" donation
7:20  For the Good of Order: nothing to report

7:21  Committees
  • Next Breakfast dates: March 1, June 7 2020 at St. Clare;  The SJF dates are TBD (maybe in new building)
  • Essay Contest: 23 from SJF and 1 from St. Clare, judging underway to be complete by end of November.
  • Christmas Party is Dec 6th at St. Clare.  Potluck Style, Families encouraged to attend.  There will be anniversary pins for those who have reached a milestone.  Sign Up to bring something.
7:24  New Business
  • Advent Mother and Child Baby Bottle Drive at St Clare
7:30  District Deputy Remarks

  • Holy League Conf. on Dec 7th
  • Reminder that annual dues are being collected.  Also charitable donations for knights sponsored charities are being taken.
  • 2nd & 3rd degree ceremony in Feb 2020

7:40  We met a guest of Tom's, Oanh Nguyen who expressed interest in joining the Knights.   He is officially our newest Brother!

7:50  Sick or In Distress, and Final Prayer

8:00  1st Degree Ceremony (DVD version)