July 16, 2019
St. Clare Fireside room
or dial in to (605) 313-5658 Access Code 840260
The conference call went well last month, will be using it again However, for those who attend in person, there will be "door prizes", copies of Bishop Barron's _Letter to a Suffering Church_.\
- 6:30pm - Audit meeting for GK, Trustees, and FS. Please read the e-mail I sent previously, and be prepared to sign the audit form. If you are NOT prepared to sign, or cannot be there, please email GK & FS
- 6:45pm Ted will open the Webinar call in and have the Meeting room Open
- 7:00pm Officer Installation
7:10pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Roll Call, Reading of Previous Minutes
7:15pm GK’s/Pastoral Council Member remarks - Explanation of nomination and voting procedures
7:20pm Treasurer’s / FS Report
- 7:25 For the good of the Order
- 7:40 pm Committees
- Breakfasts - we have the Children's mass schedule for next year. We need to pick 4 of these dates:
- October 6
- November 3
- February 2
- March 1
- May 3
- June 7
- 7:45 pm New Business
- 5 First Saturdays In Reparation for Child Abuse
- Safe environment training is changing, Deacon Bill asks if we'll sponsor a training evening
- New member scheduling first degree
- Idea storm- a more spiritual and social year involving more of our families and more events at both parishes