Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Soup Supper March 28th- 2nd call, 2 to 3 soups still needed, bread still needed.

 As has been mentioned a few times before on the blog, the Knights of Columbus is the sponsor for St. Clare's March 28th Soup Supper. Please let Ted Seeber ( know if you ware willing to volunteer for this event.  It's pretty simple:

5:30pm- Ted will open the Cafeteria for setup.  Put out 35 bowls and spoons, set up tables
6pm- pray & dinner (Fr. Don should be back by then)
6:30pm Stations of the Cross 
7pm- Do dishes and cleanup.

Especially let us know if you're planning on bringing a soup.  We need 6 to 8 soups and bread.  Dessert OK, but remember since it's Friday, meat-free soups and fish based soups are required.

Fraternal Benefits tonight (7pm, same time as the digest comes out)

 If you would like to learn more about the membership benefits of the Knights of Columbus, this is a live online event at 7pm each Wednesday.   Please visit the link below.  There is a survey at the end of the presentation.  By filling this out, our council gets credit for your attendance.  It would also help if you could email Don Mey to let me know you attended.  

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Easter Egg Hunt! Yes, it's still the middle of Lent

 We have been asked once again to help with setup for the Easter Egg Hunt at St. Clare's.  Mark April 19, Holy Saturday, on your calendar.  We will once again be setting up for two zones to keep the little ones from being run over. 

Soup Supper March 28th

As has been mentioned a few times before on the blog, the Knights of Columbus is the sponsor for St. Clare's March 28th Soup Supper. Please let Ted Seeber ( know if you ware willing to volunteer for this event.  It's pretty simple:
5:30pm- Ted will open the Cafeteria for setup.  Put out 35 bowls and spoons, set up tables
6pm- pray & dinner (Fr. Don should be back by then)
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
7pm- Do dishes and cleanup.

Especially let us know if you're planning on bringing a soup.  We need 6 to 8 soups and bread.  Dessert OK, but remember since it's Friday, meat-free soups and fish based soups are required.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Archbishop Sample on EWTN

Click on this link to hear Archbishop Sample stand up to Tina Kotek's abortion celebration

Wednesday, March 19, 2025