Monday, January 27, 2025
Volunteers still needed
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Hi Brother Knights,
Girl Scout Cookie season is back! And my daughter, who is a Girl Scout, is
selling them again this year. For those with a sweet tooth and no other Girl
Scout outlet, please consider supporting my daughter Olivia's troop experience
this year by visiting her cookie site and purchasing some cookies. Or just make
a donation if you would like to just support her.
You may notice some of the cookie names have changed this year. There are two
bakeries that are licensed to produce GS cookies, ABC Bakeries and Little
Brownie Bakeries. This year, Olivia's troop is selling cookies ABC Bakeries.
They are all still delicious. New to this year is a chocolate chip cookie
variety and a cookie inspired by French Toast. Check it out at the following
You can choose to have your cookies shipped to you or for Olivia to drop them
off at your place.
Thank you for your support!
-Brother Knight Mark LeAir
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Meeting Notes Council Meeting Jan 21, 2025
KofC Council 15485 Hybrid Meeting Agenda
January 21st, 2025
Hybrid Meeting
7:00 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:05pm - Warden’s Membership
- Roll Call of Officers
- GK, FS, Rec, War, Adv, IG, OG, 3YT, 2YT Present
- 1YT, Chan, Chaplain excused
7:10 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (November)
- Accepted into the record
7:15 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- Membership Challenge
- Christmas Potluck Success
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- SAFE Environment
- Membership Challenge
7:20 pm - District Deputy Remarks (Kevin Guenther)
- DD Not Present
- Protocol (practice for State Meetings)
7:30 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- Fraternity Checking balance $1,913.87
- Unity Savings Account balance $544.49
- Charity Savings Acct. balance $5.71
- Outstanding checks: Vouchers to Erik R.- $145.80
- Report Accepted
7:35 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
- Billing issues- Bills are here and will be sent out soon
- 365 fund is voluntary- one penny a day for Knights in Need
- State & Supreme Assessment Coming up
- Report Accepted
7:40 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
7:45 pm - Programs
- Program Director - (Gene Andres)
- 1728a service hours.
7:50 pm - Committees
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey) - Holidays have been a very busy time. Higher attendance than previous years. Lenten Soup Suppers coming.
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin) - Fr. V. is in India, daily mass is restricted.
8:00 pm - KofC Business
- Pancake Breakfast SC, February 2nd. Volunteers needed. Please confirm attendance with Don Mey. Pancake Breakfasts at SC are also scheduled for April 6th and June 1st.
- email availability to
- Pancake Breakfast SJF, March 2nd. Other dates TBD
- Monthly Wine & Cheese @ SJF, Saturday,next date TBD
- St. Thomas More Sunday Coffee & Donuts (Knights serve) between 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses. Determine member drive dates.
- Approved donations, support Bishop White Seminarian. $500. pending info. The Francis Center, $500, completed. St. Vincent DePaul, SC, $500 completed.
- Donation to support St. Andrew Nativity School. $500. Donation to support Mother & Child Education Center. $500. Donation to support Holy Family Catholic Clinic. $500. Approved, distribute when funds are available.
8:10 pm - KofC New Business
- 1728a Forms are due, e-mail to , Final Report is due Jan 31
8:10 pm - “Beautiful Eucharist” Discussion Chapters 9,10, and 11.
8:25 pm - Closing Prayers
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- Shannon Seeber
- Mille Muoth, RIP (Mike O'Phalen and Mary Muoth)
- Daniel Salomon Parents for safe travel
- Scott Pauline's friend disowned by children due to faith differences and cancer and spousal dementia
- Donna at a nursing home needs prayer for strength in end of life
- Jazlyn's mother and siblings and Dan's sister having trouble with work and housing
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal Peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
8:30 pm - Adjournment
Council 15485 January Meeting 7:00 PM 1/21/2025
KofC John Clare Council January Hybrid Meeting will be held on Tuesday 01/21/2025 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be, in-person, at St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM., and online via Zoom. See information below.
If you have not already done so, please turn in or be prepared to fill out the individual worksheet 1728a, documenting your volunteer hours. Worksheets will be available at the meeting. (see previous post from Gene)
We also have our first Pancake Breakfast of the year at St. Clare on February 2nd. Please contact Don Mey and Ted Seeber if you plan to volunteer.
We will continue to discuss "Beautiful Eucharist", Chapters 9, 10, and 11. Questions or ponderings to be distributed at the meeting.
Here is the agenda to download.
The information to attend online is listed below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
Monday, January 13, 2025
Form 1728a Individual Member Worksheet
Brother Knight,
Last week we sent an email to our members requesting that
each complete form 1728a. If you did not receive a copy here is a (link to form1728a). After it opens, you may need to
click on the download icon to edit the form.
Gene Andres 773-426-4816
Thursday, January 9, 2025
The Francis Center Update
Yesterday Cathy and I delivered the council’s $500 check to The
Francis Center. While there we met Don
Gainer. Don, a volunteer at the time,
took over as Director when the Franciscan priest running the center was unable
to continue due to illness. He remained
in that capacity until 2016 when the current Director, Rudy Grigar, assumed the
role. Don had many stories to share
about his days as director as well as the current activities at the center.
The Francis Center is a non-profit food and clothing pantry operated
100% by volunteers. There are no paid employees. I can’t remember all of statistics quoted by
Don during our conversation yesterday so here are some for the month of November
I copied from their web site: 60 volunteers worked over 1100 hours to provide
food boxes to 654 families (1,808 people) and clothing for 145 people.
The coats we donated last fall have all been distributed.