Thursday, November 27, 2014
Sunday, November 30 at St. Clare's
St. Clare Parish
Advent Community Recollection
First Sunday of Advent
November 30, 2014
Community Lunch
(12:30 pm – 1:15 pm)
Advent Prayer
Father, in the wilderness of the Jordan you sent a messenger to prepare people’s hearts for the coming of your Son. Help me to hear his words and repent of my sins, so that I may clearly see the way to walk, the truth to speak, and the life to live for Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sending forth of Children
Reading of Scriptures
Reflection from Dr. Christina Astorga
“How do we say, come Lord Jesus, come in our daily life?”
Isaiah 40:3-5, Mark 1:2-3
Parishioners’ Reflections
Faith Sharing
(Table Conversations)
Our Father
(Children are welcomed back)
Candle Lighting
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
Monday, November 24, 2014
Fwd: Dec. 3rd 1st Degree...
The more the merrier. Contact Scott Young, Gary Stump or me if you have candidates. Be sure to do your Admissions Committee and have them sign your Membership Roster prior to coming. Also, You can save $6.50 if you bring your own rosary, pin and the booklet These Men They Call KnightsI
From: Gary & Julie Stump <>
To: scottyoung7 <>; Ron Boyce <>; Dave Saunders <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 24, 2014 10:27 am
Subject: Dec. 3rd 1st Degree...
Hi All, Would you please notify other Councils of our 1st Degree program on Dec. 3rd beginning at 6:30PM at the St. Anthony's Community Center. There is a $10 fee for all of our Degree Programs, to cover the cost of the 1st Degree Kits. This Degree Program will be conducted by our Council's AWESOME Degree Team, headed by Tom Hays. Thanks very much! Gary Stump Membership Director Sent from Gary's iPhone 5S
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Volunteer Request: St. Clare Advent Fair
A tale of two synods - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR
In particular, expect no changes with regard to the indissolubility of marriage, the moral wrongness of artificial contraception and sexual activity outside of marriage, and the nature of marriage as requiring the complementary of the sexes, i.e. as being always and forevermore between one man and one woman.
Read More at: A tale of two synods - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Building the Domestic Church, Movie Night
Due to that, I'd like to announce at this time that our Christmas Party will be 6pm on Friday, December 12 at St. Clare's Parish Hall. Invite everybody from all three parishes. If you can get it into your bulletins, do so. Program will be:
6:00pm Potluck
6:15pm Grand Knight's Recap and Christmas Program
6:30pm Muppets Christmas Carol Movie
8:00pm Family public discussion about values in the movie.
8:30pm cleanup.
Because this is also our council Christmas potluck, we will not be selling concessions at this first movie. We will be asking people to bring something to eat, favorite pillows/blankets/stuffed animals for the kids (which of course, they will keep with them and use during the movie).
More plans to come- the book also recommends we hold a Posada, and I'm thinking about bringing that up with the Youth Group to partner with on Christmas Eve between noon and the Children's Mass at 4pm.
Trailer for the movie can be found On Youtube, or scan this clickable QR code with your phone:

Christ in the Womb November 23, 2014/The Word Made Flesh November 21-23
November 23 Bulletin
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the womb
36 Weeks
Baby weighs about 6 pounds measures 20 ¾ inches. Maturation of the lungs and respiratory system will enable Baby to breathe on his own outside of the mother. Only 4 to 5 Weeks until the due date!
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
Editor's note: One of the challenges given to me in rewriting this was NOT to write another apocryphal Gospel. To that end, for the 2015 version, I am drawing on my own experience as a father. My son was born, with birth defects, 4 weeks early, at the 36th week. So this is ending just before Advent. I will continue posting the original 2014 version, but this is the last pregnancy post of the 2015 version. I may continue in the advent season as time allows- but it will be the story of the new family, for our baby girl has been born. Use the appropriate tags to search for the whole thing of either version.
The Word Made Flesh November 21-22, 2015
Exodus Chapter 21 includes secular laws used by the early Jews as they were setting up Israel. Sirach 38 tells us that the doctor is often the hand of God, and Psalm 71 tells us that we often go through hard things as a sign to others. The day of induction has come for our mother of our little girl. It's four weeks early- all of Advent, for her original due date was December 25, 2015, the Birthday of our Lord. Induction, sadly, does not go well- after 48 hours of labor, the baby still hasn't come. She's stuck in the birth canal, and a c-section is necessary. Calling for a surgeon, it's still two more hours before our child is born, but when she is, her parents don't care. Her father takes pictures to post online of her little cone head, just happy she's alive. She's 20 inches and 7 lbs. But due to not having that extra time in the womb, she has spina bifida occulta and due to losing oxygen on the way through the birth canal, she's got a scar in her brain, and will experience some disability. It doesn't matter. She was created by love, and born of love- and is a Child of God.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Fwd: Health & Welfare Report 21 Nov 2014
> Dear Brothers
> Brother Don Gescher of Sublimity Council 2439 passed away Sunday, November 16. Vigil is Monday, November 24, 2014 at 8 pm and Mass of Christian Burial is Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 11 am both at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Please pray for te repose of Don's soul.
> We have a request for Sir Knights to serve as pallbearers for the funeral of a Sir Knight Leonard Oswald Jr. from Mt Angel. The Rosary will be at 7pm, 11/20, at St. Mary Catholic Church, Mt. Angel. Mass Fri. at 11am, also at the church. Please help if you can! Thank you and I am sure the family thanks you for your consideration!
> Prayers are requested for Gretna Kleespies, wife of former past DD12 John Kleespies. She will be going in for a tumor operation on her brain 24 November at 7:30am. She also has cancer on her liver which they will decide later. . She will be at Rouge Valley Hospital in Medford..
> Health & Welfare Chairman
> Andrew F. Robinson, Jr.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Fwd: What's in the Official KofC online store?
Q: Ever wonder how to participate in the Knights of Columbus program?
A: Coats For Kids now easier than ever before!
In 2009, the Knights of Columbus launched the Coats For Kids initiative, designed to keep kids warm in harsh winter climates. Since the program's inception, the Knights of Columbus in the United States and Canada has given away more than 200,000 coats to children in need. Now, it's even easier for your council or assembly to participate in this wonderful program by going to Knights Gear.
These coats for charity can be purchased online at Knights Gear. You can pay by credit card, or Council/Assembly Officers can charge by going to our online store through Officers Online.
Q: Ever wonder where that great Knights of Columbus merchandise comes from?
A: 2014 Christmas Collection and more now available at the official online store of the Knights of Columbus!
The 2014 Knights of Columbus Christmas Collection is now available in our online store! Great new ornaments and Christmas-related items are available to keep the reason for the season top of mind. Make sure to check out the handmade ornaments produced by an artist in Ohio. They will make a great addition to your family's tree.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Environmental Committee Requests coming
St. Francis Dining Hall Volunteer Request
Monday, November 17, 2014
November 17 Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Winners
Congratulations to our 2014 winners of our council's first annual Essay Contest. First place goes to Clare Duda, Second Place to Anelia Draper, third place to Ally Baker. They each received a Pope Francis video, Clare received $50 cash prize, and their essays have been forwarded on to State. They also got this nice plaque for Mrs. Harmeyer's classroom at St. Clare's. Note that the plaque has 12 slots- so we are committed to doing this program for the next 12 years at least. Congratulate our contest winners if you see them at Mass!
Fwd: Health & Welfare Report Nov 17, 2014
> Dear Brothers
> Please pray for the health and comfort of Brother Dick Paradis (former FS of Corvallis 1785) who has an aggressive cancer. He saw the Oncologist on November 12th to chart a course of action. Operation is at this time is out of the question. Dick's many years as a very active Knight including Fin. Secretary and State Warden certainly merits our prayers!
> Sir knight Michael Appling of Assemble 3239 Portland received a call from his son (stationed in Afghanistan) on November 15 to tell him he was okay. Turns out part of the Oregon Guard was in a firefight at one of the gates of their base. He and 2 others were wounded. Robert's and one other were fairly minor, a third is being flown to Germany for surgery then home to the States for recovery. Prayers are requested for the three wounded but most of all prayers are needed every day that our Oregon Guardsman will be safe and return home.
> Sir knight Applings has another request :
> Secondly - the program we have going, the "We Love our Guard" program, trying to send a gift box to each of the approx. 1,000 Guardsmen deployed is quite frankly floundering. We're 2 weeks out from wanting to ship these off. Takes about 2 weeks for them to get there. I'm guesstimating we have enough items for maybe half the boxes, and much worse off right now with $$ donations to cover the shipping.
> The plan was for Oregon companies to help, with the exception of one, that has not materialized. So I'm asking for help from every Knight in Oregon. Please send a $16 donation to Assy. 3239 at St. Pius X in Portland (1280 NW Saltzman Rd., 97229). And get the word out to your parishes and friends.
> This firefight really brought home to me how important the connection to someone back home is. Gregg Harris worded it well in a news release - that it's not really the "goodies" we send, it is the knowing folks back home in Oregon are thinking about them, praying for them and want them back in safety. This gift box program is a small way for us to provide a connection.
> Health & Welfare Chairman
> Andrew F. Robinson, Jr.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Knights of Columbus Meeting Monday, November 17
John Clare Council #15485 Meeting Agenda
November 17, 2014
St. Clare Fireside Room
- 6:45PM Presentation of plaque to Essay Contest winners.
- 7:00pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Roll Call, Reading of Previous Minutes
- 7:05pm Grand Knight’s Remarks
- Pastoral Council
- Icon Report
- Advent Faith Fair
- Eucharistic Miracles Posters
- Building the Domestic Church, a new vision for Knights
- Pastoral Council
- 7:15pm Treasurer’s Report
- 7:20pm For the Good of the Order
- 7:30pm Committees
- Community
- Luncheon November 30
- Youth
- Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest
- Lego Church
- Community
- 7:50 pm New Business
- 8:00 pm District Deputy/State Officers
- 8:10pm Sick or in Distress – Hail Mary
- 8:15pm Closing Prayer - Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Fwd: Widows Mass and Dinner
From: Scott Young <>
Date: Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 9:43 PM
Subject: Widows Mass and Dinner
Christ in the Womb November 16, 2014 / The Word Made Flesh November 14-15, 2015
November 16 Bulletin
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the womb
35 Weeks
Baby now weighs over 5 ½ pounds. Total length is 20 ¼ inches. Mother’s increasing size is due to the growth of Baby and placenta, as well as the increased amount of amniotic fluid. All these factors make estimating Baby’s weight more difficult. Emotional changes within mother are normal. Many changes are happening to mother’s body as Baby grows.
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh, November 14-15, 2015
Our Baby girl is growing nicely, estimated at over 5 pounds, over 20 inches. But Mother isn't doing so well on bed rest, and her blood pressure keeps rising. Father is worried, and is waiting on mother hand and foot to try to keep her comfortable. Doctor's also worried- and so inducement has been scheduled, for November 23, 2015. She's not going to reach her due date, which was to be the Birthday of Our Lord, December 25, 2015.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
New Agenda item for next meeting
Some important notes from last night's meeting:
This program was used in 2013 in the Diocese of Colorado to great success. Archbishop Sample thinks it is a good fit for the Archdiocese of Oregon, and since it is a program from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, the good Archbishop has asked all Knights of Columbus in Oregon to make it our top priority.
For our council, the first few orders of business in implementing this program are:
- Ordering books and materials, which has been accomplished. Supreme offers these materials for free, but we have to pay for shipping
- Promoting the program at the St. Clare's Advent Faith Fair, and looking for opportunities to promote it at St. John Fisher and St. Elizabeth Hungary, while obtaining support from the pastors there
- Obtaining our CVLI (Church movie copyright bank) license
- Get as many Knights as possible to take the Called to Protect program in their respective parishes, as we will be working with children
- Opening up our Christmas Party Potluck to all families from all three parishes, and adding a movie to entice families to come
As you can see, our second order of business leads right into supporting the Advent Faith Fair, which you'll hear about when we discuss the luncheon and activities we have been asked to support.
Here are some links to further information:
Http:// - Church movie license.
Supreme website on this program
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Fwd: Tigard Council Breakfast November
> Brothers,
> Tigard council is having a breakfast next Sunday in St.. Francis Hall, the new community center at St. Anthony Church. There is a free will offering with the proceeds going to St. Vincent's for food. The serving hours are 7:30 to 10:30. Come on over check us out.
> Dave Saunders, DD#3
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Christ in the Womb November 9 2014/ The Word Made Flesh November 7-8, 2015
November 9 Bulletin
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following
Baby Jesus in the womb
8 months Skin becomes pink and smooth.
Baby weighs almost 5 pounds and measures 19 ½ inches. The Baby is really getting cramped now. “Lightening” begins - the period in which the head of the Baby enters the birth canal. False labor is usually seen in late pregnancy. It seems to occur more often in women who have been pregnant before. It usually stops as quickly as it begins, and the Baby is never in danger.
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh November 7-8, 2015
Our Mother is getting worried, she's been on bed rest 3 weeks for preclampsia. Baby is turning and entering the birth canal. A false labor episode causes quite the scare, but the child is never in danger. Her due date is still December 25, 2015
Next 2nd / 3rd degree
Fwd: State Charities Stuffing
Brothers All,
Friday, November 7, 2014
Building the Domestic Church
Is your council ready for the webinar coming on Thursday night?
Each council should have a location set up to view the webinar and should have been in contact with each parish you serve to make sure the key people will be in attendance.
If you haven’t registered your location yet contact your District Deputy or State Secretary Sid Thiel,, to let him know where you will be. Please do so immediately. There are a limited number of connections available for the webinar.
Archbishop Sample has asked the Knights to take the lead in getting this program going. It is a direct response to Pope Francis’ call to bring the Church back in to our homes. You should be ordering a supply of the work book, “Building the Domestic Church”. They are available on They are featured prominently on the main page. There is no cost for the book, you pay only shipping costs. The idea is to put one of these books in every household in the parish so don’t hesitate to order a lot. You can order up to 300 at a time.
The program starts on December 1st so don’t delay and don’t miss the webinar!
Make sure you communicate with your parish priest, your council chaplain, and your director of religious education. All three people are vital to the program.
Now from me- Ken Paulsen and I will be going to the webinar at St. Anthony's. I've already talked with Pia and Jean about this, as well as Fr. Stobie.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Building your Domestic Church
Fwd: Health & Welfare Report 5 Nov 2014
Sir Knight and Past Grand Knight of Council 1872 and State Chaplin Father Joe Reinig passed away on October 24th in Bend. His funeral will be on Nov. 6th at 11:00 AM at St Francis Church, Bend. Vigil with Rosary will be on Wednesday, Nov. 5th at 7:00 pm in Bend. Bishop Cary will be the main Celebrant with Bishop Vasa and priest from the Diocese Concelebrating. The 4th Degree Knights will have an Honor Guard.
SK John H Kuchler is in Medford's Rogue Regional Medical Center CCU for a life threatening condition. There is some speculation but no confirmation as to what it might be.
John was born 4/22/1923 and has been a Knight since 2/01/1963 (current Council 1594), a 4th Degree Knight since 9/01/1969 (current Assembly 905). Please keep John and his wife Francis in your prayers.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Come to the prayer service for the Icon of the Immaculate Conception
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Needed: Ushers for Icon Prayer Service
Christ in the Womb November 2, 2014 / The Word Made Flesh Feast of All Saints, October 31-November 1, 2015
November 2 Bulletin
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the womb
33 Weeks
Mother gains more weight as Baby continues to grow and develop. Mother may be gaining weight faster than at any other point during pregnancy. However, mother is not putting on most of this weight— Baby is! Baby is going through a period of increased growth and may be gaining as much as 8 ounces or more every week!
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh, October 31-November 1, 2015
This is the weekend of the Feast of All Saints, and our Baby Girl is 33 weeks along. There is noticeable weight gain for the mother- but it isn't really the mother gaining weight, it's the child growing! Psalm 127 tells us that children are a heritage from the Lord, but at this point in the pregnancy it is hard to remember that. With the weight gain, mother continues to be on bed rest for preclampsia. It helps to have father around to help out at this stage in the pregnancy- a man to start running errands and taking care of the house.
Baby's due date is still December 25, 2015.