Sunday, September 28, 2014
An invitation from Council 12983 in Vancouver, WA.
Brothers, Parishioners and Catholic Friends,
You're invited to the parish annual spaghetti dinner. Tickets may be purchased online at
Please forward to your council and any interested parishioners.
Vivat Jesus,
Jim Parks
Grand Knight - Council 12983
Knights of Columbus
St John the Evangelist Parish
8701 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Christ in the Womb September 28, 2014----The Word Made Flesh September 26-27,. 2015
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the Womb 28 weeks
Crown-to-rump length is close to 10 inches. Brain tissue increases. Eyebrows and eyelashes are present. Hair on the baby’s head is growing longer. The body is becoming plumper and rounder. He is beginning to fill out a little due to increasing fat under the skin. Before this time, the baby had a thin appearance. Baby has increased its weight more than 10 times in 11 weeks. Baby is growing rapidly. Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh September 26-27, 2015.
Psalm 127 tells us what a blessing children are to the righteous man, and how blessed must our little girl's father be feeling by now, 28 weeks into the pregnancy! She's now close to 10 inches, gaining weight daily, and in an emergency, would be delivered as a premie now. But her real due date is still three months in the future- the Birthday of Our Lord December 25, 2015.
Link to St. Clare's Volunteer Website
Friday, September 26, 2014
Fwd: Health & Welfare Report 26 September 2014
> Dear Brothers
> Brother Bill Rickman has been off work since late June due to a neck condition that
> makes his hands and fingers painfully numb and weak. Surgery was originally scheduled in June' but his health insurance would not cover the procedure. Their denial was finally overturned on appeal last week. His surgery is now scheduled for October 9th at St. Vincent's in Beaverton. Prayers are requested for a successful operation and smooth recovery. The procedure is a fusion of C3 through T1 with rods and screws, and clearing the nerve openings at multiple levels. He hopes to return to work in January.
> Sir Knight Tom Meese was called home to our Lord about 8pm September 25, 2014. His funeral is scheduled for Tuesday October 2, 2014 at St, Cecilia Catholic Church with a Rosary at 10:30 and Mass at 11:00 A.M. Please keep Tom, Beverly, and the entire Meese Family in your prayers. An Honor Guard is requested.
> Sir Knight & Past State Deputy John Rekart Sr. was the State Deputy back in 1987-1989 and is a member of Council 7388 St. Agatha in Portland. He is a 4th degree Knight and passed away on September 12, 2014 just a few weeks short of his 98th birthday. Please keep PSD John Sr. and his family in your prayers. The family will try to display some of the memorabilia John collected. His service to the Knights of Columbus was very important to him and the family will make every effort to honor that. The Memorial Service is set for 11 A.M. on October 15 at St. Agatha Church in Portland. A rosary will take place just prior to the service. An Honor Guard should meet at 10:00 A.M.
> Queen of Peace Council 9263 lost brother Henry (Hank) Ercolini on August 28th 2014. Brother Hank became a Knight in 1928 Reinstated in 1983 and was a lifetime member of council 9263 in Salem, Oregon. Celebration of life week was held at The capital manor in Salem Oregon Saturday September 20th at 1:30pm located at 1955 Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, OR 97304. Brother Hanks family has stated that in lieu of flowers any donations can be sent to Susan G Komen for the Cure or the charity of your choice.Please pray for his family and the repose of his soul.
> Brother Sir Knight and former District Deputy #7 Stephen Radel and his wife Nicole are pleased to announce the birth of their first child. Katie Marie Radel born on Wednesday Sept 10 at 2308 hours (11:08pm). Nicole, Katie and Stephen are all doing well. Congratulations to all the Radel Family..
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Robert J Kish Jr <> stopped by River Bend Hospital in Eugene to visit with Joyce Denton. She was doing very well. The back surgery was a success and there is a good possibly she might go home on Wednesday. Obviously she is still in some pain but was in very good spirits and looked well too. She has many months of therapy ahead of her, so please pray for a quick and total recovery.
> Health & Welfare Chairman
> Andrew F. Robinson, Jr.
> .
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Prayer Request: Kevin Hagan
Update 1:07pm, he's home again but still in severe pain, and they were unable to find the cause of the problem. Keep praying, might just need a miracle this time.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Call for volunteers
October 11 5pm Mass St. Clare's
October 12 8:30 am and 10:45 am Mass St. Clare's
October 15 Open House St. Clare's
And of course, I need the following officers for our 1st Degree on October 20th:
Inside Guard
Friday, September 19, 2014
Christ in the Womb September 21, 2014/The Word Made Flesh September 19-20,2015
September 21 Bulletin
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the womb
27 Weeks
This week marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester. Eyelids will now open. The retina, at the back of the eye, is light-sensitive. It is the part of the eye where light images come into focus. These layers receive light wave information and transmit it to the brain for interpretations—what we know as “sight.”
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh September 19-20, 2015.
In Mathew Chapter 6, verse 22, Christ tells us of the miracle of the human eye- the lamp of the body. At the start of the 3rd trimester, the retinas of the little girl we are following become light sensitive; the child can now see. Eyelids open. Her due date is still a few months out- The Birthday of Our Lord, December 25, 2015
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Fwd: Tigard Breakfast this Sunday
Brothers, Tigard is having their third Sunday monthly breakfast after an absence of 18 we are back with our outstanding food. we will start serving at 8:30 until about 11:00 Come by and meet your fellow Brothers and friends.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Meeting Minutes for 9/15/2014
Roll Call of Officers
Our Lord Jesus Christ – Present
Grand Knight Seeber, Theodore M Present
Financial Secretary Jarvis, Philip A Present
Deputy Grand Knight Paulsen, Kenneth A Excused
Chancellor Vuoche, Polinus N Present
Recorder Van Domelen, James L Excused
Treasurer Devlin, Michael Present
Advocate Gregoire, Marc R Excused
Warden Chau, Michael H Present
Inside Guard Ward, Ivan D Excused
Outside Guard Codd, Dennis M Excused
One Year Trustee Morgan, James M Present
Two Year Trustee Creegan, John T Absent
Three Year Trustee Owens, Thomas R Present
Lecturer O'Phelan, Michael J Absent
7 Officers Present. 8 Members were present.
The previous minutes were handed out with the Agenda.
Grand Knight’s Report:
• Icon of the Immaculate Conception will be coming to St. Clare’s November 3-9, 2014. Prayer service will be November 4, 2014, 6:30pm-7:30pm. In keeping with Pia’s adult education calendar, Mary as the Queen of Disciples will be stressed. We have prayer books and prayer cards.
• The pastoral council refused the help of the Knights for the survey of volunteers; instead of by phone this will be done with a link to the parish website in the bulletin.
• Eucharistic Miracles Display on October 25th is still in flux. Need to contact Archbishop Sample & Bishop Peter Smith about this. Ken Paulsen and Ted Seeber will facilitate this.
• New Locks at St. Clare’s- system is still being tweaked, until done, entry into the parish office is through the back door. No parish funds went to this, will be coming to St. Clare’s November 3-9, 2014. Prayer service will be November 4, 2014, 6:30pm-7:30pm. In keeping with Pia’s adult education calendar, Mary as the Queen of Disciples will be stressed. We have prayer books and prayer cards.
• The pastoral council refused the help of the Knights for the survey of volunteers; instead of by phone this will be done with a link to the parish website in the bulletin.
• Eucharistic Miracles Display on October 25th is still in flux. Need to contact Archbishop Sample & Bishop Peter Smith about this. Ken Paulsen and Ted Seeber will facilitate this.
• New Locks at St. Clare’s- system is still being tweaked, until done, entry into the parish office is through the back door. No parish funds went to this, grant was from Called to Protect for child safety, and also includes the new gate on the road leading to the school.
• Membership Drive at Mass October 11 to 12, Open House October 15, 1st Degree October 20. Fits in with Pia’s theme of the Rite of Dismissal- “Go in peace to Love and Serve the Lord”
• Essay contest has begun- St. Clare’s 8th Graders invited to participate- Essays due at Open House on October 15. • 1st Degree next meeting will feature a power point presentation for use by the Degree team. Lines will be on the wall behind the candidates; sound will be integrated in at proper times.
Treasurer’s Report
• Checking $1649.84
• Unity: $543.60
• Charity: $40.00
Financial Secretary Report:
Income from breakfast $117 profit, $50 donated to St. Clare’s. $500 was donated to St. Vincent De Paul, $76.80 was sent to Supreme. 5 members have still not paid their dues
Retention Committee Report:
The decision was made to waive dues for the remaining 5 members who have not paid, in hopes of keeping our numbers up. Cards are to be imprinted and sent to our field agent, who has volunteered to follow up with the 5 members and hand deliver the membership cards, to remind them of the duties and benefits of fraternity.
Community Committees (heads of committees are absent, so Grand Knight gave a report):
• Next KofC Sunday Breakfast will be November 30, pastoral council wishes for us to bring back the Baby Bottle Drive at this time for Advent.
• Kevin Hagan was going to head a continental breakfast committee for RCIA Saturdays, but ended up with a migraine and was not at this meeting. Grand Knight would like a volunteer for a backup.
• Liturgical Commission Representative Tim Crimmins is looking for an organizer for the October 25 Liturgy Workshop- contact GK to get Tim’s Contact information.
New Business
• Essay Contest Awards for “The Importance of Religious Liberty”- $50 will go to the winner. Copies of “Francis: A Pope from The New World” will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Participation certificates for all will be awarded. The Council will purchase a 12-year plaque and inscribe the names of the winners on the first year sticker, to be kept in the classroom for future years. Council voted for the $134 cost of these awards.
• Tom Owens asked for a council donation of $300 for wheelchairs for the My Lam school in Vietnam. He was also offering silk tapestries for sale to members for a $150 donation (equivalent to a single wheelchair in Vietnam). Contact Tom Owens if you wish to purchase a tapestry. These tapestries are hand woven at the My Lam School in Vietnam, each one takes about 3 weeks of work. Council voted to give the donation of $300.
District Deputy’s Report:
The council was praised for the level of activity we are maintaining with so few members.
Field Agent’s Report:
Don Alloway reminded us of the need for burial insurance. At the training in New Haven, the role of the Field Agent to take care of the widow after a death is reported was stressed. Our field agent has 12 years of experience in the insurance industry, and knows that part of his duty is to help widows plan funerals. It helps if you have the money to do so, whether with the Knights or with another company, let the Field Agent know. Extra cards were given to the Grand Knight if you need Don’s business card. James Michael Morgan spoke up and told us his current medical expenses are around $7000 a month- you do not want to leave your heirs with that burden. Talk to Don when he calls!
Sick or in Distress:
For the repose of the Soul of Chris White, Parishioner of St. Clare's and next door neighbor of Ken Paulsen. For Kevin Hagan and his grandfather. For Bonnie Owens going in for surgery on thumb and shoulder again. One Hail Mary.
Meeting was Adjourned at 8:05pm with the prayer “We Fly to Your Protection” for Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (the prayer on the back of the Icon Prayer Card)
Meeting notes submitted by James Michael Morgan.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Christ in the Womb September 14, 2014/The Word Made Flesh September 12-13, 2015
September 14 Bulletin
The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the womb
26 Weeks
Baby now weighs almost 2 pounds and will put on more weight.
Baby has distinct sleeping and waking cycles. Certain times of the day will have Baby very active, while other times he will be asleep. In addition, all five senses are now fully developed.
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh
September 12-13, 2015
26 weeks in, our baby girl now ways almost two pounds! She has distinct sleeping and waking cycles. Proverbs chapter 3 and 6 mention what a grace sleep is to the human race. Her due date is still the birthday of Our Lord, December 25, 2015
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Meeting Monday, September 15 7pm
Meeting Agenda
September 15, 2014
St. Clare Fireside Room
● 7:00pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Roll Call, Reading of Previous Minutes
● 7:05pm Grand Knight’s Remarks
○ Pastoral Council
■ Icon
■ Survey of Volunteers
■ Eucharistic Miracles Display
○ New Locks at St. Clare’s- More Info
○ Membership Drive October 11-12, Open House on October 15
○ Essay Contest Due October 15
○ 1st Degree next meeting- New Tech
● 7:10pm Treasurer’s Report
● 7:15pm For the Good of the Order
● 7:25pm Committees
○ Community
■ Breakfast November 30
■ RCIA Breakfasts
■ Liturgy Workshop
● 7:40 pm New Business
○ Essay Contest Awards
● 7:50 pm District Deputy/State Officers
○ Don Alloway on New Insurance Products
● 8:00pm Sick or in Distress – Hail Mary
● 8:10pm Closing Prayer - Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
Monday, September 8, 2014
Fwd: District 18 1st Degree at Hillsboro Sept 25
> Worthy District Deputies,
> If any of your councils are looking for a 1st degree in September, District 18 will be holding a 1st Degree at the Hillsboro Columbus Club on Sept 25th at 7pm.
> See the attached flyer for more info.
> Vivat Jesus,
> Duane Morris
> District Warden #18
Fwd: District 4 1st Degree at St. Joe's Sept 20th at 9am
> Worthy State Deputy and Worthy State Membership Director
> St. Joe's council is holding a 1st degree in the upstairs of the parish center. Saturday September 20th at 9am. If you wish attend we would be honored to have you present.
> Vivat Jesus,
> Nickolas Guenther
> 503-890-3457
> Knights of Columbus
> District Deputy - District 4
> KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS It's a Catholic way of Life
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Christ in the Womb for September 7, 2014/The Word Made Flesh September 5-6, 2015

September 7 Bulletin The Word was made Flesh . . . Following Baby Jesus in the womb
6 months
The Baby will be able to hear by next week. The child sleeps and wakes, nestles in his favorite positions and stretches upon waking up. If Baby is delivered now, it would have a high chance of living. No one wants a Baby to deliver this early, but new treatment methods like ventilators, monitors and medication increase its chances of survival.
Baby’s approximate due date: December 25, 2014
The Word Made Flesh, September 5-6, 2015.
Ephesians 5 repeats an old saying from the very beginning of the Christian Era, common to the people Paul was writing to: "Wake from your slumber, arise from the Dead, and Christ will shine upon you". We are six months into the pregnancy of our little girl, and she is learning to sleep and wake. Nobody wants a baby delivered this early, but with modern medical treatment, she is her own person, and would survive if delivered this early. Her due date, however, remains the birthday of Our Lord, December 25th, 2015.
Fwd: Health & Welfare Report 7 September 2014
From: "Andrew Robinson" <>
Date: Sep 7, 2014 10:52 AM
Subject: Health & Welfare Report 7 September 2014
To: "Andrew Robinson" <>
Please pray for successful recovery for Jim Bachman, Father of Bro(s) Steve and Robert Bachman of Baker Council 849, and friend of many at St. Francis DeSales Cathedral Parish in Baker City. Jim had major heart surgery and was in ICU at the Hospital in Bend.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Breakfast Results
Profit $107
Donation to St. Clare's:$50 Thank you to all who volunteered. We were doing this breakfast more for community than for profit. I did not keep an exact count, but I believe we served only 50 to 60 breakfasts, including for the crew. This is down about 40-50 from a normal breakfast, yet we still did better than breaking even.
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