KofC John Clare Council November Hybrid Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11/19/2024. The meeting will be, in-person, at St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM., and online via Zoom. See information below.
We have a full agenda. We will be welcoming Dr. David Villegas, a member of the St. Clare Adult Formation Team. He will be seeking our input on areas of interest with regard to Adult Formation. We will also renew or discussion of the "Beautiful Eucharist", by Matthew Kelly. We will discuss chapters 7 to 9 pages 53 to 73, as time allows. Copies will be available at the meeting if needed.
CH 7
Bishop Fulton Sheen has said “Every living thing must nourish itself…Man’s soul is spiritual and therefore it demands spiritual food—the Eucharist.”
- Does that analogy help you appreciate the Eucharist? How?
- What difference does it make to you that Jesus said “This is my body, this is my blood” rather than merely "this represents my body and blood"?
CH 8
Ponder and discuss the following excerpts at the end of chapter 8, pg. 65;
Whenever we yearn for meaning, feel tired and overwhelmed, become uncertain about the direction of our lives, or simply need to feel loved…we know where to turn.
God awaits us always in the Eucharist. As long as we never tire of seeking Him there, we will find exactly what our souls need.
CH 9
Listen to the last paragraph on pg. 72; Reflect and discuss the relevance of this concept and for us as catholics, reality, in todays world...
Here is the agenda to download.
The information to attend online is listed below.
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