Saturday, June 27, 2020
From Jim of St Elizabeth of Hungary on KGW
Fr Jim is retiring. They held a drive by party for him today. Click here for video
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Supreme Webinar- Virtual Installation of Officers
Were you elected as part of our Trustee's slate? Supreme would like you to register for this Thursday's Webinar for a virtual installation of officers:
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Minutes for June 16, 2020 Meeting
On a Telephone conference call Grand Knight Ted Seeber called the meeting to order.
We prayed the Novena
We pledged allegiance to the flag
We skipped the role call of members
It was announced that the No Neighbor Left Behind program that was
started from Covid-19, has been continued through the year 2020.
Ted Seeber will continue to host the Telephone conferences online.
We will continue our Bottle Collection & Bottle Drop program to raise money,
AND the proceeds will go to John Fisher.
Ted Seeber gave Mike Devlin's Treasurer Report since Mike was not present.
Under Good of the Order: Michael O'Phelan gave a outstanding reading & prayer.
James M. Morgan gave a report about the No Neighbor Left Be Behind program.
Only 2 members have been affected adversely by economic loss.
New Businessgoire
Help for the Sick & Distressed
Listened to a message from our new Grand Knight Marc Gregoire
Ted Seeber said a closing prayer.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of a priest
Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Fr. Charles Dreisbach of Sacred Heart Parish of Klamath Falls who passed away this morning. This is the priest who had the stroke yesterday that we praid for during our meeting.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Your Officers for 2020-2021
The officer list for the next Fraternal Year, Starting July 1
GK Marc Gregoire
DGK Gene Andres
Chan Mike O'Phelan
Recorder: James Morgan
Treasurer: Mike Devlin
Advocate John Kepel
Warden Michael Chau
Inside Guard Tom Owens
Outside Guard JJ Klien
3 year Trustee Ted Seeber
2 year Trustee Don Mey
1 year Trustee Paul Pompili
GK Marc Gregoire
DGK Gene Andres
Chan Mike O'Phelan
Recorder: James Morgan
Treasurer: Mike Devlin
Advocate John Kepel
Warden Michael Chau
Inside Guard Tom Owens
Outside Guard JJ Klien
3 year Trustee Ted Seeber
2 year Trustee Don Mey
1 year Trustee Paul Pompili
Elanor Larson Birthday
Eleanor is having Another!! Birthday!! 101st!
Our family would like to celebrate this milestone, but of course, with the current virus situation, we will not have a group celebration. However, written cards or phone calls would be wonderful. The date of her birthday is June 22.
Her physical mailing address is:
Barbur Vista Residential Care
Eleanor Larson room 14
9451 SW Barbur Blvd
Portland OR 97219
Or....we can deliver messages to her @
Karen Bloom
14175 SW Stirrup Pl
Beaverton OR 97008
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Officer Elections And Next Meeting Login information
There are no contested officer positions left, so the voting survey only has a single voting line, on the Trustee's Slate. Please vote anyway. If you disagree with the Trustee's slate, you can vote no and enter in additional officer nominations in the next question. Voting is open for 48 hours. The link to vote is: /FQ29HMN
On June 16, at 6pm, Ted will open the virtual council chamber to discuss recent items in the news and No Neighbor Left Behind needs. Actual business meeting will start at 7pm.
To join the meeting click on the following link
or call in to one of these conference numbers and enter the conference ID:
United States - San Francisco, CA+1.415.594.5500
United States - Seattle, WA+1.206.636.0011
Conference ID:
381-451-621 #
On June 16, at 6pm, Ted will open the virtual council chamber to discuss recent items in the news and No Neighbor Left Behind needs. Actual business meeting will start at 7pm.
To join the meeting click on the following link
or call in to one of these conference numbers and enter the conference ID:
United States - San Francisco, CA+1.415.594.5500
United States - Seattle, WA+1.206.636.0011
Conference ID:
381-451-621 #
Saturday, June 13, 2020
OSV reports: Fr McGivney
Meet the 5 year old and his family whose miraculous recovery in the womb opend the door for the Beatification of Fr McGivney.
Friday, June 12, 2020
From Council #3591 and the St Anthony's Catholic Daughters Court
Hello Sisters in Christ:
I am sending information about Paul's 100 birthday from the KC'S.
I do know that Helen Mason knows Paul and Helen will 100 also this year.(October 9th)
Paul still lives in his home and is active and so I hope you can send a card
or do the drive by.
Blessings to all those have blessed with milestone birthdays. God is Good
Coreen Kraemer
The email below is from Joe Jones.
A long time resident of Tigard, parishioner of St. Anthony and charter member of the
Tigard Knights of Columbus Council (founded in 1953) Paul Herberholz is celebrating
his 100th birthday this June.
You are invited to help Paul celebrate this milestone 100th birthday on June 27th in
a drive by birthday celebration in front of his house in Tigard.
Drive by will be from 1 PM until 3 PM on Saturday June 27th. 8400 SW Pfaffle Street
His son, Al will put up a canopy towards the end of the driveway, at least 15 feet from
passing or stopping cars.There will be a container or something to hold cards.
We need to have people who plan on going by his house, turn on Pfaffle from Hall Blvd.
Paul's house is on the right side of Pfaffle street so you will have to holler at Paul through
your passenger window.
This is a surprise celebration for Paul but it is OK to share this information with others that
might know Paul and would like to drive by and wish him Happy 100th Birthday.
In Defense of our namesake
Please read this article in USA Today, Written by Christopher Columbus XX
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Final Online Meeting of the Fraternal Year- 7pm June 16,2020
June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
In keeping with the communication from the Supreme Knight on 3/11/2020 this meeting will be ONLINE ONLY
We're going to Use Logmein's Join.Me app for teleconferencing this meeting. Use this meeting link, or call one of the numbers below with this meeting ID: 381-451-621 #
We have found that if you wish to present at the meeting, it is better if you are added to the team for the council, as you can then use the Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android app, which gives you the choice to use your cell phone to dial in to the meeting. If you did not get an invite and wish to present something to the council, email the Grand Knight at this Email Link
We have found that if you wish to present at the meeting, it is better if you are added to the team for the council, as you can then use the Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android app, which gives you the choice to use your cell phone to dial in to the meeting. If you did not get an invite and wish to present something to the council, email the Grand Knight at this Email Link
- 6:00pm- Ted will open the meeting room early. Leave No Neighbor Behind discussion time. If you have worries, doubts, things the council can help with, or if you just want to rant to an understanding ear in fraternal charity, join early.
- 7:00pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Roll Call, Previous minutes are posted in a recording of the meeting at this link.
- 7:05pm GK Remarks- Passdown from Supreme on No Neighbor Left Behind program.. New rules for food events for the next year- individually packaged condiments, seat and serve no line recommended. No cash transactions- not sure how to work that. Offer take out meals. Report of the convention. Online meetings only until St. Clares and St. John Fisher are in Phase 2. Step up Leave No Neighbor Behind. Online fund raising needs to start happening.
- 7:10pm Treasurer’s / FS Report
- 7:15 For the good of the Order
- 7:30 pm Committees
- Report from James M. Morgan on No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls
- 7:45 pm New Business
- Read survey for voting on new officers (link will be here by Monday, June 15, and will be sent out as many ways as possible)
- What can we do to help our pastors get through Phase 0, Phase 1, Phase 2? Let's include not just St. Clare's and SJF, but also St. Elizabeth's and St. Juan Diego
- Building the Domestic Church program resurgence- let's get help to fathers leading the family at home, Knights or not.
- Other ideas for living in this time of pandemic and uncertainty?
- 8:00 pm District Deputy/State Officers
- 8:05 pm Sick or in Distress - Hail Mary
- 8:10 pm In Keeping with Resolution Passed at State Convention, Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
To dial in by phone:
United States - Boston, MA+1.857.444.6500
United States - Camden, DE+1.302.202.5900
United States - Denver, CO+1.720.650.5050
United States - Los Angeles, CA+
United States - New York, NY+1.646.307.1990
United States - Salt Lake City, UT+1.801.448.0006
United States - San Francisco, CA+1.415.594.5500
United States - Seattle, WA+1.206.636.0011
United States - Tampa, FL+1.813.769.0500
United States - Washington, DC+1.202.602.1295
I will open the chat room at 6:45. The meeting id for Tuesday's meeting is Conference ID:
381-451-621 # or
Monday, June 8, 2020
From State Deputy Ron Boyce
Dear Brother's,
I have received calls and email on President Trump's visitation to the Saint Pope John II National Shrine and St. John's Episcopal Church. I do understand that you may take offense of a politician looking for publicity or photo opportunity to a religious shrine, plus with the protests and riots going on in the streets of Washington DC. I too agree that no one should use the Shrine as a photo op. With that said, we as an order need to look at the big picture. Whatever good or bad you think of the President Trump we need to remember that he has been the biggest supporter of the Pro-Life movement and Religious Freedoms. We also need to remember the First Lady Melania Trump is a Catholic.
I have spoken with the State Deputy of Washington DC Jurisdiction. The President and First Lady's visit was pre-planned to commemorate the Anniversary of Saint Pope John Paul II visit to Poland in 1979 (Be Not Afraid) and to coincide with the Presidents signing of the Executive Order on International Religious Freedom which was signed at the Whitehouse on the same day. No Supreme Officers were present at the Shrine during President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's visit.
I think the time is now for the Oregon Knights to show our community what we can do to help. Like our Founder the "Blessed" Fr. Michael McGivney did in Connecticut. Brothers the Oregon unemployment Rate is at 14.2%. That is 1 out of every 8 Oregonian who lost their job and income to support their family. Again we need to stop worrying about if the President is offending us or not and start doing what we can to help our fellow Oregonians. We need our councils to continue to be active in the Leave No Neighbor Behind. This COVID-19 pandemic and the riots that is destroying businesses in our communities is going to have a lasting effect that could go well into December. Our duty as Knights is to lead our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities. Remembering always that where there is a need there's a Knight. We need to continue to support our brothers and reach out to all of our members to make sure they are doing okay. Support our Parish's and be prepared to deliver on the requests from our pastor and the needs of the parish community. We need to support our communities by reaching out to our neighbors, assess their needs and identify ways to help. Continue to help with the Portland Archdiocese and St. Vincent DePaul/Oregon Food Bank Food box distributions. Last but not least, the Red Cross needs our help they are in the urgent need of blood donors. You can schedule an appointment at or call them at 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Brothers the time is now for us as Oregon Knights to Step into the Breach. As Archbishop Fulton Sheen said "Show me your hands. Do they have scars from giving? Show me your feet. Are they wounded in service? Show me your heart. Have you left a place for divine love?"
Brothers the last item I would like to cover is on the taking of George Floyd’s life by a police officer. I was very hurt at what happened to George Floyd and was very angered to see how peaceful protests turned into riots and destruction of private properties and businesses. We need to come together as Oregonians and move towards free of discrimination and hate not just for our state but also as a nation. The Knights of Columbus and Pope Francis are urging all to express their anger and cries for justice in non-violent way to end the sin of racism. The Supreme Knight is asking for councils to participate in a novena. Nine days of prayer for national unity and an end to racism amid the unrest. The Novena is set to begin on Trinity Sunday, June 7th, which was chosen by the Knights because of its inherent theme of unity.
Brothers I know as a Catholic Brotherhood we can help our community and our parishes move forward to normalcy in the spirit of Fr. McGivney to help the men and their families in our communities and parishes. I believed that the Oregon Knights of Columbus is very strong and we will come arise to the needs. I strongly believe that our prayers will be answer that we will have peace and unity.
Vivat Jesus,
Ron Boyce
Knights of Columbus
Oregon State Deputy
PO Box 23093
Tigard, OR 97281
Cell #503-730-1986
One Member, Per Council, Per Month
ReplyReply allForward |
Vivat Jesus

Stephen J. Radel
Oregon Knights of Columbus
Executive Secretary
1785 NW Ravenwood Dr.
Albany, OR 97321
"Be Not Afraid"
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Congradulations Fr Richard on 25 years!
June 8, marks Fr. Richard’s 25th anniversary of ordination!
He converted to Catholicism in 1985 at the age of 35 and entered Mount Angel Seminary three years later; he was ordained to the priesthood in 1995.
Father Thompson's first assignment was at St. Cecilia in Beaverton followed by St. Mary Star of the Sea in Astoria, then All Saints Parish in Northeast Portland before joining us at SJF in 2012!
He says he loves being a priest. “I finally decided what I want to do when I grow up," he explains. "I’m still working on growing up.”
Congratulations, Father!! đŸ¥³✨
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Calls for a Novena on Racial Unity
I know I kind of dropped the ball on our next Novena, but my depression over events in the news kind of caused me to withdraw a bit. But here is the best thing I've seen from the Knights in a long time on the topic.
I tried to copy the prayer here, but failed. The link below goes to a printable PDF for this.
I tried to copy the prayer here, but failed. The link below goes to a printable PDF for this.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Volunteers needed for Archdiocese Drive-through Collection
Brother Knights,
This is the link to sign up to man the booths for the Archdiocese funds collection. We'll be collecting funds from people as they drive up to help Parishes in need. We'll need at least a couple of people at the booths to keep an eye on things and help out.
Mask donations for church doors at STC and SJF
As I was registering to go to Mass on Sunday, Leann mentioned to me that she nearly missed mass because she had walked to church and forgot her mask.
I have been informed my earier idea is unworkable.
I have been informed my earier idea is unworkable.
I will look into buying boxes of disposable masks instead.
I'll put it on the June 16 agenda.
I'll put it on the June 16 agenda.
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