Tuesday, March 31, 2020
From Archbishop Sample
Monday, March 30, 2020
Not spiritual, but very helpful and inspiring
Try to remember, patience is a virtue
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Ted Seeber supplied funding, but Donna Jarvis supplied the fingers
40 Cans For Lent is back on at St. Clare's
My brothers, Food for Families has moved to a new program for Supreme launched this week, LEAVE NO NEIGHBOR BEHIND! Let us fulfill our 40 cans for Lent duty donations to SVDP at both St. Clare's and St. John Fisher, and live the dream of Fr. McGivney.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Jesse Romero tells of of the Christian Weapons of War
And as your Grand Knight, it's my duty to give you some tools to do so. There will be 30 envelopes going out from my house this week- a bunch of prayer cards I purchased at the beginning of this pandemic that came too late for the quarantine. Christopher and Ted will be specially praying about your family, and sending you a selection of prayer cards that fit the current situation. Fr. Don has decided that starting Saturday, April 4, there will be palms available in the east transept entrance of St. Clare's church to help us celebrate Palm Sunday at home, when I go to confession I'll be taking the rest of the prayer cards to put on the table. Some Christian Weapons of War for your family.
The stories in this section, in morally relativistic terms, deserve a trigger warning. There are some rather graphic stories of his time as a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff- stories from his new book _The Devil in the City of Angels_. But they are worth listening to. If however you want to skip it, skip to 28 minutes in, where he tells you directly how to bless your house, bless your wife, and bless your children as the priest of the domestic church.
Click here to listen to the final talk from the December 2019 Men's Conference- Jesse Romero on the Christian Weapons of War
Thursday, March 26, 2020
New Supreme Program: Leave No Neighbor Behind
Leave No Neighbor Behind
- Reach Out To Members- you should be getting a weekly phone call from James Morgan. Let him know how you are doing!
- Provide for your parish. Both St. Clare's and St. John Fisher have online giving capabilities available on the parish website
- Care for your Community- don't break social distancing or quarantine rules, but support the people in your community that need help
- Give Blood if you can- This comes at the worst time of year when blood supplies are usually at a minimum
- Support St. Clare's SVDP and SJF SVDP- Food banks are about to get hit hard with potentially a 30% unemployment rate. If you can give, do so. If you can drive, do so.
Request from Oregon State Council Charities 501c(3)
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Reality from Fake News
For the latest that is factually known, I suggest the CDC- they're the people truly in charge of all of this.
Link is on the blog, but I'm also posting it in plaintext :
Archdiocese mass schedule for this week
Archbishop will lead evening prayer and offer a special message from his personal chapel.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The Knights of Columbus request you join us in a Novena
We've just finished the Novena to Our Lady of Monte Birico, and are starting the Novena to St. Rocco.
We start at 3pm with a Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
We then continue with the Novena to St. Rocco, protector against contagious diseases, in cooperation with Oregon State Council
March 24-April 1
Prayer to Saint Rocco
O Great St. Rocco, deliver us,
we beseech thee,
from the scourges of God;
through thy Intercessory,
preserve our bodies from contagious diseases,
and our souls from the contagion of sin.
Obtain for us salubrious air;
but, above all, purity of heart.
Assist us to make good use of health,
to bear suffering with patience;
and, after thy example,
to live in the practice of penance and charity,
that we may one day enjoy the happiness
which thou has merited by thy virtues.
St. Rocco, pray for us
St. Rocco, pray for us
St. Rocco, pray for us
Saint Rocco is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as the protector against the plague and all contagious diseases. Pray for St. Rocco's intercession for protection from the Coronavirus.
Supreme asks us to also do this Novena: Prayer for Protection in times of Pandemic
O Mary, you always brighten our path as
a sign of salvation and of hope. We
entrust ourselves to you,
Health of the Sick,
who,at the Cross, took part in Jesus’ pain
while remaining steadfast in faith.
O loving Mother, you know what we need,
and we are confident you will provide
for us as at Cana in Galilee.
Intercede for us with your Son Jesus,
the Divine Physician,
for those who have fallen ill,
for those who are vulnerable,
and for those who have died.
Intercede also
for those charged with protecting the health and safety of others
and for those who are attending to the sick
and seeking a cure.
Help us, O Mother of Divine Love,
to conform to the will of the Father
and to do as we are told by Jesus,
who took upon himself our sufferings
and carried our sorrows,
so as to lead us,
through the Cross,
to the glory of the Resurrection.
Under thy protection we
seek refuge,
O Holy Mother of God.
In our needs, despise not our petitions,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
Adapted from the prayer of Pope Francis
Monday, March 23, 2020
from Tom Owens, a request
Friday, March 20, 2020
An urgent request

Deaconess - How to make a Face Mask
Thursday, March 19, 2020
From Bishop Barron
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From Fr. Don at St. Clare's
Hello St. Clare parishioners,
Wow, what a unique time we live in! There are so many uncertainties and so many changes in our lives as
we try to minimize the spread of the virus. Thank you for all your personal efforts to keep safe and keep the
people around you safe.
I assume most of you have heard by now that the archbishop has canceled all public Masses until at least
April 14. So, no Sunday or weekday Masses here at St. Clare or at any church in the archdiocese. I will
continue to pray Mass daily (privately) for all of you and for our world. We are working on providing our
Sunday Mass online, however, we don’t have that up and running yet. In this week’s bulletin, there will be
some suggestions of places you can pray either with the Mass on TV or online. Please do something special
on Sundays to follow the 3rd Commandment: Keep holy the Sabbath.
Confessions will continue here at St. Clare, regular time (Saturday 4-4:30) in the Reconciliation Chapel in the
back of the church. Lent is an especially important time to take advantage of this sacrament. Social distancing
will be practiced. Our Lenten Reconciliation Service that was scheduled for Apr. 3 has been canceled.
The parish bulletin will continue to arrive in your email as it always has and it is available on our website.
Since there aren’t activities happening here currently, it will give inspirational things to help keep you strong
The parish website will be your best go-to spot for the latest information about St. Clare Church.
Our dedicated St. Vincent DePaul volunteers are still caring for those that need our help in the neighborhood.
They are using appropriate safety procedures. Donations of food are greatly appreciated; they can be dropped
off any time in the unlocked vestibule of the parish office. They will be picked up daily.
Your on-going financial donations to the church are greatly appreciated also. Even though we don’t have
Mass, our expenses continue almost as normal. You can give online (instructions on our website) or mail
donations to the office. Thank you very much for your on-going generosity.
If you need to contact the parish staff email is the best way. All the staff email addresses can be found on
our website or in this week’s bulletin.
Although the church staff are usually working from home, I will be on campus almost every day. I am still
available for emergencies such as the Last Rites or Anointing of the Sick for seriously ill people. In those
special cases, call the regular office phone and you will receive instructions on how to reach me.
These are difficult times. Remember God’s words in the Bible “Do not be afraid”. Take all precautions and
then trust in God. God is with us in all of this. Take good care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Be a disciple: let God use you to encourage, support, and help others in this crisis. Remember, I’m praying for
you every day. Let’s all keep each other in our prayers.
May God bless you all. -Fr. Don
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
In this time of minimal contact- it's important to keep our spirits up
From the Grotto
From our bank, Rivermark Credit Union
I would also suggest St Vincent De Paul at our local parishes also is a good place to donate.
Please report any donations to Gene.Andres@comcast.net , as they can be used towards us getting our Food For Families this year.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Where to stream live masses
But SJF and St. Cecilia's and St. Anthony's ARE.
Click here for the ever increasing list of Mass Livestream Broadcasts!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Our first online meeting went fairly well
And please e-mail your contact information to pdjarvis1@comcast.net so that we can keep in touch with you.
In fact, you might call Phil on his 87th birthday- March 23rd, 1933 is when he was born!
Monday, March 16, 2020
From Archbishop Sample
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
This is by far one of the most difficult communications I have ever written because of the impact it will have on the spiritual and faith lives of so many of us.
Today, March 16, 2020, Governor Kate Brown announced new directives governing the social gathering of people in the State of Oregon. Beginning tomorrow gatherings are not to exceed 25 people for the next four weeks. At the same time, although she did not make it the law, she urged that such gatherings be kept under 10 people. Earlier today, President Trump made a similar recommendation that gatherings not exceed 10 people. I suspect that at some point 10 people will become the law.
In light of this, it becomes impossible for us to manage a schedule of Masses in the parishes and missions of the Archdiocese observing this 10 to 25 limit. With a very heavy heart, I am therefore announcing the cancellation of all public Masses in the Archdiocese of Portland beginning tomorrow through April 14, 2020. At the same time, I am dispensing all of the faithful from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation for the same period of time.
This will be particularly hard because this will take us through Holy Week and Easter.
Further information, direction, suggestions, pastoral guidance etc. will be forthcoming as we navigate together these uncharted waters. For now, I felt it urgent to let you know of this necessary decision. I will be reminding the priests of the importance for them to still offer daily Mass, though not publicly, for the good of the faithful and for an end to this crisis.
I am sorry beyond words to have to make this decision. It is very painful for me to do so. In the midst of this we must remember that the Holy Eucharist remains the source and summit of the Christian life.
May our hunger for the Mass and the Body of Christ be a source of grace for us.
Archbishop Alexander K. Sample
From the Supreme Knight: 2020-03-16
Dear Brother Knight,
As the world confronts the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you the actions and responses taken by the Knights of Columbus.
The coronavirus disease is not the first pandemic the Knights of Columbus has faced. In the late nineteenth century, and again in 1918, the Knights remained strong and active despite such situations. And together, we will do so again this time.
We know that this period will be difficult in various ways for everyone, and we want to assure you that the Knights of Columbus is fully committed to you and your family, and has taken the steps necessary to continue our important work on your behalf – from protecting the faith and financial stability of members’ families, to helping members put their faith into action by providing important charitable service within their communities.
Although to our knowledge, no staff at the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council or Museum in New Haven or at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C., have tested positive for COVID-19, we have implemented remote operations for most staff, allowing our business processes, customer service and fraternal support to continue their important work uninterrupted, while simultaneously protecting the health of our employees and reducing the risk of community spread of this illness, which is often facilitated by having large groups of people in close proximity to one another.
Furthermore, our sustainable investment strategy means that our exposure to current stock market volatility is limited, and we remain extremely strong financially. With that strength, and the strength that comes from committed employees, we remain positioned and ready to serve our brother Knights. Of course, our agents and our customer service team also remain available to help you with any insurance or related financial needs that you may have. As we implement new systems to serve you and respond to a higher volume of inquiries than usual during this period, it is possible that wait and turnaround times may increase.
In addition to what we are doing at the Supreme Council headquarters, many brother Knights have asked how they can help in their own communities. We suggest the following:
- During this period, we urge every member and his family to pray the Supreme Council's novena based on the prayer of Pope Francis (printable or video prayer), as well as a prayer being promoted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Help keep yourself, your families and your communities safe by cancelling all “in person” Knights of Columbus meetings and activities at the local or state level until otherwise indicated. This disease spreads when groups of people gather, so it is important that we avoid activities that could spread this illness. Councils should pursue online and/or teleconferencing options for meetings, fundraising, etc. until the danger has passed. The Supreme Council will be providing additional information on such options shortly.
- Leave no Knight – or neighbor – behind. If members of your council – or community – are elderly or have underlying medical conditions, please ensure that they have enough food. If you or others in your council have food to spare, offer to drop something off on their doorstep or to shop online for them.
- Give blood. Many communities are facing blood shortages. Those not being recommended to isolate themselves due to illness, age or underlying conditions should consider giving blood. National blood drives were pioneered by the Knights of Columbus in the 1930s, and this lifesaving activity remains an important aspect of our charitable work today.
As we move through this pandemic together, you can rest assured that the Knights of Columbus will be there for you. We will provide regular updates in the days ahead, and we will remain joined with you in prayer and in service to our neighbors in need.
May God bless you, and keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.
Carl Anderson
Supreme Knight
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Supreme asks us to add this prayer by Pope Francis to our Novena
Click here for the message of the Supreme Chaplain
Click here for the original novenas that our State Council asked for, along with the Novena that our council has asked for, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3pm
From America Magazine
Saturday, March 14, 2020
2019 Holy League Men's Conference: Jesse Romero Talk #1
Jessy Romero: Get Holy or bust or die trying
Into the Breach: Leadership
Novenas and family prayer during this time of crisis
March 15-March 23
Novena to Our Lady of Monte Berico
O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God and my Mother Mary, I thank you that you have deigned to appear on Monte Berico and I thank you for all the graces you grant here to those who turn to you. Nobody ever prayed to you in vain. I, too, resort to you and beg you for the Passion and Death of Jesus and for your pains: welcome me, o’ merciful Mother, under your mantle, which is a maternal mantle; grant me the particular grace that I ask of You , for the cure of the coronavirus and the solace of the souls of its victims, and protect me from all evil and especially from sin which is the greatest evil.
Oh make, oh Mary, my Mother, that I always enjoy your loving protection in life and even more in death and then come to see you in heaven and to thank and bless you forever. Amen.
Madonna of Monte Berico, pray for us.
O sweet Virgin, pious mother of love,
Like this Ave rising from the heart.
Ave, ave, ave, Maria
Ave, ave, ave, Maria
O Virgin, shine as a star in the sky,
Motherly defend your faithful children.
Ave, ave, ave Maria
Ave, ave, ave, Maria
March 24-April 1
Prayer to Saint Rocco
O Great St. Rocco, deliver us,
we beseech thee,
from the scourges of God;
through thy Intercessory,
preserve our bodies from contagious diseases,
and our souls from the contagion of sin.
Obtain for us salubrious air;
but, above all, purity of heart.
Assist us to make good use of health,
to bear suffering with patience;
and, after thy example,
to live in the practice of penance and charity,
that we may one day enjoy the happiness
which thou has merited by thy virtues.
St. Rocco, pray for us
St. Rocco, pray for us
St. Rocco, pray for us
Saint Rocco is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as the protector against the plague and all contagious diseases. Pray for St. Rocco's intercession for protection from the Coronavirus.
Update from Archbishop Sample
Here is a special video message (click through to blog for player):
Dialing into meetings
In keeping with the communication from the Supreme Knight on 3/11/2020 this meeting will be ONLINE ONLY
I am offering this line for any purpose in both parishes, to councils in District 3, to the Catholic Daughters of St. Anthony's. and to St. Paul Silverton Council. Please e-mail me if you need to hold an online meeting at seebert42@gmail.com, and we will try to schedule you
And if you are NOT currently getting the nightly e-mails from the avalanche of information coming out, please fill out the form to the right.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Columbian Newsletter
Thursday, March 12, 2020
From the Archbishop
Coronavirus Information
March 12, 2020
The celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. It is in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that we encounter the mystery of our redemption, are nourished by God’s Word, and receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
For these reasons, the Church places a grave obligation for the faithful to participate at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This fulfills the Lord’s command to “keep holy the Sabbath.”
Nevertheless, for a just cause the Church’s pastors may dispense the faithful from this grave obligation. Given the declared pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, Archbishop Alexander K. Sample therefore issues the following directives. He does so out of an abundance of concern for the health and wellbeing of the people of God entrusted to his pastoral care.
The governor of the state of Oregon, Kate Brown, has canceled all public gatherings of more than 250 people. The fact is that most of the Masses celebrated on the weekends in the Archdiocese of Portland are far below that number. Therefore:
- Anyone 60 years [≈ average human life expectancy at birth, 2011 estimate] or older is encouraged to not attend Mass, since they are the most vulnerable to this virus. They would therefore be dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass.
- Persons who have underlying medical issues that put them at risk, or persons with compromised immune systems, are asked not to attend Mass. They, likewise, would be dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass.
- Persons who are not feeling well, no matter how mild the symptoms, are urged not to attend Mass. They also would be dispensed from the obligation.
- A general dispensation is offered to anyone else in the Archdiocese of Portland who sincerely and seriously think they might be at risk. This dispensation may be used by anyone of any age.
- The faithful who are in attendance at Mass are reminded to avoid all physical contact with others and should attempt to keep a safe distance from each other.
Some further things to consider:
- Any parish gatherings other than Mass that would exceed 250 people should be canceled. Please note that the Department of Catholic Schools has issued its own guidelines regarding school gatherings. Please follow their directions.
- Parishes should break down school Masses so as to keep the numbers below 250.
- Even with the above directives in place, some parishes may still have difficulty keeping Mass attendance below 250. Pastors are encouraged to be creative in managing this situation. Some possibilities would be to encourage the faithful to attend Masses in their parishes that are known to be less attended. Another possibility would be to add Masses to help spread out the numbers at each Mass.
- Those who would make use of the dispensations mentioned above may want to consider attending a daily Mass in the parish.
- Those who would make use of the dispensations mentioned above and not participate in Mass on the weekend may want to consider watching Mass via television or livestreamed on the internet. Some parishes may wish to livestream their own parish Mass and make it available online.
- Those who make use of the dispensations mentioned above and would not be present at Mass on the weekend are encouraged to make an act of Spiritual Communion. This is a beautiful devotional practice in the Church and is a real source of grace in communion with our Lord. Some people who are in attendance at Mass may for their own reasons feel uncomfortable at this time receiving Holy Communion at Mass due to a fear of contamination. These are also encouraged to make an act of Spiritual Communion. Below is an example of a prayer for spiritual communion.
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
During these difficult and trying times, let us keep one another in prayer and pray especially for those who are most vulnerable to this virus. Let us also remember those who have lost their lives to COVID-19 and their grieving families. Placing our trust in Jesus, we will together make it through this time.
From the State Deputy
From St. Clares
2:29 PM (43 minutes ago)
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From Fr. Don:
Things are changing quickly. The parish staff will do all we can to keep parishioners updated on any new changes here at the church. The weekly parish bulletin has to be sent to the printer a week before we distribute it, so it will often be outdated since this scenario is progressing so quickly, consequently, events listed in the bulletin are likely cancelled. ~ Fr. Don