The e-mail had a bad link. Ted updated for us.
The following link show the tally sheets for various activities that we're encouraged to perform. Some of these things we do habitually, without expecting any recognition. However, I hope you will make mention of these things for the benefit of our council. I will report various activities on the 15th of the month for the prior month.
Oregon State Service Programs Page
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
From the SIS e-mail
Janet Patella was moved to Crestview rehabilitation center lateThursday. She is doing fine.
At this point she has no word on when she will return to Raleigh Hills Assisted Living, but she does expect to be back there before too long.
Keep praying for her.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Meeting Notes 10-15-2015
GK- Present
9 members present
GK Report- Kudos to Ted for figuring out the reporting forms. Breakfast on October 18th is canceled, but we will have two breakfasts in November. One at SJF on November 22nd, One at St. Clare's on November 29. Ted and Marc to help with breakfast. Take some brochures! St. Clare's Church Drive mentioned. Next Church Drive in March at St. John Fisher. Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine is in process. If you are interested in that, they're still looking for volunteers.
Treasurer's Report. Checking Account Statement is $1353.63, Bill paid $3.18 to Supreme. 40.09 Charity account.
FS Report: Council Statement shows no bills, all have been paid. Not sure who is needed for the disability renewal letter. New policy voted on: Council will provide new members with badge.
District Deputy Report - Directory available on State website. 3/8 councils are filling out the reports. You're doing everything you should and doing well, except for membership.
Sick or in Distress- Fr. Thien, Jim Van Domelen, Janet Patella, Cathy Paulsen
For the Good of the Order - Worthy Lecturer- Feast of St. Theresa of Jesus (formerly of Avila) Doctor of the Church, John 14:1-7 Trust in God, Trust in Me. I am the way, the truth and the life.
And a poem written by St. Theresa. Christ has no body but yours.
- Life, Ted reported Baby Bottles will be available at St. Clare's for Advent again.
- Membership
- Community
- Essay Contest - St. Clare's have been turned in, GK has them on USB Stick, Ted has originals. Judges will be Deacon Scott, Ted Seeber, Tom Owens,
- Church drive - 40 brochures handed out, several fathers thanked Ted for his talk
Closing Prayer- full Decade of the Rosary 7:58
9 members present
GK Report- Kudos to Ted for figuring out the reporting forms. Breakfast on October 18th is canceled, but we will have two breakfasts in November. One at SJF on November 22nd, One at St. Clare's on November 29. Ted and Marc to help with breakfast. Take some brochures! St. Clare's Church Drive mentioned. Next Church Drive in March at St. John Fisher. Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine is in process. If you are interested in that, they're still looking for volunteers.
Treasurer's Report. Checking Account Statement is $1353.63, Bill paid $3.18 to Supreme. 40.09 Charity account.
FS Report: Council Statement shows no bills, all have been paid. Not sure who is needed for the disability renewal letter. New policy voted on: Council will provide new members with badge.
District Deputy Report - Directory available on State website. 3/8 councils are filling out the reports. You're doing everything you should and doing well, except for membership.
Sick or in Distress- Fr. Thien, Jim Van Domelen, Janet Patella, Cathy Paulsen
For the Good of the Order - Worthy Lecturer- Feast of St. Theresa of Jesus (formerly of Avila) Doctor of the Church, John 14:1-7 Trust in God, Trust in Me. I am the way, the truth and the life.
And a poem written by St. Theresa. Christ has no body but yours.
- Life, Ted reported Baby Bottles will be available at St. Clare's for Advent again.
- Membership
- Community
- Essay Contest - St. Clare's have been turned in, GK has them on USB Stick, Ted has originals. Judges will be Deacon Scott, Ted Seeber, Tom Owens,
- Church drive - 40 brochures handed out, several fathers thanked Ted for his talk
Closing Prayer- full Decade of the Rosary 7:58
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Meeting Agenda for October 15
John Clare Council
Meeting Agenda
October 15, 2015
St. Clare Fireside
6:30pm Council room open / setup
7:00pm Call
to Order,
Warden’s Report,
Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance,
Roll Call of Officers,
Chaplain’s Message,
Reading of Minutes
7:10pm Grand Knight’s Remarks
○ Picnic Success
○ Upcoming events
○ brochures available
○ Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine at the Grotto
○ Activity Reports
7:15pm Treasurer’s Report
7:20pm Financial Secretary’s Report
7:20pm For the Good of the Order
7:30pm Confirm Committees
○ Life
(Mother’s Day flower, baby bottle drive, report on current events)
○ Membership / Admission (Prospects, Invitations, Stock vestibules)
○ Family / Community (Picnic, Breakfasts, Movie Night, Easter Egg
● 7:30pm Confirm Committees
● 7:30pm Confirm Committees
○ Essay Contest
○ Church Drive
7:40pm New Business
○ November 29 Breakfast
○ Advent
Parish Year of Mercy retreat
7:50pm Sick or in Distress –
Decade of Rosary
8:00pm Closing Prayer
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Volunteer Opportunities this weekend
Ted still needs people for the Church membership drive! Ideally, we want three Knights at the doors at the end of Mass, handing out literature and promoting coming back for the movie Sunday Afternoon. Sill needed:
5pm Mass Saturday Night- 1 volunteer
8:30am Mass Sunday Morning - 1 volunteer
10:45am Mass Sunday Morning - 2 volunteers
Be sure to take part in this Columbus Day Weekend Church Drive! It will be the only one we get at St. Clare's. We hope do do one again for Founder's Day weekend at St. John Fisher in March.
5pm Mass Saturday Night- 1 volunteer
8:30am Mass Sunday Morning - 1 volunteer
10:45am Mass Sunday Morning - 2 volunteers
Be sure to take part in this Columbus Day Weekend Church Drive! It will be the only one we get at St. Clare's. We hope do do one again for Founder's Day weekend at St. John Fisher in March.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Please Pray for Fr. Kim of Mount Angel Abbey
He's been returned from the hospital with nothing more they can do, and has slipped into a coma. Tom Owens knows this holy priest well. May he die a good death.
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