Friday, February 27, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Fwd: North West Catholic Men's Conference
WAY to far for me, but if anybody else has a business trip or something to Eastern Oregon anyway, might be interesting.
Hello fellow District Deputies,
Just a reminder that the NW Men's Conference will be held next Friday and Saturday 2/27 and 2/28 in Pendleton. I would like to see if you could send an email to your councils as a reminder that it is not to late to get registered and attend. You can also register at the door.
Also Pendleton Council #1673 will be hosting a 2nd & 3rd Degree in Pendleton on Saturday
March 14.
Thank you
Jeff Burnett
Jeff Burnett
DD # 15
GK #1673
Volunteers needed coming up
We have another busy weekend at St. Clare's coming up in March.
March 13, 2015 will be the next Friday Family Movie Night at St. Clare's, with Pinocchio! This 1940 Disney classic has really stood up to the test of time, but it is something that it is time to introduce to a new generation who may never have seen it. We will be attempting some new ways to bring people in, including serving pizza, so just in case, I'd like to see a few Knights there. Bring your grandkids! More to come in a future post.
And Sunday, March 15th, Laetare Sunday, will be the next Breakfast. We've got a couple of members out of town, so if possible, bring your family to help. This breakfast will be benefiting Help Hope Live, a 501c3 that helps transplant patients pay their medical bills, and we will be putting our donation through the campaign to benefit James Michael Morgan. Extra money from this campaign will go to help other transplant patients, it is an excellent and very worthy charity for us to give to.
March 13, 2015 will be the next Friday Family Movie Night at St. Clare's, with Pinocchio! This 1940 Disney classic has really stood up to the test of time, but it is something that it is time to introduce to a new generation who may never have seen it. We will be attempting some new ways to bring people in, including serving pizza, so just in case, I'd like to see a few Knights there. Bring your grandkids! More to come in a future post.
And Sunday, March 15th, Laetare Sunday, will be the next Breakfast. We've got a couple of members out of town, so if possible, bring your family to help. This breakfast will be benefiting Help Hope Live, a 501c3 that helps transplant patients pay their medical bills, and we will be putting our donation through the campaign to benefit James Michael Morgan. Extra money from this campaign will go to help other transplant patients, it is an excellent and very worthy charity for us to give to.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Timetable for Degrees on Saturday, February 21
If you have any candidates, I'd like to meet them at Shari's in Sherwood at 8:00am. We'll do a quick Membership Application Committee meeting, and then head on over to St. Francis's.
9:00am - Sign in for First Degree.
9:30 am- 1st Degree Initiation.
10:30am-2nd Degree
Noon- 3rd Degree
This is the biggest Degree Ceremony of the year for our area, I've seen classes of 30 to 60 in the 3rd degree, but with starting at noon, we should be out of there by 3pm.
9:00am - Sign in for First Degree.
9:30 am- 1st Degree Initiation.
10:30am-2nd Degree
Noon- 3rd Degree
This is the biggest Degree Ceremony of the year for our area, I've seen classes of 30 to 60 in the 3rd degree, but with starting at noon, we should be out of there by 3pm.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Virtual Pass the Hat
As we forgot to have a hat, or a can, at last night's meeting, and because our FS was still out of town, I'm reposting the Virtual Pass the Hat link. Our friend James Michael Morgan just went through a double lung transplant. He needs help with expenses. You can give, through this 501c3 crowdfunding link: https://m.helphopelive.org/campaign/5914 . A few questions were brought up last night. 100% of the money given to this organization goes to transplant patients of various types. The site is paid for by other means. This campaign is for James Michael Morgan. If by some miracle, this campaign raises more money than James Michael Morgan can use, the money will be shared to other transplant patients with campaigns at this site. Please share this link with all of your friends, even if you can't give yourself.
Monday, February 16, 2015
For those who did not make it to the meeting on Monday, February 16
Just a little reminder from brother Knight Nick Alexander:
Sunday, February 15, 2015
We have a transfer at the meeting Monday February 16
Come to the meeting at 7pm in the Fireside Room at St. Clare's to meet our new transfer member, Don Mey. And click through and click on previous post to see the updated agenda. This means we just want one new recruit to meet this month's State of Oregon membership challenge! There's a 1st - 3rd coming up at St. Francis on Saturday February 21st, talk to those recruits!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Business Meeting February 16, 2015
Happy St. Valentine's day and President's day weekend.
The Next Meeting will be Monday February 16th at 7pm.
Meeting Agenda
The Next Meeting will be Monday February 16th at 7pm.
Meeting Agenda
February 16, 2014
St. Clare Office Clare Room
- 7:00pm Opening Prayer Our Father, Roll Call, Reading of Previous Minutes
- 7:05pm Grand Knight’s Remarks
- Pastoral Council
- 40 Cans for Lent
- March 10 Rosary and Soup Supper
- March 8 newcomer's reception
- Choose representatives and alternates for the Convention
- Need somebody to lead Easter Egg Hunt Prep
- Ideas for recruiting
- Next Movie Night- Pinocchio and Special Olympics
- 7:15pm Treasurer’s Report
- 7:20pm For the Good of the Order
- 7:30pm Committees
- Community
- March 10 Soup Supper
- March 15 Breakfast>
- Life
- Baby Bottle report
- 7:50 pm New Business
- 8:00 pm District Deputy/State Officers
- 8:10pm Sick or in Distress – Hail Mary
- 8:15pm Closing Prayer - Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
One more February Volunteer Opportunity
This Sunday, after both masses at St. Clare's, is the Lenten Faith Fair and our kickoff for 40 Cans for Lent. We need people to hang around the table and talk. Christopher and I will be building a 40 cans cross out of our family's initial donation.
March will be a busy month
A sneak peak at volunteer opportunities to be discussed at the February 16 meeting:
March 10 kicks off the fun with a Rosary and Soup Supper at St. Clare's. There will be a professional speaker teaching us about the Rosary during the Soup Supper.
March 13 will be the next St. Clare's Family Movie Night when we will be showing Pinocchio!
March 15 will be a fundraising breakfast at St. Clare's for James Michael Morgan.
March 10 kicks off the fun with a Rosary and Soup Supper at St. Clare's. There will be a professional speaker teaching us about the Rosary during the Soup Supper.
March 13 will be the next St. Clare's Family Movie Night when we will be showing Pinocchio!
March 15 will be a fundraising breakfast at St. Clare's for James Michael Morgan.
February 21- don't forget degrees
Two recruits in February and one in March will get our council $500. Talk to those potential recruits today about attending degrees in Sherwood on February 21!
Confirmation Program from Matthew Kelly
The one Decision you make every week that affects how the rest of your week goes.
Yeah, I know, all of our Knights have been confirmed. But it was still a great video to listen to.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Recruiting idea- share this article with young Catholic men in your social circles.
Trustee Tom Owens writes:
I found the article by Sam Patet called God at the Center about the former NFL Vikings player and graduate of Harvard University , Matt Birk, to be inspiring and attractive to young men who may be considering joining the KC. It appears on page 16 of the Feb. 2015 Columbia magazine, and at the link above. I read and discussed it with Michael Chau and afterwards he was impressed enough to ask me to copy it and send a copy to two friends of ours who are eligible to become Knights. I feel the article is especially useful to young fathers who may be interested in sports. It would be great if each member of our council could copy the article and give it to at least one young Catholic man.
Remember, a chance to get all three degrees is coming up February 21st at 9:00am, St. Francis in Sherwood.
I found the article by Sam Patet called God at the Center about the former NFL Vikings player and graduate of Harvard University , Matt Birk, to be inspiring and attractive to young men who may be considering joining the KC. It appears on page 16 of the Feb. 2015 Columbia magazine, and at the link above. I read and discussed it with Michael Chau and afterwards he was impressed enough to ask me to copy it and send a copy to two friends of ours who are eligible to become Knights. I feel the article is especially useful to young fathers who may be interested in sports. It would be great if each member of our council could copy the article and give it to at least one young Catholic man.
Remember, a chance to get all three degrees is coming up February 21st at 9:00am, St. Francis in Sherwood.
From the State Food for Families Chairman
The John Clare Council will be kicking off our 40 Cans for Lent program at the St. Clare's Lenten Faith Fair on Sunday February 15, 2015. I could use a couple of volunteers for setup before 8:30am Mass, and for cleanup at noon, or just to hang around the table talking about the concern we have as Knights for St. Vincent de Paul.
Hunger knows no season. As the economy sputters along many people are going hungry. Fortunately, through our Food for Families program, the Knights of Columbus is in a position to help.
Councils should reach out to parish food pantries, community food banks and soup kitchens and collect non-perishable food at weekend Masses.
Many grocery stores will allow the collection of food outside of their stores. The key is to ask — and to work within the parameters that the store manager has established.
The goal is to help keep food pantries well-stocked all year round. Also purchase or secure through donations enough food to prepare a meal at a soup kitchen or in the parish hall.
During Lent, conduct a “40 Cans for Lent” program in your council and parish. The goal of this program is for each council member and each parishioner to contribute one can of food per day during the forty days of Lent. This program was conducted in 2011 by Our Lady of Guadalupe Council 8306 in Helotes, Texas, and 4,300 cans of food were collected for distribution to food pantries, food banks and soup kitchens.
As an incentive, the Supreme Council will count a qualifying Food for Families program as fulfilling all four of the Family Activities requirements for the Columbian Award. In order to qualify, councils must meet the minimum requirements (a minimum of 1,000 pounds of food collected and distributed, and 100 man-hours of service in the preparation/distribution/service of meals to needy people), and then complete and submit the Food for Families report form (#10057)(see attachment). Your council may earn up to $500.00 from Supreme (see attachment). WE ARE NOT ALONE!
Last year a number of Oregon Councils experienced an increase in request for information to become a Knight of Columbus. These Councils realized that we are not alone. Individuals and other groups are equally concerned with the needs of the hungry.
One Council joined with the youth education groups of our parish and conducted a joint effort. The young teens parents were most impressed and the fathers of the teens became prime recruiting candidates to become Brother Knights.
Another Council joined with the Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society and together they experienced an outstanding combined effort.
Look to see whom you may join with in your local Parish.
God loves all who help the poor, hungry and needy.
If you have any questions, give me a phone call at (503) 358-0816.
Vivat Jesus!
Dick Akins,
Brother Knight of Knights of the Resurrection Council 13851
Sir Knight of Archbishop Fulton J Sheen Assembly 3248
Oregon State Chairman – Food for Families
Many grocery stores will allow the collection of food outside of their stores. The key is to ask — and to work within the parameters that the store manager has established.
The goal is to help keep food pantries well-stocked all year round. Also purchase or secure through donations enough food to prepare a meal at a soup kitchen or in the parish hall.
During Lent, conduct a “40 Cans for Lent” program in your council and parish. The goal of this program is for each council member and each parishioner to contribute one can of food per day during the forty days of Lent. This program was conducted in 2011 by Our Lady of Guadalupe Council 8306 in Helotes, Texas, and 4,300 cans of food were collected for distribution to food pantries, food banks and soup kitchens.
As an incentive, the Supreme Council will count a qualifying Food for Families program as fulfilling all four of the Family Activities requirements for the Columbian Award. In order to qualify, councils must meet the minimum requirements (a minimum of 1,000 pounds of food collected and distributed, and 100 man-hours of service in the preparation/distribution/service of meals to needy people), and then complete and submit the Food for Families report form (#10057)(see attachment). Your council may earn up to $500.00 from Supreme (see attachment). WE ARE NOT ALONE!
Last year a number of Oregon Councils experienced an increase in request for information to become a Knight of Columbus. These Councils realized that we are not alone. Individuals and other groups are equally concerned with the needs of the hungry.
One Council joined with the youth education groups of our parish and conducted a joint effort. The young teens parents were most impressed and the fathers of the teens became prime recruiting candidates to become Brother Knights.
Another Council joined with the Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society and together they experienced an outstanding combined effort.
Look to see whom you may join with in your local Parish.
God loves all who help the poor, hungry and needy.
If you have any questions, give me a phone call at (503) 358-0816.
Vivat Jesus!
Dick Akins,
Brother Knight of Knights of the Resurrection Council 13851
Sir Knight of Archbishop Fulton J Sheen Assembly 3248
Oregon State Chairman – Food for Families
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Your Best Lent Ever
Matthew Kelly, of Rediscovering Catholicism and Dynamic Catholic fame, has started a Lenten newsletter that I think would be well worth your while as a Knight to check out. Go to the blog and click on this link, to start getting your Best Lent Ever newsletter just after Ash Wednesday.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
The reason Ted Started this Council
As seen through the eyes of a Protestant observing an entirely different parish in San Francisco, the real reason I wanted to bring the Knights of Columbus to St. Clare's:
This is what we MUST spread to the younger generation of Fathers at St. Clare's- for the sake of their families, for the sake of their children, for the sake of our parish.
A few days ago I posted the state challenge- reach 20% of our quota and net/net on our quota by the end of March, and our council gets $600 from the state. That means two new members joining us at the degrees on February 21st, and two new members at a first degree our council holds at the March Meeting. Talk to all Catholic young fathers you know. Let us try to hit those numbers!
If we are to engage more men in church, we need to give them sacred roles they can call their own. Boys need to know from a very early age that church is something for them. Otherwise they will happily yield the religious space to women. As the men withdraw, the church dies. Doubt me? Just look at the Episcopal Church.
This is what we MUST spread to the younger generation of Fathers at St. Clare's- for the sake of their families, for the sake of their children, for the sake of our parish.
A few days ago I posted the state challenge- reach 20% of our quota and net/net on our quota by the end of March, and our council gets $600 from the state. That means two new members joining us at the degrees on February 21st, and two new members at a first degree our council holds at the March Meeting. Talk to all Catholic young fathers you know. Let us try to hit those numbers!
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