Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Hi Brother Knights,

Girl Scout Cookie season is back! And my daughter, who is a Girl Scout, is selling them again this year. For those with a sweet tooth and no other Girl Scout outlet, please consider supporting my daughter Olivia's troop experience this year by visiting her cookie site and purchasing some cookies. Or just make a donation if you would like to just support her.

You may notice some of the cookie names have changed this year. There are two bakeries that are licensed to produce GS cookies, ABC Bakeries and Little Brownie Bakeries. This year, Olivia's troop is selling cookies ABC Bakeries. They are all still delicious. New to this year is a chocolate chip cookie variety and a cookie inspired by French Toast. Check it out at the following link:

You can choose to have your cookies shipped to you or for Olivia to drop them off at your place.

Thank you for your support!

-Brother Knight Mark LeAir

1 comment :

  1. Brother Knights,

    Someone asked if they can place an order and give us cash on delivery. The answer is yes. You can email your order to me at Visit Olivia's cookie site through the link above to learn more about the available cookies then email me the varieties and number of boxes you like. Also, provide an address where we can deliver them to or we can possibly deliver them to a KofC business meeting. Right now, it looks like preorders will be fulfilled in early March.

    Let me know if you have any questions with ordering girl scout cookies.

    -Brother Mark L
