Sunday, December 22, 2024
Shannon Seeber will be home tonight
Friday, December 20, 2024
Shannon posted in Supporting Shannon on Facebook
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Shannon is out of ICU
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Supporting Shannon Crospost 2
Monday, December 16, 2024
Supporting Shannon Crosspost
Monday, December 9, 2024
Christmas Potluck Volunteers
1 week until our Christmas Potluck.
December 17, 2024 is our December Potluck at St. Clare's School Cafeteria (Spring Garden parking lot between the Church and the Gym). Dan, Daniel, Michael Chau, and Jazlynn will be opening the doors at 6:00pm and be decorating until 6:30, we'll be eating at 6:30 and the reading of the essays will be at 7pm.
So far, we've only heard about a ham, a pie, and beverages. So please think about something special from your own dietary restrictions or Christmas time, and bring what you can!
Please email Don Mey and Ted Seeber to let us know what dish you are bringing so that we can plan better!
Guests will be coming- Deacon Scott is invited for SJF, Paige Sturges is invited from St. Clare's (with their families) as well as the families of our six essay winners, who will be turning in their entry forms for the next level of judging:
From St. John Fisher:
- 1st Kay T score 90
- 2nd Corinne E, score 89.5
- 3rd Fitan D, score 88.5
- 1st Genevive I, score 89.5
- 2nd Emme O, score 84.25
- 3rd Alex J, score 84
Monday, December 2, 2024
A reminder to remember your parish on Giving Tuesday
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
If you haven’t taken the opportunity yet, please take the time to consider your donation and contribute to our annual Stewardship Campaign to ensure the long term care of our parish facilities. You can donate using the envelopes provided at the church entrances, writing a check with Giving Tuesday on the memo line, going to the parish website selecting the Giving Tuesday option, or scanning this QR Code:
Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
St. Clare Church
Administrative Council
And let's not leave out our council members from St. John Fisher.
St. John Fisher Donation Page
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Essay Contest Results
Judging was really hard this year, and we ended up having to add an extra judge to break one tie, but we've come up with the following young people who will be invited to the December 17 potluck:
From St. John Fisher:
- 1st Kay T score 90
- 2nd Corinne E, score 89.5
- 3rd Fitan D, score 88.5
- 1st Genevive I, score 89.5
- 2nd Emme O, score 84.25
- 3rd Alex J, score 84
In other news- 17 days until our Christmas Potluck. Please email Don Mey and Ted Seeber to let us know what dish you are bringing!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
From Deacon James Thurman
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Happy Thanksgiving! As we gather with loved ones to give thanks, we’re reminded of the blessings of faith, family, and fellowship. To help you grow in faith this Advent season, we’re offering a special Thanksgiving discount for the upcoming Holy League Advent Catholic Men’s Conference!
From Wednesday, November 27th, to Sunday, December 1st, register for the Advent Conference—or bundle it with the Lent Conference—and receive $10 OFF using code THANKSGIVING at checkout.
Register Here
Event Details:
2024 Holy League Advent Catholic Men's Conference
When: Saturday, December 7, 2024 | 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Where: St. Joseph Catholic Church - 721 Chemeketa St NE, Salem, OR 97301
Speakers: Devin Schadt, Rep. Ed Diehl, Fr. Theodore Lange, Deacon James Thurman
Learn more on the 2024 Advent Conference Page.
Advent Conference Only: $40 with code THANKSGIVING
Advent + Lent Bundle: $80 with code THANKSGIVING
This discount is the perfect opportunity to attend yourself or gift the conference to your fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers, and friends.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us as we strive to be men of faith, courage, and service.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!
To Jesus through Mary!
Holy League Catholic Men’s Conference Team
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024
7:00 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:05 pm - Dr. David Villegas - St. Clare - Adult Formation Team
- Seeking input on what areas of faith formation are of interest and what methods of education do you prefer? Survey Taken.
- If you were not present, send an e-mail to
- Why are you involved in Knights of Columbus?
- There are four pillars of the Catholic Church: Faith, Liturgy and Sacraments, Life in Christ and Prayer. Which of these would you like to learn more about and how?
- Do you prefer Small Groups, Presentations, Workshops, Study Groups, Concerts, Classroom, Education.
- How can we reach others who are not part of church groups?
- Roll Call of Officers
- GK- Present
- FS-Present
- DGK-Present
- Chan-Present
- Rec - Present
- Treas-Excused
- Adv- Present
- Warden - Present
- Inside Guard - Excused
- Outside Guard -Present
- One Year Trustee - Present
- Two Year Trustee - Excused
- Three Year Trustee - Excused
- 13 Brothers Present
7:22 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (October)
7:24 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- Membership Challenge
- Welcome new member Mark LeAir !
- Thank you to those we worked and supported or Pancake Breakfasts
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- SAFE Environment
- Membership Challenge
7:27 pm - District Deputy Remarks (Kevin Guenther)
- CUF degree Saturday, 11:30 AM at St. Anthony's Tigard
- Canby St. Patrick's Crab Feed coming up in February. More announcements will be on their site as it gets closer
7:32 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- Fraternity balance $2,534.05
- Unity Savings Account balance $544.45
- Charity Savings Acct. balance $5.71
7:36 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
7:40 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
- Program Director - (Gene Andres)
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey)
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin)
- Consider Unbound,, sponsorship and donation. Fr. Bernard Robert Bonnot, see St. Clare Bulletin from 28th Sunday in Ordinary time. Individual or council. $600 from council, given as a $50/month subscription. GK to decide, with preference for retired clergy. Motion Passed
- Consider donation, individual or council, for Huricane Helene Relief. Sample, see Basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, N.C. KofC, Catholic Charities, etc… $500 if council.
- Monthly Wine & Cheese @ SJF, Saturday, November 23rd.
- Knights Christmas Potluck Dinner, December 17th. All members & their families are invited, and SC & SJF Essay contest winners and their families. Don Mey/Ted Seeber. Email Ted and Don to volunteer food or time
- Donation to support Bishop White Seminarian. $500. Approved
- SVDP St. Clare, $500 Approved
- St. Francis Center $500 Approved
- Donation to support St. Andrew Nativity School. $500. When we have funds
- Donation to support Mother & Child Education Center. $500. When we have funds
- Donation to support Holy Family Catholic Clinic. $500. When we have funds
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- Shannon Seeber
- RIP GK's friend and family
- For Millie Muoth and her daughters
- For Daniel Salomon's Sister
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
KofC Council meeting, November 19th, 2024
KofC John Clare Council November Hybrid Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11/19/2024. The meeting will be, in-person, at St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM., and online via Zoom. See information below.
We have a full agenda. We will be welcoming Dr. David Villegas, a member of the St. Clare Adult Formation Team. He will be seeking our input on areas of interest with regard to Adult Formation. We will also renew or discussion of the "Beautiful Eucharist", by Matthew Kelly. We will discuss chapters 7 to 9 pages 53 to 73, as time allows. Copies will be available at the meeting if needed.
CH 7
Bishop Fulton Sheen has said “Every living thing must nourish itself…Man’s soul is spiritual and therefore it demands spiritual food—the Eucharist.”
- Does that analogy help you appreciate the Eucharist? How?
- What difference does it make to you that Jesus said “This is my body, this is my blood” rather than merely "this represents my body and blood"?
CH 8
Ponder and discuss the following excerpts at the end of chapter 8, pg. 65;
Whenever we yearn for meaning, feel tired and overwhelmed, become uncertain about the direction of our lives, or simply need to feel loved…we know where to turn.
God awaits us always in the Eucharist. As long as we never tire of seeking Him there, we will find exactly what our souls need.
CH 9
Listen to the last paragraph on pg. 72; Reflect and discuss the relevance of this concept and for us as catholics, reality, in todays world...
Here is the agenda to download.
The information to attend online is listed below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
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+12532158782,,81926336107# (SeaTac)
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• +1 305 224 1968 US
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• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
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Sunday, November 17, 2024
SJF breakfast stats
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
A message from Past State Chaplain Fr Theo
Monday, November 11, 2024
Welcome to our newest member, Mark LeAir
We're having some problems getting his e-mail hooked in, hopefully he'll receive this at 7pm tonight, November 11.
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Breakfast at SJF
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Breakfast Statistics
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Call #2 for Breakfast Volunteers
Still need Breakfast Volunteers for Sunday, November 3- 7am-10am and 11:45am-2pm. Call Ted Seeber @503-318-1508 or email Ted @
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
CUF Degree November 9, 2024 5pm Mass
There will be a CUF after the 5pm Mass at St Clare's on November 9th. I already have three readers, could use a fourth and a Warden. Email Ted at
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Breakfast Volunteer time November 3
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A brother needs help with a minor plumbing issue
Scott Pauline needs help with a minor plumbing issue- just a faucet replacement. He's already purchased parts. or 503-997-1904 to coordinate with him.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Meeting Notes October 15, 2024
7:00 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:10 pm - Warden’s Membership
- Roll Call of Officers
- GK present
- FS present
- DGK excused
- Chan present but late
- ADV present but late
- Treasurer excused
- Warden present
- OG Present
- IG excused
- 3yt Present
- 2yt ex
- 1yt ex
7:05 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (September)
- Approved
7:10 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- Membership Challenge- Off to a great start, Jon Jungwirth off to a great start, Steven Shields signed up online, CUF Degree coming.
- Knights Charity on the ground when trouble arises
- Breakfasts are our biggest opportunity
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- SAFE Environment
- Membership Challenge
7:15 pm - District Deputy/Master Remarks (Mark Larson)
- Star Council
- Went from 4 councils to 36. Michael Chau will join 4th in Dallas/Independence on October 26
- Teamwork River paddling the canoe. Get those paddles in the water.
7:25 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- Fraternity: $2212.22
- Charity:$5.71
- Unity:$544.43
- Approved
7:30 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
- Correspondence: St. Andrews Nativity School event coming up Friday
- Prayer Time Arrived, Ted Paid back
- Approved
7:35 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Steven Shields young guy, same age as Dan
- Mark- in his 40s- kid might go to St. Clare's
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
7:40 pm - Programs
- Program Director - (Gene Andres) (excused)
7:45 pm - Committees
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey) - Read the Bulletin!
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin) - Read the Bulletin! October 26 Halloween
7:50 pm - Faith / Community / Family
- Faith: Chesterton Academy mentioned
- Family: Prayer Time Book.
7:55 pm - KofC Business
- Pancake Breakfast at SC, Nov. 3rd. Please contact Ted Seeber for volunteer opportunities.
- Pancake Breakfast at SJF, Nov. 17th. Please contact Mike Devlin for volunteer opportunities.
- Gene/Don delivered 2 boxes of coats for kids to The Francis Center.
- Monthly Wine & Cheese @ SJF, Saturday, October 19th.
- St. Thomas More Sunday Coffee & Donuts (Knights serve) between 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses, dates
7:50 pm - KofC New Business
- CUF for Stephen Shields, suggest @ St. Clare following the Saturday 5:00 PM Mass, date TBD, target date October 26th or sooner. TBD
- Father Jim Galluzzo, Toiletry Kits for the Homeless. Packing date, Sunday November 10th, between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM, basement of St. Clare Offices. Medium boxes also needed.
- Consider Unbound,, sponsorship and donation. Fr. Bernard Robert Bonnot, see St. Clare Bulletin from 28th Sunday in Ordinary time.
- Consider donation for Huricane Helene Relief. Sample, see Basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, N.C. KofC, Catholic Charities, etc.
8:05 pm - Prayers for those impacted by Hurricane Helene.
- God of Hope and Mercy prayer from Belmont College
- Psalm 107
- Intentions
- Pray for the UK, Euthanasia coming to the UK, prayer for Parliament not to pass that
- St. Theresa Avila
8:15 pm - Closing Prayers
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- Shannon Seeber
- Micheal Chau uncle Florida
- Millie Mouth
- Scott Young's friend with Dementia
- Donna Monroe
- Erik's Father In Law Tom
- Daniel's Sister
- Robert Roberson, an autistic man doomed to die October 17 for a medical mistake (
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
8:10 pm - Adjournment
Monday, October 14, 2024
KofC Council meeting, October 15, 2024
October KofC Council 15485 Meeting 10/15/2024
KofC John Clare Council October Hybrid Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10/15/2024. The meeting will be, in-person, at St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM.
Here is the agenda to download.
The information to attend online is listed below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,81926336107# (SeaTac)
+12532050468,,81926336107# US
Dial by your location
• +1 719 359 4580 US
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• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
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• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
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Sunday, October 13, 2024
Another Successful Breakfast
Friday, October 11, 2024
Volunteers Needed - Breakfast SJF Sunday Oct. 13th
Volunteers are needed for the pancake breakfast we are hosting in the Corrado Family Center at St. John Fisher Church this Sunday October 13th. The doors will be open at 7AM to start the coffee, set up the tables and begin the prep work for the breakfast. Cooking will begin around 9AM. Meals will be served after the 9AM and 11AM Masses. Help will also be needed to clean and set up the dining area between the Masses and for a complete clean-up after the final serving. We should finish work by 2PM. Please join us to help, any time you can, this Sunday.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Another Successful Breakfast
First the numbers:
EXPENSES: $349.63 (revised- I must have missed a receipt earlier)(revised again to add CC Charges)
CASH: $507 (Revised due to a torn bill that was not accepted from the bank)
CC: $131
VENMO: $45
TOTAL: $683
NET: $333.37 (again revised based on the updated expenses)
Thank you to Laura Mason, Lynn Vanek, Jon Jungwirth, Scott Pauline, Ken Paulsen, Michael Chau, Richard DiGregorio, Scott Young, Paul Pompili, Don Mey, Dan Riechers, Jazlyn (soon to be Riechers), Mike Devlin, Daniel Salomon, Shannon Seeber, Christopher Seeber
If that seems light, it's because it was, and we've got plenty of supplies for next week.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Needed more volunteers Sunday, any time you can give is good
We're down to 9 out of our normal 15 volunteers.
We especially need serving line folks- if you don't have full time, or have a parent/child combo who would like to volunteer, this could be a good position for you. Go to Mass at your normal time, leave as soon as you get communion to warn us that people are coming, then just stand in place for less than 45 minutes as people come by you to get their food. Times especially needed will be 9:30-10:15 and 11:45-12:15.
Also, if you can come early, Ted will have the kitchen open by 7am, and we need more prep volunteers and cooking volunteers.
Especially if you are good with scrambled eggs, there is a need, as our egg man, Mike O'Phelan, is also out of town.
Contact Ted: or 503-318-1508 if you can help.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
St. Clare's Breakfast Oct 6
Third Call for volunteers. I believe I've got enough people for load in and setup Saturday Night. But I could still use more people for Sunday 7-10:30 am or 10:30am-2pm (start times on that first will depend on what you're doing, the more people for cleanup the earlier we'll be out of there). to volunteer
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Reminder: Ministry Fair at St. Clare's this weekend
If you go to St. Clare's, and can hang out after Mass to talk about your experience with the Knights, we can use your help at the table at the Ministry Fair after all three Mass times.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Call #2 for upcoming Breakfast Volunteers
In particular, we're looking for a person to do scrambled eggs. We'll give you great tools- non-stick woks, woking sticks, and a nice stick blender- to make the fluffiest eggs possible. Our egg man will not be available for the next two breakfasts.
Most of my spreadsheet is still open- all three shifts we still need volunteers for- for October 6 breakfast at St. Clare, we set up Saturday, October 5 at 6:00pm, Then Sunday 7am-10am or Sunday 10am-close. to volunteer
We also need to start gathering volunteers for the following week, October 13 at St. John Fisher. to volunteer
Welcome Jonathan Jungwirth
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Essay Contest now open to all 8th graders
Virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do good. It governs our acts, orders our passions, and guides our conduct by reason and faith. It also encourages Christians to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity. The call to live a virtuous life applies to individuals in every state of life and occupation, including our elected leaders.
In an essay of 500-750 words, what are the two most important virtues for an elected leader to possess, and why? How can you determine if the leader has these virtues?
Call for Volunteers- October 6 Breakfast at St. Clare
It's a bit early, so I'll put out a 2nd post later, but if you have a favorite thing to do at the Breakfasts, pick a shift and send an e-mail to Shift 1 is for setup- the more hands the better, go to 5pm Mass then come over and help us set up. Shift 2 is basically setup and serving 9:30-10:30 for 8:30 Mass- if you're on the serving line I'll likely send you to Mass and have you do the "Judas Shuffle"- get communion and then come to tell us that we're about to get a rush. Shift 3 is the same, but for 10:45 Mass. Cleanup is usually done by 2pm.
Seminarian Introduction
No, as far as I know we haven't been assigned a seminarian for our council. But this came out from the archdiocese, so I thought I'd put the link out here. This bio is from my nephew Andrew Seeber, posted recently to the Archdiocese Seminarian Program website.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Meeting Minutes 9-17-2024
7:00 pm - Installation of Officers 2024/2025
- DD Kevin Guenther and SD Ken Anderson III presiding
7:15 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father - done as part of installation
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:15 pm - Warden’s Membership
- Roll Call of Officers- skipped due to installation
7:20 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (June)
- approved as posted on blog
7:20 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- Welcome to New DD & SD, and new Roundtable Chairman
- Membership Challenge
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- SAFE Environment
- "Ask to join challenge"
7:30 pm - State Deputy Remarks (Ken Anderson)
- Ken enjoys going to council meetings - but presented his goals for the state
- Circle of Honor vibe
- Bringing in more members is vital because the work we do is vital
- We're here to help form men to answer God's Call
- We want our volunteers feel they are better men for volunteering
- We are called to be men of prayer
- We are called to be Knights of the Eucharist
- Calling for a Men's Holy Hour
- COR Training
7:35 pm - District Deputy Remarks (Kevin Guenther)
- It's been a pleasure today
- October 5th Rosary Bowl East Salem Community Center
- October 19th Lake Oswego Spaghetti Dinner
7:37 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- $2269.50 Fraternity
- $544.42 Unity
- $5.51 Charity
- Report Approved
7:45 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
- No correspondence
- No vouchers cleared but reimbursements in process
- Report Approved
7:50 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
7:55 pm - Programs - Family
- Program Director - (Gene Andres)
- Family- Essay contest and Prayer Time Book
7:57 pm - Committees
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey)
- Knights helped with Confirmation
- Sacramental prep starting
- Ministry Fair Membership Opportunity
- Attendance is up at St. Clare's now beats 2019
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin)
- Saturday 28th Parish Picnic, so no Wine and Cheese for September
- Posted on St. John Fisher Website
8:00 pm - KofC Business
- Fall PB dates at SC confirmed, Oct. 6th & Nov. 3rd. Fall PB dates at SJF confirmed, Oct. 13th & Nov. 17th. (Volunteer Opportunities)
- Fr. Jim to display and sell paintings and other art work (details to follow) at SC Pancake Breakfasts, Oct. 6th and Nov. 3rd. (Music room area staffed by Fr. Jim volunteers).
- Fr. Jim's Artwork can be donated to Multnomah Safe Rest Tiny homes village
- Coats for kids purchsed, 2 boxes have arrived. Gene/Don to deliver to The Francis Center. ASAP
- Monthly Wine & Cheese funding @ SJF - no more discussion, Treasurer will use debit card as a buffer for maximum of $50, when it happens.
8:05 pm - KofC New Business
- St. Clare Ministry Weekend September 28th/29th- Knights Table - following all masses, 5:00 PM Sat., 8:30 AM & 10:45 AM Sunday. ( Minimum 2 representatives for each Mass)
- CUF for Jonathan Jungwirth, suggest @ St. Thomas More following their Saturday 5:00 PM Mass, date TBD, target date Sept 21st.
- Roundtable St. Thomas More - Knight Candidate - Johnathan Jungwirth
- St. Thomas More Sunday Coffee & Donuts (Knights serve) between 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses, dates TBD.
- “Prayer Time” Collection of Catholic Prayers (KofC). What quantity to purchase? Approximate cost $1.00 each dependent on quantity. Distribute at KofC events and/or Church.
8:28 pm - Closing Prayers
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- Shannon Seeber
- Daniel's Sister's family in Israel especially nice Lilac who is being raised essentially atheist
- Prayer for Daniel's Advisor Dr. Corbin at Portland State
- Cathy Andres's Sisters Terri and Maxine
- Edwin and Marie Blanco family who lost grandmother at age 104
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
8:30 pm - Adjournment
CUF Exemplification Readers Needed
We will be having a CUF Degree at St. Thomas More on Saturday, September 21 after the 5pm Mass. Please send an e-mail to if you are available to read a part.
Monday, September 16, 2024
September Council Meeting
September KofC Council 15485 Meeting 9/17/2024
REMINDER- this is our installation of officers meeting. All officers should strive to make it to this meeting.
KofC John Clare Council August Hybrid Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9/17/2024. The meeting will be, in-person, at St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM.
Installation of Officers for 2024/2025 year @ 7:00 PM. All officers are encouraged to attend.
Meeting will start following the Installation. Here is the agenda to download.
The information to attend online is listed below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,81926336107# (SeaTac)
+12532050468,,81926336107# US
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• +1 719 359 4580 US
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• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107
Find your local number:
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
From DD7 Isaac Schrader on the subject of 9/11
Brother Knights, Today, we gather to remember and honor the lives lost on September 11, 2001. On that fateful day, our world was forever changed. We witnessed acts of unimaginable terror, but we also saw the very best of humanity in the bravery and selflessness of countless individuals.
Among those heroes were members of our own Knights of Columbus. More than forty of our brothers perished in the attacks, with eighteen sacrificing their lives while offering a lifesaving hand in New York City. We honor their memory and the ultimate sacrifice they made for others.
As Knights, we are called to live out our principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The events of 9/11 remind us of the importance of these values. We saw charity in the outpouring of support for victims and their families. We witnessed unity as people from all walks of life came together to help and heal. Fraternity was evident in the bonds formed among first responders and volunteers. And patriotism shone through in the resilience and determination of our nation.
Let us also remember the first responders who rushed into danger, the volunteers who worked tirelessly in the aftermath, and the families who endured unimaginable loss. Their courage and strength continue to inspire us.
As we reflect on this day, let us renew our commitment to serving our communities and our country. Let us strive to be beacons of hope and compassion, just as our fallen brothers were. And let us pray for peace, for healing, and for the strength to carry on their legacy.
In addition, let us not forget the importance of educating future generations about the events of 9/11. By sharing our stories and experiences, we ensure that the lessons of that day are never forgotten. We must teach our children about the resilience, unity, and compassion that emerged from the tragedy, so they too can carry forward the values we hold dear.
We should also take a moment to recognize the ongoing impact of 9/11 on our society. Many survivors and first responders continue to face health challenges as a result of their exposure to hazardous conditions during the rescue and recovery efforts. It is our duty to support them and advocate for their needs, ensuring they receive the care and recognition they deserve.
Furthermore, let us acknowledge the global repercussions of 9/11. The attacks not only affected the United States but also had a profound impact on people around the world. We must continue to work towards fostering international understanding and cooperation to prevent such tragedies in the future.
As Knights of Columbus, we are part of a global brotherhood that transcends borders. Our commitment to charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism extends beyond our local communities. Let us use this day to reaffirm our dedication to these principles and to work towards a world where peace and justice prevail.
Let us also recognize the efforts of our military personnel who have served and continue to serve in the fight against terrorism. Their dedication and sacrifice are a testament to the enduring spirit of our nation.
In the aftermath of 9/11, the Knights of Columbus played a significant role in supporting those affected. Through fundraising efforts, community service projects, and direct support to first responders and their families, we demonstrated our unwavering commitment to charity and fraternity.
We must also acknowledge the solidarity shown by various religious and community groups. In times of tragedy, our bonds with others strengthen, and we find common ground in our shared humanity. This interfaith and community solidarity is a powerful force for healing and unity.
Let us also remember the resilience and recovery efforts of the communities affected by 9/11. The rebuilding of lives and communities is a testament to the strength and determination of those who were impacted.
We should also recognize the various memorials and tributes established to honor the victims of 9/11, such as the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City. These memorials serve as a place of reflection and remembrance for all.
Additionally, significant legislation and policy changes were enacted in response to 9/11, such as the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the implementation of the USA PATRIOT Act. These measures were taken to enhance our nation’s security and prevent future tragedies.
Let us also acknowledge the families of the victims, who have shown incredible resilience and strength. Their ongoing support and the challenges they face are a crucial part of the 9/11 story. We must continue to support them in every way possible.
Community healing is vital, and gatherings like this one play an essential role in supporting each other and fostering a sense of unity. Let us continue to come together, share our stories, and support one another.
We must also emphasize the importance of being prepared for future emergencies. Organizations like the Knights of Columbus can play a significant role in community preparedness and resilience. Let us commit to being ready to help in times of need.
Finally, let us emphasize the importance of global peace efforts. The Knights of Columbus can contribute to fostering peace and understanding worldwide. Let us work towards a world where such tragedies are a thing of the past.
As we conclude, I encourage each of you to continue serving our communities in honor of those we lost. Volunteer your time, support local first responders, and participate in community events that promote unity and remembrance.
I also want to express my personal gratitude to each of you for your dedication and service. Your commitment to our principles makes a profound difference in our world.
Let us leave here today with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to living out the values that define us as Knights. As we reflect on the words of Pope John Paul II, “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
May God bless the souls of the departed, comfort the grieving, and guide us all in our mission to build a better world.
Thank you.
Vivat Jesus!
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
From District Deputy Kevin Guenther
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Prayer Request, Brother Scott Pauline
Friday, August 23, 2024
Relic of St. Jude Visit
I went on quite the adventure today- at 10:30 AM I picked up Michael Chau, at 10:45 picked up Lynn Vanek, and at 11am Shannon, I, Michael, and Lynn had lunch with Tom Owens.
After Lunch, we walked across to Holy Rosary church and started standing in line for nearly 20 minutes. What were we standing in line for? For St. Jude, the Apostle of the Impossible.
While I wouldn't say it was extremely well organized, we were there early and the line moved quickly. There were religious items for sale at a table along the way once we were inside- we were encouraged to buy some to make 3rd class relics. We were only given 10 seconds at the relic itself for doing so- I had a huge array of items that I had on my badge pull, including 100 St. Jude medals for gifts. I also went ahead and blessed every rosary I had on me, and my St. Michael's Chaplet.
Good thing due to the rain I had worn my Knights hoodie, I had LOTS of items with me, and purchased more.
They're selling a small book with a Novena to St. Jude- 2 for $20, so we bought two and gave one to Lynn.
All in all a grand adventure. St. Jude will return to the area in mid-September, and I encourage you to go.
Pictures Below.
Deus Gracias! We have a DD for District 3!
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Message from Worthy State Deputy about Relics
We are extremely blessed to have the relic of St. Jude coming through Oregon in August and September! This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to venerate and implore his intercession. He is commonly referred to as the patron saint of hopeless causes. I encourage all Knights of Columbus to take full advantage of this opportunity if possible.
We will need help from the Knights of Columbus in the following areas:
1. Publicize, get the word out, promote, promote, promote. And promote a little more.
2. If your parish is hosting the relic on a certain day, please consider helping out with setup and put-away. They're estimating needing about 30 volunteers throughout the day. Please consider helping.
Here's more info:
Here is a link to the St. Jude Relic visitation schedule in the Archdiocese: Relic of St. Jude the Apostle to visit western Oregon | Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (
Here is a link to more information about St. Jude and the relic tour: Home - Saint Jude (
The following are the site coordinators (all copied on this email) at each location:
Tues., Aug. 20 Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Medford, Oregon
Address: 517 W 10th St., Medford, OR 97501
Parish general phone: 541-779-4661
Contact person: Paul Christy, Co-Chair, Parish Pastoral Council
Pastor: Fr. Ken Sampson
Wed, Aug. 21 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Portland, Oregon
Address: 1716 NW Davis St. Portland, OR 97209
Parish general phone: 503-228-4397
Contact person: Jenna Slotnick, Pastoral Assoc.
Rector: Msgr. Gerard O’Connor
Thurs, Aug. 22 The Grotto, National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, Portland, OR
Address: 8840 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, OR 97220
Shrine general phone: 503-254-7371
Contact person: Elizabeth De Christopher, Liturgy Coordinator
Executive Director: Chris Blanchard
Fri, Aug. 23 Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Portland, OR
Address: 375 NE Clackamas St., Portland, OR 97232
Parish general phone: 503-235-3163
Contact person: Mark Fisher, Dir. of Stewardship
Pastor: Fr. Peter Do, OP
Sat, Sept. 14 St. Stephen Catholic Church, Portland, OR
Address: 1112 SE 41st Av, Portland, OR 97214
Parish general phone: 503-234-5019
Contact person: David Norman
Pastor: Fr. Eric Anderson
Mon, Sept. 16 St. Francis Catholic Church, Sherwood, OR
Address: 15651 SW Oregon St, Sherwood, OR 97140
Parish general phone: 503-625-6185
Contact person: Fr. Amal Irudayaraj, Pastor
Tues, Sept. 17 St. Edward Catholic Church, Keizer, OR
Address: 5303 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303
Parish general phone: 503-393-5323
Contact person: Brad Becker, Pastoral Associate
Pastor: Fr. Gary Zerr
Wed, Sept. 18 St. Mary Catholic Church, Mt. Angel, OR
Address: 575 E College St, Mt. Angel, OR 97362
Parish general phone: 503-845-2296
Contact person: Cynthia Unger, Dir. of Religious Ed.
Pastor: Fr. Ralph Recker, OSB
Kenneth J. Anderson
Knights of Columbus
Oregon State Council
State Deputy
(541) 602-0249
11863 SW Greenburg Rd Apt 8
Tigard, OR 97223
"It is an honor to be a Knight!" Email:
Mon, Sept. 16 St. Francis Catholic Church, Sherwood, OR
Address: 15651 SW Oregon St, Sherwood, OR 97140
Parish general phone: 503-625-6185
Tues, Sept. 17 St. Edward Catholic Church, Keizer, OR
Address: 5303 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303
Parish general phone: 503-393-5323
Wed, Sept. 18 St. Mary Catholic Church, Mt. Angel, OR
Address: 575 E College St, Mt. Angel, OR 97362
Parish general phone: 503-845-2296