Dear Brother Knights,
Please pray for St. Clare parishioner Lola Cortez and her continued struggle with lung disease. She is calming down and receiving help but her doctors are telling her she only has three months to live. Please pray for a miraculous recovery if it be God's will and Lola to receive comfort, mercy, encouragement, help and peace during this time.
Please also pray to have Father McGivney pray for her.
Thanks so much!
Brother Daniel Salamon, GK
Monday, July 31, 2017
Please Pray For Supreme Convention
Dear Brother Knights,
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Please keep this Tuesday's Supreme Convention in your prayers.
Looking forward! Thanks so much!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Friday, July 28, 2017
Prayer Request for Grand Knight's Sister
Dear Brother Knights,
Please pray for my sister Rachel, for her tumor to be benign. Thanks so much!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Please pray for my sister Rachel, for her tumor to be benign. Thanks so much!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Prayer Request from Bonnie Owens
Tom and I have moved. Our new address is 12505 SW North Dakota apartment #808 Tigard OR 97223– 3288. Our phone numbers and emails remain the same.
I took a very bad fall last Tuesday breaking several things and was admitted to St. Vincent's hospital and I'm now at Maryville room 173. I do not yet know how long I have to be here. If you have time I welcome visits. Tom would appreciate a meal fixed for him as we are still involved in preparing our house for sell. His number is 503-789-7313 but he's having problems with his phone so if you want to bring a meal to him you can contact me 503-705-6966 and I will let him know.
Tom has been diagnosed with mild cognitive deficit and memory loss. Prayers for both of us are very welcome.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Message from DD Dave Saunders
As you may know, I was in the hospital the last 7 days but am home now. Very briefly, I had "massive blood clots in both lung." Also known as a pulmonary embolism. I can give more details if you want at meetings.
I am behind in my work so if if promised you something or I requested something, you may need to remind me again or I you to send it in.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Prayer Request for Sir Knight Dave Saunders who is in the critical care unit. Prayers also for his wife Mary. Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Dear Brothers
Sir Knight Dave Saunders is currently in the Kaiser's Sunnyside Hospital in the critical care unit. Prayers are requested for Dave and his wife Mary. Dave is District Deputy for District 1 and a member of the Tigard Council 3591 and Assembly 1292.
Prayer Chairman
Andrew F. Robinson, Jr.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Grand Knight Needs Service Hours by July 13th---Thank-you for your patience with the short notice
Dear Brother Knights,
I will need your service hours by July 13th for the month of June because I will be out of town and not have email access between July 14-16. The hours are due on July 15th.
You can email your service hours to me in your usual format at
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
I appreciate your patience with the short notice as I am learning my responsibilities as your new Grant Knight.
Looking forward! Thanks so much! Peace of Christ be with you!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
I will need your service hours by July 13th for the month of June because I will be out of town and not have email access between July 14-16. The hours are due on July 15th.
You can email your service hours to me in your usual format at
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
I appreciate your patience with the short notice as I am learning my responsibilities as your new Grant Knight.
Looking forward! Thanks so much! Peace of Christ be with you!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Meeting July 17, 2017, 6:30pm Fireside Room St Clare's
John Clare Council
Meeting Agenda
July 17, 2017
St. Clare Fireside Room
Installation of New Officers
Opening, Roll Call of Members, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call of
Officers, Reading of Previous Minutes and Voting on Previous Minutes
Grant Knights Remarks: Grand Knight’s Vision
Open Dialogue on Grand Knight’s Vision
Call for All Reports
For The Good of the Order from Lecturer
8pm New
Business: Call for Reports on Upcoming Breakfasts, Rosary of Lives and Other
Events and Charitable Giving, Vote on extra Spiritual Development time during
Meetings and vote on reporting times and format for reporting monthly service
hours and planning council participation in Knights of Columbus Family Week,
August 7-13
8:20pm: Prayer
Requests for the Sick or Distressed
Closing Prayer
Monday, July 10, 2017
Prayer for Lola Cortez ---Have Father Michael McGivney Intercede On Her Behalf
Dear Brother Knights,
Please continue to pray for Lola Cortez.
Please also pray to get Father Michael McGivney in Heaven to pray for Lola Cortez and intercede on her behalf.
Thanks so much! Peace of Christ be with you!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Please continue to pray for Lola Cortez.
Please also pray to get Father Michael McGivney in Heaven to pray for Lola Cortez and intercede on her behalf.
Thanks so much! Peace of Christ be with you!
Brother Daniel Salomon, GK
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Prayer Request
Dear Brothers,
We need to pray for Lola Cortes who is a member of St. Clare Parish who has been struggling with a lung disease which has taken a turn for the worse.
Daniel Salomon, GK
We need to pray for Lola Cortes who is a member of St. Clare Parish who has been struggling with a lung disease which has taken a turn for the worse.
Daniel Salomon, GK
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