Sunday, December 22, 2024

Shannon Seeber will be home tonight

Shannon gets to come home tonight!  Thank you all for your prayers.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Shannon posted in Supporting Shannon on Facebook

Crosposting- Shannon wrote the following:

updates on me I just some more wires on where they had cut me open. And they what me up and moving out in the hallway four days and sitting in the chair four times. And the doctor that removed my stitching and the heart thing said everything looks good and they just want monitor me. But they also thought I might be able to home Sunday or Monday but no later then Tuesday. Which is good but we will also have to work around way home do to right so my husband is doing all the driving and my son has to work on Christmas eve.

UPDATE:  her surgeon stopped by tonight, Shannon will be coming home Monday after they get her medicine dialed in.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Shannon is out of ICU

Shannon has left ICU and has moved on up to the East Side, to a deluxe aparment in the sky...well the 8th floor anyway.  She requests that visitors call her at 503-318-2695 before coming up to the hospital.  You are best off coming in the Main Hospital entrance at St Vincents and parking accordingly.  You will need the green elevators across from the outpatient lab.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Supporting Shannon Crospost 2

This time I am starting with the blog, and will crosspost this back to the Supporting Shannon group.

Still in ICU this morning, I have no timeline yet for moving her to the cardiac recovery unit.

She seems to be doing well.  I brought in her bluetooth headset and phone, so she may be posting soon to facebook and responding to email.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Supporting Shannon Crosspost

I have decided to crosspost here from the Supporting Shannon group on Facebook.  This post will be updated as I hear information.

At 1:41, they took her off to the operating theater.  Good thing I ate a big breakfast.  I have been requested to stay here in the waiting room until 2:30, when they get her on the heart lung machine.

I will update all of the outlets as I hear more, but chances are there will not be any definitive news until 6:30pm

I should have ordered that cheeseburger as a lettuce wrap.  If a bun is going to claim a glycemic load of 80, I want it coated in chocolate.  While I was gone at Lunch and Mass, she went on the heart lung machine at 3.  From what they originally said, I am thinking it will be between 6-8pm.

Update:  it is now 6:52 and no news yet.  Original estimate was 4 to 6 hours. So could be as late as 9


The surgeon just talked to me.  Damage to the valve was worse than we thought, she now has a new plastic valve that will last the rest of her life.

About an hour before they will let me see her.

Other than that, she is out of danger and in CICU for the night.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Christmas Potluck Volunteers

 1 week until our Christmas Potluck.  

December 17, 2024 is our December Potluck at St. Clare's School Cafeteria (Spring Garden parking lot between the Church and the Gym).  Dan, Daniel, Michael Chau, and Jazlynn will be opening the doors at 6:00pm and be decorating until 6:30, we'll be eating at 6:30 and the reading of the essays will be at 7pm. 

So far, we've only heard about a ham, a pie, and beverages.  So please think about something special from your own dietary restrictions or Christmas time, and bring what you can!

Please email Don Mey and Ted Seeber to let us know what dish you are bringing so that we can plan better!

Guests will be coming- Deacon Scott is invited for SJF, Paige Sturges is invited from St. Clare's (with their families) as well as the families of our six essay winners, who will be turning in their entry forms for the next level of judging:

From St. John Fisher:

  • 1st Kay T score 90
  • 2nd Corinne E, score 89.5
  • 3rd Fitan D, score 88.5
From St. Clare's:
  • 1st Genevive I, score 89.5
  • 2nd Emme O, score 84.25
  • 3rd Alex J, score 84

Monday, December 2, 2024

A reminder to remember your parish on Giving Tuesday

 Dear Parishioners and Friends,


If you haven’t taken the opportunity yet, please take the time to consider your donation and contribute to our annual Stewardship Campaign to ensure the long term care of our parish facilities. You can donate using the envelopes provided at the church entrances, writing a check with Giving Tuesday on the memo line, going to the parish website selecting the Giving Tuesday option, or scanning this QR Code: 


A qr code with a group of peopleDescription automatically generated


Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!


St. Clare Church

Administrative Council

And let's not leave out our council members from St. John Fisher.

St. John Fisher Donation Page