I recently had a fellow Knight get impersonated on Facebook, and so I believe that it is useful to repost these instructions, updated for social media, that our ancestors in the order used to recognize each other.
When you get a private message but are unsure whether the account has been hacked or not, give the challenge consisting of the Watchword of the Order, which you were introduced to in your Exemplification when you joined the Knights. You should respond with the Fraternal Greeting. We may not be able to do the firm handshake that goes along with this ritual online, but every Knight should know these two phrases, which I am NOT putting in this post on purpose, since our blog can be searched with Google (I'm sure somebody can find this, but with less than 4 million Knights worldwide, a hacker isn't likely to have done their homework first).
Monday, July 22, 2024
Social Media Protocol of the Order
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Meeting Notes - July 16, 2024
Meeting Notes
July 16, 2024
7:00 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:03 pm - Warden’s Membership
- Roll Call of Officers
- GK, Recorder, Warden, OG, 2YT, DGK, FS, ADV, Chan, Treasurer Present
- 13 members present (we have a quorum)
7:05 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (June)
- Approved
7:08 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- Message from Supreme & State
- State Summer Meeting
- EARLY- Evangelization of Membership
- Missed District 3 star council by 1 member
- Get everybody signed up online, wear your pin
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- SAFE Environment
- Membership Challenge
- 420 for the state
- If 50% of our members brought in one new member, we'd easily hit it.
7:15 pm - District Deputy Remarks (Mark Larson)
- Installation of State Officers at the State Meeting
- Safe Environments - Required, Compulsory, Mandatory and Invested
- District Deputy and District Warden will be changing soon for District 3. Not known yet who, but Mark Larson is moving on to District Master for 4th Degree
7:20 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- Fraternal $2655.35
- Unity $544.37
- Charity $5.71
- Approved
7:25 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
- Reports are in the works.
- Thank you from Mother & Child
- Excel Spreadsheet presented of the Breakfast Costs and Earnings
- Audit is in process and will be done by August 15
- Approved
7:30 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
7:35 pm - Programs
- Program Director - (Gene Andres)
7:40 pm - Committees
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey)
- Pray for families at Campout at Fr. Stevens this week
- Daily Mass in basement of office, as some safety work is being done in the Church
- Painting the windowsills
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin)
- New priest Fr. Valentine from India
7:45 pm - Faith / Community / Family
7:55 pm - KofC Business
- In 2024/2025 we will conduct a total of 10 Pancake Breakfasts at St. Clare and St. John Fisher. These will also be recruiting events.
- Fall PB dates at SC confirmed, Oct. 6th & Nov. 3rd. Fall SJF dates (2) TBD. Late Fall and Spring dates (6) TBD.
- Fr. Jim to display and sell paintings and other art work (details to follow) at SC Pancake Breakfasts, Oct. 6th and Nov. 3rd. (Music room area staffed by Fr. Jim volunteers).
- COR SC parish discussion groups “Beautiful Eucharist” to begin August/September timeline, propose, once per month following the 8:30 AM and 10:45 PM Masses. Consider volunteering. SJF TBD. (Michael O)
8:10 pm - KofC New Business
- Open Business
- Dan R's engagement
8:15 pm - “Beautiful Eucharist” book discussion, Chapters 5-7.
8:28 pm - Closing Prayers
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- RIP Patrick Joseph, brother of Beth Bailey
- RIP Robert, brother of Bonnie Owens
- Shannon Seeber
- Daniel's Sister and nieces and nephews in Israel
- Daniel's Friend Gerald struggling with situational related to autism
- Daniel talking to Fr. Jules for Vocation
- Mark B's Wife Mari Jo
- Lacey, reader at St. Clare's
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
8:30 pm - Adjournment
Meeting Announcement Tuesday July 16th, 2024
KofC John Clare Council Hybrid Meeting Tuesday 7/16/2024
The meeting on 7/16 will be in-person @ St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM, and on-line, meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Online information listed below. Meeting Highlights;
- Book discussion "Beautiful Eucharist" Chapters 5-7:
CH. 5
What reactions do you have to Angie’s advice regarding Adoration. “Just picture Jesus as if He is sitting up on the altar—because He is. He is just talking to you and you’re talking to Him. What does He want to tell you” p 42.
Have you ever experienced the peace and quiet of Adoration? What did it do for you?
How does the quote from St. Clare of Assisi p 45, strike you? “We become what we love, and who we love shapes what we become”?
CH 6
Bishop Cozzens states that “To be happy, I have to dethrone myself from the center of my life, put Jesus at the center, and then ask Him, What do you want me to do?” What is Jesus asking you to do or be?
How can I help others to let Jesus move their hearts?
CH 7
Bishop Fulton Sheen has said “Every living thing must nourish itself…Man’s soul is spiritual and therefore it demands spiritual food—the Eucharist.” Does that analogy help you appreciate the Eucharist? How?
What difference does it make to you that Jesus said “This is my body, this is my blood” rather than merely "this represents my body and blood"?
Here is the Agenda to download.
Meeting ID: 873 3883 4174
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Thursday, July 4, 2024
Bonnie Owens' brother has died
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Monday, July 1, 2024
An interesting offering from the State Deputy
I'm of the uneducated GenX Catholics- I can't even spell the gradual that our young state deputy can sing. But this prayer, this gradual, is a beautiful offering for our 2024-2025 Fraternal Year. Click through to the blog to see the embedded player, and an inspiring message from our state deputy.
<iframe width="360" height="215" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gWPvuTyUK0o?si=0upLkoIZfXoXj91E" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>