Monday, July 22, 2024

Social Media Protocol of the Order

 I recently had a fellow Knight get impersonated on Facebook, and so I believe that it is useful to repost these instructions, updated for social media, that our ancestors in the order used to recognize each other.

When you get a private message but are unsure whether the account has been hacked or not, give the challenge consisting of the Watchword of the Order, which you were introduced to in your Exemplification when you joined the Knights.  You should respond with the Fraternal Greeting.  We may not be able to do the firm handshake that goes along with this ritual online, but every Knight should know these two phrases, which I am NOT putting in this post on purpose, since our blog can be searched with Google (I'm sure somebody can find this, but with less than 4 million Knights worldwide, a hacker isn't likely to have done their homework first).

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