Brothers, here is an urgent request. Do you know of anyone that could support this? I'm attaching an image of a design.
I can't even believe that I'm asking this.
I'm an RN at a local hospital. Soon we'll be out of disposable masks. According to the CDC, fabric masks are a crisis response option when other supplies have been exhausted.
If there are any seamstresses out there that have time on their hands and want to make 100% cotton double layer reusable/washable masks we health care workers would REALLY appreciate it. I can arrange for porch pick up to take to the hospital for when they're needed. There is a growing group making these masks to donate.
PLEASE help make these for our front line workers in this COVID crisis if you can. Reply here if your interested and able to help. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you!!!!
Edwin L Diehl III
This request came from the State Secretary, I will figure out how to get you in touch with them.

Deaconess - How to make a Face Mask

Deaconess - How to make a Face Mask
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