7 pm Call to Order
- Warden's membership check: waive the roll call
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call of Officers (Excused Don Mey, Eugene Andres, and Paul Pompili)
- Previous Meeting Minutes approved
- Mike Devlin and Scott Kolbet helped move things for St. Vincent de Paul
- Washington State has a new long term Care program, but the K of C also has a similar plan
- No Forms are due until January 2022
- Mike O'Phelan has pointed out that the Covid virus has been a problem for everyone! He quoted scripture from Matthews gospel, 'Come to me all of you who are burdened. Jesus takes on the weight of our load with us. He notes that this is a good time to trust one another.
- Mike O'Phelan commented on the death of Tom Owen's son, Bob Owens. He said that Bob was a wonderful spirit who lived a life well-lived, and that he is in heaven now.
- There hasn't been any banking activity in our K of C Rivermark Bank Account, so the treasurer's report is the same as last month. Our checking account balance is $1,401.79.
- There are 3 checks totaling $750.00 to Abbey Floor Donations still outstanding.
- Nothing new to report
- I requested my Life Membership card
- Parish/School Updates
- St. Clare Parish Ted Seeber / Mike O'Phelan All activities cancelled except masses. Masks are required but social distancing is not required.
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary Marc Gregoire Same as St. Clare Parish
- St. John Fisher Gene Andres & Mike Devlin They were willing to give us a meeting room, and the school is doing well.
- Faith Director Don Mey Excused
- Community Director Michael Chau Nothing new to report
- Life Director Ted Seeber Nothing new
- Family Director Ted Seeber Nothing new
- Membership Director Ted Seeber He purchased some blueberries for our next breakfast.
- Retention Chairman Mike O'Phelan Nothing new
- James M. Morgan reported on the No Neighbor Left Behind Program. Everyone's coping.
- We haven't heard anything from our seminarians Marcos & Jonah.
- Nothing new about Special Needs Adaptive Mass.
- Installation of Officers is still on hold because we don't have a District Deputy.
- Tom & Bonnie Owens.
- Bob Owens and Sherry Wood (deceased).
- Gene Andres & wife
- The entire Seeber family who are struggling with the Covid virus.
- Phil Jarvis family & his daughter.
- Paul Pompili and his entire family.
- Marc Gregoire's sister-in-law.
- Everyone in the medical profession who has been fighting the covid virus.