Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Winners of Our KofC Essay Contest
A Thousand Rosaries
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Oregon March for Life
Cathy and I have participated in past years. We usually arrive early and find parking on the street near the capitol. Participants gather in front of the capitol building, near the steps, for speeches—Archbishop Sample is a featured speaker this year—and then march on streets around the capitol area. The march last about a half hour. It is over by 4:00.
Please consider participating on January 23rd 2021.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Council 15485 Teleconference Meeting Notes from 12/15/2020
James M. Morgan / Recorder
7 pm Call to Order
- Warden's Membership check waived
- Opening Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll of Officers waived
- Reading of the last meeting was approved
- Marc and his wife Guadalupe celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe on 12/12, 2020
- Ted Seeber joined the Men's Holy League at St. Josephs on 12/5/2020; the year 2021 will be commemorated to St. Joseph
- Project Rescue Christmas is a part of the Salvation Army programs: go to the blog to learn more about how they can use your help. We are still calling for RESOLUTIONFOR THE 2021 STATE CONVENTION
- We have implemented some new guidelines for how to conduct council meetings; and more changes are on the way
- Forms will be due in January 2021
- We were advised to accept Christ and to accept ourselves in our everyday life
- To remember that Emmanuel is with us
- And to look for the presence of Christ's ministry in our every day life
- God needs us and we truly need God
- There hasn't been any change in membership
- We are working on a way to tie 2021 membership dues up with our annual survey of Charitable Work
- 7:30 pm Committees / Program Director (Gene Andres) Form 17-28 due in January; and on 1/23/2021 there will be a March for Life in Salem (see blog).
PARISH / SCHOOLS UPDATES Committees Continued
- St. Clare (Ted Seeber & Mike O'Phalan) : There won't be any Baby Bottles released this year; maybe in the months of Jan. or Feb. next year.
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Marc Gregoire) No change from last month; minimum Mass size and no church functions
- St. John Fisher ( Gene Andres and Mike Devlin ) Father Richardson has been quaranteed so the Mass schedules have changed: check with the parish for more reliable information.
- Ruby Day won the essay, Brook Sheridan was second and Noah Carlssen was third.
- No one competed from St. Clare; more information is available on the blog
- Marc Gregoire discussed Sid Thiel's Council survey
- James M. Morgan covered the No Neighbor Left Behind work.
- Faith Director Don Mey excused
- Community Director Michael Chau didn't report anything new
- Life Director Ted Seeber spoke more about the Salem March for Life: See more on the blog.
- Family Director and Membership Director Ted Seeber didn't report anything new.
- Retention Chairman Mike O'Phelan addressed the problem with many men: "Don't have time."
- Phil Jarvis discussed the Charitable Green Sheet charitable concept that the Supreme wants us to use for making donations; more about that on the blog later. St. Vincent de Paul might need our help moving some refrigerators and/or freezers around in January 2021. And we kicked around the idea of offering a Parishioner's Award for their contributions to the church
- State Leadership is looking for some men who might want to become State Officers
- State will waive dues in 2021 for members experiencing Covid-19 related problems.
- Ted Seeber's cousin, Christine
- Marc Gregoire's associate whose mother died recently
- All Front line workers and especially those in the medical profession.
- God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of departed members
- Hail Mary
- Father Michael J. McGivney Prayer
Monday, December 14, 2020
Council Meeting Tues December 15th 7pm (Online Tomorrow)
Hello Brother Knights,
Please join us this Tuesday, December 15th at 7pm for our next online Council #15485 meeting.
Here is the AGENDA to download.
Marc will open the chat room at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
'Tis the season for surveys
At our meeting on Tuesday, we can expect to hear from our GK and FS about the annual survey of charitable work, which is used to advertise the order and maintain our 501c(8) tax status. It is extremely important for every Knight to fill this out, and we'll be getting the forms soon.
But in addition, during this strange year of 2020, our State Council is looking for outside the box thinking and ideas towards improving the Knights. The Survey can be found at this link (click through to the blog to see it), and State Secretary Sid Thiel will be grateful for a few minutes of your time. Took me less than 5 minutes to fill it out.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Project Rescue Christmas
Here is the LINK where you can check out all the volunteer opportunities open to you for the “Rescue Christmas” campaign.
Please contact Jason Ramos (503-798-4876 / jason.ramos@usw.salvationarmy.org) with the Salvation Army if you have any questions about this wonderful service for others and he will provide any information, assistance and support he can.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
New year, New You?
Please read the letter from State Deputy Ron Boyce below on an opportunity to advance to the Patriotic Degree of our order online.
Brothers,With this being a crazy Fraternal Year, I thought it would be great to start the 2021 year off with an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism at the Oregon State Mid-Year Meeting in Coos Bay at the Red Lion Hotel on January 9th 2021 in-person and/or virtually. The new Exemplification will be at 4pm, and the 4th Degree Exemplification will follow at 4:30pm.More information can be found on the attached flyer. Candidates must register for both Exemplifications. The Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity is free.The 4th Degree Exemplification has a cost of $50 to cover the cost of the Social Baldric and Pin and fee paid to Supreme. Candidates for the 4th Degree must register by Monday, January 4th 2021 and have the required form 4.I would like to ask all councils to promote this opportunity for new Members and those who need the other degrees.Vivat Jesus,Ron BoyceKnights of ColumbusOregon State DeputyPO Box 23093Tigard, OR 97281Cell #503-730-1986-----------------------------
An e-mail inquiry to our membership chairman, Ted Seeber, seebert42@gmail.com , to get the flyer for this Coos Bay area live exemplification that will also be livestreamed online.