Thursday, March 19, 2020

From Fr. Don at St. Clare's

March 20, 2020
Hello St. Clare parishioners,
Wow, what a unique time we live in! There are so many uncertainties and so many changes in our lives as
we try to minimize the spread of the virus. Thank you for all your personal efforts to keep safe and keep the
people around you safe.
I assume most of you have heard by now that the archbishop has canceled all public Masses until at least
April 14. So, no Sunday or weekday Masses here at St. Clare or at any church in the archdiocese. I will
continue to pray Mass daily (privately) for all of you and for our world. We are working on providing our
Sunday Mass online, however, we don’t have that up and running yet. In this week’s bulletin, there will be
some suggestions of places you can pray either with the Mass on TV or online. Please do something special
on Sundays to follow the 3rd Commandment: Keep holy the Sabbath.
Confessions will continue here at St. Clare, regular time (Saturday 4-4:30) in the Reconciliation Chapel in the
back of the church. Lent is an especially important time to take advantage of this sacrament. Social distancing
will be practiced. Our Lenten Reconciliation Service that was scheduled for Apr. 3 has been canceled.
The parish bulletin will continue to arrive in your email as it always has and it is available on our website.
Since there aren’t activities happening here currently, it will give inspirational things to help keep you strong
The parish website will be your best go-to spot for the latest information about St. Clare Church.
Our dedicated St. Vincent DePaul volunteers are still caring for those that need our help in the neighborhood.
They are using appropriate safety procedures. Donations of food are greatly appreciated; they can be dropped
off any time in the unlocked vestibule of the parish office. They will be picked up daily.
Your on-going financial donations to the church are greatly appreciated also. Even though we don’t have
Mass, our expenses continue almost as normal. You can give online (instructions on our website) or mail
donations to the office. Thank you very much for your on-going generosity.
If you need to contact the parish staff email is the best way. All the staff email addresses can be found on
our website or in this week’s bulletin.
Although the church staff are usually working from home, I will be on campus almost every day. I am still
available for emergencies such as the Last Rites or Anointing of the Sick for seriously ill people. In those
special cases, call the regular office phone and you will receive instructions on how to reach me.
These are difficult times. Remember God’s words in the Bible “Do not be afraid”. Take all precautions and
then trust in God. God is with us in all of this. Take good care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Be a disciple: let God use you to encourage, support, and help others in this crisis. Remember, I’m praying for
you every day. Let’s all keep each other in our prayers.
May God bless you all. -Fr. Don

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

1 comment :

  1. I don't know him well, but your Fr. Don sounds like a pretty good priest!
