Thursday, November 23, 2023

from State Deputy

November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Message from State Deputy

Worthy Brother Knights,

I would like to take this opportunity to bid each and every one of you a very hearty and sincere Happy Thanksgiving! As Knights, we have so many things to be thankful to God for. Let us take the time today to thank God for everything He has blessed us with!

Thanksgiving is most commonly known and recognized for celebrating when the pilgrims came to the New World seeking out their religious freedom from England. There are many examples of people traveling to the New World wishing to freely live out their beliefs. This land and nation was founded on religious freedom. Many were willing to risk so much in order to come to this land and obtain such. This is how important religious beliefs are and important it is to be able to freely exercise these beliefs. Let us be thankful for the gift of religious freedom in our land and the ability to exercise our religious beliefs.

Growing up, the Era of Exploration was my favorite era of history. I enjoyed seeing the very beginnings of how this nation was established and how many people first saw how beautiful this land is. It was inspiring to see many European explorers, many of whom were devout Catholic, go out on daring adventures and discover the amazing treasures of the Americas. Of course, the most notable of these explorers was our own patron, Christopher Columbus. Columbus was also a very devout Catholic who brought our Catholic Faith to the New World.

One of our principles of the Order is Patriotism. It is a very patriotic thing indeed to celebrate this national holiday of Thanksgiving and to remember all of the early explorers who set this land on a path to becoming a great nation that serves God and is devoted to God. Let us give thanks for this great nation!

As Catholics, we have the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith and it is truly an immense privilege to be able to partake in the Eucharist. To welcome Christ into us and to adore Christ is truly an amazing blessing. Let us go to Mass on Thanksgiving or perhaps after Thanksgiving and adore Christ in the Eucharist. As Knights of Columbus, we should be most deeply and profoundly thankful for the Eucharist and the Holy Mass.

Finally, I personally wish to say that I am thankful for each and every one of you, my brothers. I am thankful for the team of State Officers who has worked very hard this year so far. I wish to thank all the State Directors, Chairmen, and District Deputies for their efforts in serving the State. Thank you to all the councils for all your hard work in serving the Parish and helping men become better Catholics, husbands, fathers, men. Thank you to all brothers for saying yes to being a Knight of Columbus. Happy Thanksgiving!

Vivat Jesus!


Kenneth J. Anderson

Knights of Columbus

Oregon State Council

State Deputy

(541) 602-0249

11863 SW Greenburg Rd Apt 8

Tigard, OR 97223

"Become who you were born to be!"

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