Monday, June 8, 2020

From State Deputy Ron Boyce

Dear Brother's,
I have received calls and email on President Trump's visitation to the Saint Pope John II National Shrine and St. John's Episcopal Church. I do understand that you may take offense of a politician looking for publicity or photo opportunity to a religious shrine, plus with the protests and riots going on in the streets of Washington DC. I too agree that no one should use the Shrine as a photo op. With that said, we as an order need to look at the big picture. Whatever good or bad you think of the President Trump we need to remember that he has been the biggest supporter of the Pro-Life movement and Religious Freedoms.  We also need to remember the First Lady Melania Trump is a Catholic.  
I have spoken with the State Deputy of Washington DC Jurisdiction. The President and First Lady's visit was pre-planned to commemorate the Anniversary of Saint Pope John Paul II visit to Poland in 1979 (Be Not Afraid) and to coincide with the Presidents signing of the Executive Order on International Religious Freedom which was signed at the Whitehouse on the same day. No Supreme Officers were present at the Shrine during President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's visit. 
I think the time is now for the Oregon Knights to show our community what we can do to help.  Like our Founder the "Blessed" Fr. Michael McGivney did in Connecticut.  Brothers the Oregon unemployment Rate is at 14.2%. That is 1 out of every 8 Oregonian who lost their job and income to support their family.  Again we need to stop worrying about if the President is offending us or not and start doing what we can to help our fellow Oregonians.  We need our councils to continue to be active in the Leave No Neighbor Behind. This COVID-19 pandemic and the riots that is destroying businesses in our communities is going to have a lasting effect that could go well into December. Our duty as Knights is to lead our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities.  Remembering always that where there is a need there's a Knight. We need to continue to support our brothers and reach out to all of our members to make sure they are doing okay. Support our Parish's and be prepared to deliver on the requests from our pastor and the needs of the parish community. We need to support our communities by reaching out to our neighbors, assess their needs and identify ways to help. Continue to help with the Portland Archdiocese and St. Vincent DePaul/Oregon Food Bank Food box distributions. Last but not least, the Red Cross needs our help they are in the urgent need of blood donors. You can schedule an appointment at or call them at 1-800-RED-CROSS. 
Brothers the time is now for us as Oregon Knights to Step into the Breach. As Archbishop Fulton Sheen said "Show me your hands. Do they have scars from giving? Show me your feet. Are they wounded in service? Show me your heart. Have you left a place for divine love?"
Brothers the last item I would like to cover is on the taking of George Floyd’s life by a police officer. I was very hurt at what happened to George Floyd and was very angered to see how peaceful protests turned into riots and destruction of private properties and businesses. We need to come together as Oregonians and move towards free of discrimination and hate not just for our state but also as a nation.  The Knights of Columbus and Pope Francis are urging all to express their anger and cries for justice in non-violent way to end the sin of racism.  The Supreme Knight is asking for councils to participate in a novena. Nine days of prayer for national unity and an end to racism amid the unrest.  The Novena is set to begin on Trinity Sunday, June 7th, which was chosen by the Knights because of its inherent theme of unity. 
Brothers I know as a Catholic Brotherhood we can help our community and our parishes move forward to normalcy in the spirit of Fr. McGivney to help the men and their families in our communities and parishes.  I believed that the Oregon Knights of Columbus is very strong and we will come arise to the needs.  I strongly believe that our prayers will be answer that we will have peace and unity.

Vivat Jesus,
Ron Boyce
Knights of Columbus
Oregon State Deputy
PO Box 23093
Tigard, OR 97281
Cell #503-730-1986
One Member, Per Council, Per Month
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Vivat Jesus

Stephen J. Radel
Oregon Knights of Columbus
Executive Secretary
1785 NW Ravenwood Dr.
Albany, OR 97321

"Be Not Afraid"


  1. I no longer want to be associated with an organization that would invite Trump to visit our Catholic shrine. The President's actions have been morally reprehensible. For me Deputy Boyce has only made matters worse with his support of the visit.

    1. I am sorry you feel that way about Religious Freedom, Joe. The order has been working on Presidents for 30 years to get this Executive Order signed- it isn't about Trump, it isn't about the current protests. It's about protecting Catholics from being beheaded in Africa and the Middle East.
