Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Join us in a prayer chain for our brothers and sisters affected by Hurricane Helene

Click on the word prayer above to be linked to the Belmont Abbey College prayer site. This is the prayer we recited at our KofC meeting on 10/15/2024. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Meeting Notes October 15, 2024

7:00 pm - Call to Order

  • Prayer - Our Father
  • Pledge of Allegiance

7:10 pm - Warden’s Membership

  • Roll Call of Officers
    • GK present
    • FS present
    • DGK excused
    • Chan present but late
    • ADV present but late
    • Treasurer excused
    • Warden present
    • OG Present
    • IG excused
    • 3yt Present
    • 2yt ex
    • 1yt ex

7:05 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (September)

  • Approved

7:10 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)

  • Membership Challenge- Off to a great start, Jon Jungwirth off to a great start, Steven Shields signed up online, CUF Degree coming.
  • Knights Charity on the ground when trouble arises
  • Breakfasts are our biggest opportunity
  • Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
  • SAFE Environment
  • Membership Challenge

7:15 pm - District Deputy/Master Remarks (Mark Larson)

  • Star Council
  • Went from 4 councils to 36.  Michael Chau will join 4th in Dallas/Independence on October 26
  • Teamwork River paddling the canoe.  Get those paddles in the water. 

7:25 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)

  • Fraternity: $2212.22 
  • Charity:$5.71
  • Unity:$544.43
  • Approved

7:30 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)

  • Correspondence:  St. Andrews Nativity School event coming up Friday
  • Prayer Time Arrived, Ted Paid back
  • Approved

7:35 pm - Membership Reports

  • Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
    • Steven Shields young guy, same age as Dan
    • Mark- in his 40s- kid might go to St. Clare's 
  • Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
  • No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)

7:40 pm - Programs

  • Program Director - (Gene Andres) (excused)

7:45 pm - Committees

  • Parish / School Updates
  • St. Clare (Don Mey) - Read the Bulletin!
  • St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin) - Read the Bulletin!  October 26 Halloween

7:50 pm - Faith / Community / Family

  • Faith:  Chesterton Academy mentioned
  • Family:  Prayer Time Book.

7:55 pm - KofC Business

  • Pancake Breakfast at SC, Nov. 3rd. Please contact Ted Seeber for volunteer opportunities.
  • Pancake Breakfast at SJF, Nov. 17th. Please contact Mike Devlin for volunteer opportunities.

  • Gene/Don delivered 2 boxes of coats for kids to The Francis Center.
  • Monthly Wine & Cheese @ SJF, Saturday, October 19th.
  • St. Thomas More Sunday Coffee & Donuts (Knights serve) between 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses, dates 

7:50 pm - KofC New Business

  • CUF for Stephen Shields, suggest @ St. Clare following the Saturday 5:00 PM Mass, date TBD, target date October 26th or sooner. TBD

  • Father Jim Galluzzo, Toiletry Kits for the Homeless. Packing date, Sunday November 10th, between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM, basement of St. Clare Offices. Medium boxes also needed.
  • Consider Unbound,, sponsorship and donation. Fr. Bernard Robert Bonnot, see St. Clare Bulletin from 28th Sunday in Ordinary time.
  • Consider donation for Huricane Helene Relief. Sample, see Basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, N.C. KofC, Catholic Charities, etc.

8:05 pm - Prayers for those impacted by Hurricane Helene.

  • God of Hope and Mercy prayer from Belmont College
  • Psalm 107
  • Intentions
8:10 For the good of the order

  • Pray for the UK, Euthanasia coming to the UK, prayer for Parliament not to pass that
  • St. Theresa Avila

8:15 pm - Closing Prayers

  • Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
    • Shannon Seeber
    • Micheal Chau uncle Florida
    • Millie Mouth
    • Scott Young's friend with Dementia
    • Donna Monroe
    • Erik's Father In Law Tom
    • Daniel's Sister 
    • Robert Roberson, an autistic man doomed to die October 17 for a medical mistake (
  • God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
  • Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.

8:10 pm - Adjournment

Monday, October 14, 2024

KofC Council meeting, October 15, 2024

 KofC Council Meeting 

            October KofC Council 15485 Meeting 10/15/2024

KofC John Clare Council October Hybrid Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10/15/2024. The meeting will be, in-person, at St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM.  

Here is the agenda to download.

The information to attend online is listed below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107


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Meeting ID: 819 2633 6107

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Another Successful Breakfast

9 am Mass at SJF:  45 breakfasts served
$46 CC
$209 Cash
SubTotal $255

10am Mass.  19 Breakfasts served
$20 CC
$193.07 Cash
SUBTotal 208.07

Gross Total $468.07

Friday, October 11, 2024

Volunteers Needed - Breakfast SJF Sunday Oct. 13th

Volunteers are needed for the pancake breakfast we are hosting in the Corrado Family Center at St. John Fisher Church this Sunday October 13th.  The doors will be open at 7AM to start the coffee, set up the tables and begin the prep work for the breakfast.  Cooking will begin around 9AM.  Meals will be served after the 9AM and 11AM Masses.  Help will also be needed to clean and set up the dining area between the Masses and for a complete clean-up after the final serving.  We should finish work by 2PM.  Please join us to help, any time you can, this Sunday.   

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Another Successful Breakfast

 First the numbers:
EXPENSES:  $349.63 (revised- I must have missed a receipt earlier)(revised again to add CC Charges)

CASH:  $507 (Revised due to a torn bill that was not accepted from the bank)

CC: $131

VENMO: $45

TOTAL: $683

NET: $333.37 (again revised based on the updated expenses)

Thank you to Laura Mason, Lynn Vanek, Jon Jungwirth, Scott Pauline, Ken Paulsen, Michael Chau, Richard DiGregorio, Scott Young, Paul Pompili, Don Mey, Dan Riechers, Jazlyn (soon to be Riechers), Mike Devlin, Daniel Salomon, Shannon Seeber, Christopher Seeber

If that seems light, it's because it was, and we've got plenty of supplies for next week.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Needed more volunteers Sunday, any time you can give is good

RIP Cathy Andres's sister.  Cathy and Gene will be flying back to Kentucky this weekend for the funeral.

We're down to 9 out of our normal 15 volunteers.

We especially need serving line folks- if you don't have full time, or have a parent/child combo who would like to volunteer, this could be a good position for you.  Go to Mass at your normal time, leave as soon as you get communion to warn us that people are coming, then just stand in place for less than 45 minutes as people come by you to get their food.  Times especially needed will be 9:30-10:15 and 11:45-12:15.

Also, if you can come early, Ted will have the kitchen open by 7am, and we need more prep volunteers and cooking volunteers.

Especially if you are good with scrambled eggs, there is a need, as our egg man, Mike O'Phelan, is also out of town.

Contact Ted: or 503-318-1508 if you can help.