Wednesday, August 2, 2023

From Ken Anderson III, State Deputy

 Worthy Brother Knights,

I hope everyone has been having a great summer so far. I hope everyone has done lots of fun activities with family and friends.

I bring you greetings from Orlando, FL at the 141st Supreme Convention. So far it's been great to see many familiar faces from previous Conventions and the SD meeting.

We are now into our second month of the Fraternal Year. July was a slow month. I recognize that the summer is always slow as many people are taking well earned and deserved vacations with their families. I acknowledge that many of you work extremely hard between KofC commitments, jobs, family, and other causes. Taking vacations is good and healthy.

That being said, councils do not need to take the summer off. In fact, there are so many opportunities that summer offers to councils that other parts of the year don't. These activities may invite new members to join. I'd like to strongly implore councils to remain active throughout the summer. Of course, all hands will not be on deck, but there's lots of opportunities with the members that are still in town. Families still need good, wholesome activities that the Knights can offer.

Summer doesn't need to be slow. August is a new month. Let's recommit ourselves to our mission and vision. Let us use the resources we have available to us throughout the summer to save lives and change lives. Let us help men serve God, grow in their Faith, and support their families. We have much work to do. If we can get the man right, we can get everything right. The world is desperately in need of more well formed men. Let's help go out there build better men!

Here are some ideas: outdoor public Rosaries, outdoor Faith processions, group Adoration, picnics, BBQs, family fun activities with games, hikes, Cor outside. Let's get outdoors and evangelize out there!

Don't forget about the upcoming Faith in Action Packed Event in Silverton at St. Paul Catholic Church on Saturday August 12th at 1pm. Make sure all members know about it and also prospective new members.

Finally, Blessed McGivney's Feast Day is Sunday August 13th. This is a Sunday, perfect for a big event. What is your council doing to honor our founder?

Vivat Jesus!

Kenneth J. Anderson
State Deputy
Knights of Columbus
Oregon State Council
"Become who you were born to be!"

1 comment :

  1. I like this guy... especially since he's going to become my grandson-in-law soon.
