Wednesday, May 24, 2023

June 4 Breakfast Volunteer Request

 Well, it's that time again- and due to some rather interesting limitations on Ted Seeber's time, we've got 4 instead of the usual 3 volunteer periods available.

Saturday, June 3, 2pm-2:30pm ; The more hands the better, just carrying in groceries.  Christopher is working, Ted's due at 2:30 for a Rosary at adoration, so short time in between to do this.

Saturday, June 3, 6pm-8pm:  Usually only need an hour for this, more hands the better, setup of tables and basic kitchen setup, load of all the equipment from the closet

Sunday, June 4, 7am-10:30am:  Shift 1.  Check with Ted Seeber if you're volunteering for a specific job, start times may be later depending on the job, you might actually be instructed to go to 8:30am Mass, then do the Judas Shuffle to let us know when Eucharist is. 

Sunday, June 4, 10:30-2pm:  Shift 2, includes cleanup after about 12:15.  Can be the shorter of the two shifts, even though it doesn't look like it.

I'll be contacting people within the next week who typically volunteer for certain jobs, I've already talked to some of you.

To volunteer, please email

Sunday, May 21, 2023

St Clare Support a Student Weekend

As our State Chaplain told us at the State Convention, public school curriculum are developing in a severely anti-Catholic direction in Oregon.  He gave us the challenge of making sure every parent has the choice of Catholic School with in next three years.

One way we can support this is with the Support-a-Student fund at St. Clare's and St John Fisher (link for St John Fisher to be added soon).

I urge you all to prayerfully give to these funds.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Notes from Meeting 5-16-2023


 KofC Council 15485 Hybrid Meeting Agenda  

May 16th, 2023  

St. Clare Church - School Cafeteria  

Or Remote  


Typed on the council Mac. by Ted Seeber- will clean up by 5/21- please send errata to




  • 7:00 pm - Call to Order 
    • Warden’s Membership Check 
    • Mark Busch introduction- new District Warden Prayer - Our Father 
    • Pledge of Allegiance 
    • Roll Call of Officers - 10 officers present, 11 members present, 1 online
    • Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (April)   approved as previously posted
  • 7:10 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
    • Thanking officers for this year especially James Morgan 
    • Member Challenge "Ask to Join Challenge"- 4 new members still needed for Star Council
    • Blog / Calendar - still does not work with Safari, try Chrome as both the blog and the Calendar are google based. Postings will be on the blog for volunteer opportunities
  • 7:15 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin) 
    • Fraternity (Checking, working funds): $3011.30
    • Unity (Savings for lean years) $544.09
    • Charity (savings for long term charity programs) $5.71
    • Report approved
  • 7:20 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
    • No new Dues received
    • New voucher produced for a Seminarian issued
    • St. Andrew Nativity Luncheon, email FS@kofc15485,org for details
    • Report Approved
  • 7:35 pm - For the Good of the Order (Mike O’Phelan)
    • Reflection on memorial day posted to the blog
  • 7:30 pm - Committees 
    • Program Director - (Gene Andres) 
      • Columbian Award was sent out and we have achieved all program requirements. Programs are being completed in May and the form will be sent in.
    • Parish/School Updates
      • St. Clare (Don Mey)  
        • Air conditioning will be added to the school building which will help our breakfasts.
        • Flower sale proved that between our two parishes we can raise $600.
        • Preschool art show raised $20,000 with matching funds.
        • 35 kids for Holy Communion
        • 30 kids for Confirmation
      • St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin).
        • There are a lot of Catholics who want to donate for pro-life causes, but want to do it anonymously. There is a great appetite for pro-life causes.
        • School is doing well
        • 28 kids for Holy Communion.
        • 12 kids for Confirmation. 
    • Family Director (Ted Seeber) 
      • Easter Egg hunt was very successful with 775 kids estimated participating
    • Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
      • Now that our membership director graduated, kicking into high gear, with hopes of getting those final 4 new members by end of June.
  • 7:45 pm - KofC Business  
    • No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio) 
    • April 21-23, 115th Oregon State Convention - Ted Seeber Update 
    • Pancake Breakfast at St. John Fisher, confirmed for June 11th.
    • St.Clare pancake breakfast confirmed for June 4th.
    • Check the calendar at the top of the blog for volunteer opportunities. Volunteer request for breakfasts will be going out next week.
    • Vocations donation, $500 confirmed for Mount Angel seminarian, Shaun  Daniel. 
    • Recommendation to support Holy Family Catholic Clinic with $500  donation, motion and vote.  Approved
    • Recommendation to support St. Andrew Nativity School with $500  donation, motion and vote. Approved
    • Recommendation to support Mother and Child Education Center with  $500 from proceeds of Mothers Day Flower sales, motion and vote. Approved 
    • Audrey Brickland SJF Essay, “International Winner”. How best to build  on this success? Update? Tom Owen Sent letter to the Archbishop with a copy of the essay for use on Voice of the Shepherd. Serra Club has also indicated interest.
    • Fr. Jim toiletry bags for the homeless- Knights participated. Save samples from your travels for this purpose.
    • Holy Moments is moving from book study to movement. Perhaps a good start for Cor ad Cor meetings
    • Slate of Officers, nominations. Slate was moved and approved, due to no contested nominations, skipping the June vote 
      • Recorder- Self nomination Ted Seeber
      • 3 year Trustee- Self nomination Marc Gregoire
      • Grand Knight- Don Mey incumbent
      • Deputy Grand Knight- Gene Andres incumbent
      • Chancellor - Michael O'Phelan incumbent
      • Treasurer - Michael Devlin incumbent
      • Advocate- Dan Riechers incumbent
      • Warden- Michael Chau incumbent
      • Inside Guard- Christopher Seeber incumbent
      • Outside Guard- Richard Digregorio
      • One Year Trustee- Tom Owens
      • Two Year Trustee- Ken Paulsen
  • 8:20 pm - District Deputy/ Mark Larson
    • Doing well
    • Maybe add Hoop Shots as recruiting for the St. Clare Men’s Basketball group.
    • Support for the seminarians is very good.  Go to the Deacon's ordination and wear your badges- and you can join the 4th that day, along with the new deacons.
    • Keep it up and invite more men to come through Cor ad Cor.  
    • 4th Degree at St. Matthew's Saturday, May 20.
  • 8:25pm - Sick or in Distress – Hail Mary  
    • Bonnie Owens- Knee Surgery June 13th
    • George Arrogate (sp?) hip surgery recovery
  • God bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal   peace to the souls of departed members.  
  • 8:30pm - Closing Prayer – Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J.  McGivney 


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

From our State Deputy Elect

Worthy Brother Knights,
You are invited to participate in this membership brainstorming session. We're going to discuss ideas, best practices, incentive ideas, etc. This meeting is open to anyone who wants to share or learn about best practices for recruiting. We've had a dynamite year for membership growth this year, so let's share with each other what has worked and led to success and what are some learning/growth opportunities.
Feel free to pass this on to any GKs, FS, council membership directors, or any other council liaison who might want to attend this meeting.
Membership Brainstorming Session
May 31, 2023, 7:00 – 8:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 774-306-781
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Kenneth J. Anderson
Knights of Columbus
Oregon State Council
State Secretary
State Deputy - Elect
(541) 602-0249
11863 SW Greenburg Rd Apt 8
Tigard, OR 97223

"Be confident. Be bold. We need you to step into the breach!"

For the Good of the Order

 This Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. The freedoms we enjoy every minute of every day we owe to the sacrifice of those who took an oath of service to our Country, which NEVER expires.  There are so many persons in the world who try to come into the US every day, just to share in these freedoms.  On this Memorial Day let us remember:

It is the Veteran, not the preacher, who gave us freedom of religions.

It is the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the Veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Veteran, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Veteran, who salutes the Flag.  It is the Veteran, who serves under the Flag.  To be buried by the flag, So the protester can burn the flag.

— Anonymous

God bless America and the Knights of Columbus.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Meeting John Clare Council #15485; Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

 Meeting John Clare Council #15485; Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Hybrid Meeting (Online and In-person)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us Tuesday, May 16th, at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting. We will meet in-person at the St. Clare Parish Hall/Cafeteria or join Online via ZOOM invitation. Doors open at 6:30 PM.

Be prepared to vote on donations supporting the following, Holy Family Catholic Clinic (500), St. Andrew Nativity School (500), Mother & Child Education Center (500 from proceeds of this past weekends Mothers Day Flower sale). Information on all of these fine organizations can be found in the links above.

We will also be presenting the slate of Officers for the upcoming year and accepting nominations.

Here is the AGENDA to download.

For Online:

The Online link will open at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.

MEETING LINK for Zoom App/website, or see below for audio call in instructions

April 18th, 2023 06:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 3883 4174

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Information about St. Andrews Nativity School

As some of you remember from last year, Our Council made a contribution of $300 to the St. Andrews Nativity School in NE Portland. This year, Tom Owens will be proposing at our next meeting that our Council donate $500 to this cause. The school is a Jesuit sponsored tuition free middle school that enrolls children from very low-income families who want a solid Catholic academic education. Children at this school attend from 8 a.m. to about 5 p.m. that includes classes, counseling, sports, recreation, and experiences in the community. While attending Nativity School, students receive intensive counseling to apply for and get scholarships for Catholic high schools and are mentored through high school and on into colleges or technical schools. To get a better understanding of this school and how it helps minority students please watch several parts of the school's website You can start with the about heading and read "what makes us special", and "our vision] mission] values”. Then go to the home heading and view "promoting success luncheon 2022 keynote speakers". I think that would give us a more comprehensive idea about what the school is and reasons to support it.

All Knights are invited to participate in the school’s annual fund-raising visit and luncheon to be held on Tuesday June 6th with student-led tours of the school starting at 11 and a catered luncheon and speakers at 12. Please see the school’s website above for details.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Praesidium Academy

 There is a change to our safe environment training.  If you get the following e-mail, accept the invite, create a new password, and fill out the initial form asking for your member number and our council number.  You then may, or may not, have videos to catch up on.

Safe environment training is one of our requirements for Star Council, but it's a good idea in general for keeping our kids safe.