Well, it's that time again- and due to some rather interesting limitations on Ted Seeber's time, we've got 4 instead of the usual 3 volunteer periods available.
Saturday, June 3, 2pm-2:30pm ; The more hands the better, just carrying in groceries. Christopher is working, Ted's due at 2:30 for a Rosary at adoration, so short time in between to do this.
Saturday, June 3, 6pm-8pm: Usually only need an hour for this, more hands the better, setup of tables and basic kitchen setup, load of all the equipment from the closet
Sunday, June 4, 7am-10:30am: Shift 1. Check with Ted Seeber if you're volunteering for a specific job, start times may be later depending on the job, you might actually be instructed to go to 8:30am Mass, then do the Judas Shuffle to let us know when Eucharist is.
Sunday, June 4, 10:30-2pm: Shift 2, includes cleanup after about 12:15. Can be the shorter of the two shifts, even though it doesn't look like it.
I'll be contacting people within the next week who typically volunteer for certain jobs, I've already talked to some of you.
To volunteer, please email seebert42@gmail.com