Sunday, November 20, 2022

KofC Council 15485 - Hybrid Meeting/St. Clare School Cafeteria - Nov. 15, 2022 - James M. Morgan, Recorder

7 pm     Call to Order

  • Warden's Membership Check
  • Prayer - Our Father
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call of Officers
  • A motion was made, seconded and passed to Approve the Previous Meeting Minutes
7:05 pm     GKs Remarks (Don Mey)
  • Don Mey spoke about the importance of recruiting new KofC Members. He also discussed techniques to approach parishioners to inform them about the Knights of Columbus and how to ask them if they would like to work on projects with us.
  • He admonished our KofC Directors to invite non-knight members to work with them on their committees.
  • In conclusion, we discussed the effective interaction of our members and the use of our blog to send messages to our members.
7:15 pm     Treasurer's Report  11/15/2022   (Mike Devlin)
  • Beginning Checking Balance 10/18/2022          $2,339.03
  • ADD: Income received SJF Oct. Breakfast             275.00
  • Total                                                                     $2,614.03
  • Less Bill Paid:  none                                             NONE
  • Current Checking Account Balance                 $2,614.03
  • Unity Savings Account                                            $543.97
  • Charity Savings Account                                             $5.71
  • Outstanding checks none
7:20 pm     Financial Secretary's Report   (Erik Riechers)
  • Erik discussed the problems that he has been experiencing with the Voucher  Process.
  • There wasn't anything to report at this meeting.
7:25 pm  Committees
  • Program Director   (Gene Andres)
  1. Gene pointed out that to confirm our Star Council Eligibility we need 5 new members
  2. He also stated that we needed to report our Gross Profits as well as our Net Profits
  • Parish/School Updates
  1. St. Clare / Don Mey  Don said St. Clare is going to start a Outreach Commission who will list all of our different ministries and make sure they reflect Catholic teaching
  2.  St. John Fisher / Mike Devlin   He discussed the possibility of having an Advent Festival
  3. St. Elizabeth of Hungary / Marc Gregoire   said Fr. Charles had been on retreat and that the church had started serving donuts and coffee after mass.
  • Faith Director / Mike O'Phelan    For the Good of the Order was cancelled  to make room for our book review.
  • Community Director / Michael Chau   Nothing new to report
  • Family Director / Ted Seeber   discussed the Essay questions that are being judged now.  Tom Owens commented on the quality of the student essays he has already read. He recommends a summary of the essays be made by a teacher, -- and/or student team --, and that the synthesis be shared widely and discussed by the teachers, students, and parents. He also recommends that they be made available to the parish through inclusion in a Sunday bulletin.
  • Membership Director / Dan  Riechers   was absent
  • Retention / Richard Digregorio   Retention is not an issue at this time 
7:35 pm     Our council discussed "Holy Moments" by Mathew Kelly. Part 1 Awareness (pp 1-31). The                    basic message that the author wanted to convey is based on an old psychological      
                   premise: "What goes around comes around". Beneficial changes in a system drives more
                   beneficial.  Mathew Kelly also inferred that doing the "Right Thing" takes you to a Holy
                   Moment that is pleasing to your soul. 

7:55 pm   KofC Business
  • James M. Morgan reported that he had contacted all of the council's members and that everyone was doing well.
  • It was decided to have a Pot Luck Dinner for members and families on December 20, 2022.
  • And we still haven't decided on an exemplification Ceremony date.
8:05 pm     New Business
  • It was decided that the Knights will host a Coffee & Donuts at St. Clare after Sunday Mass in the 1st quarter of 2023.
  • There was no open discussion.
8:10  pm   Mark Larson District Deputy was absent. 

8:20 pm   Sick or in Distress - Holy Mary
  • Prayers for Irv Cohen who has been hospitalized
  • Kim Aea's granddaughter
  • Marc Gregoire's mother, Lucie, his sister, Suzanne, and his daughter Laura.
  • Bonnie Owens
  • God bless the work of the Council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of departed members
8:30 pm   Closing Prayer - Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J McGivney

Monday, November 14, 2022

Meeting November 15, 2022

 Council Meeting John Clare Council #15485, Tuesday November 15th 2022 

Hybrid Meeting (Online and In-person)

Hello Brother Knights,

Please join us this Tuesday, November 15th at 7pm for our next Council #15485 meeting. You can meet us in the St. Clare Parish Hall/Cafeteria or join Online.

We will begin our discussion of "Holy Moments" by Matthew Kelly, A Handbook for the Rest of You Life. The initial questions are on the Agenda and in a previous post.

Here is the AGENDA to download.

For InPerson:
We will be meeting in St. Clare's Parish Hall/Cafeteria doors should be opened around 6:30pm.
For Online:
The Online link will open at 6:50pm. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or phone.
You can also dial in using your phone if needed.
United States: 646-749-3122
Access Code: 372-718-853
One-touch: tel: +16467493122,,372718853#

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Knights Homework Assignments


Our initial discussion of Matthew Kelleys' "Holy Moments" will begin with our November 15th Meeting. For the sake of time, we will temporarily pause Mike O'Phelans', For the Good of The Order section.

Part 1 AwarenessPages 1 thru 31, Questions;

  1. In section 1, Matthew Kelly gives two stories of an Abbot seeking answers from a wise old hermit. In both cases the hermit recommends a solution “Treat every person you ever meet like the second coming of Jesus in disguise”. What do these words mean to you? How do you see them applying in your life? 
  2. On page 23 Kelly addresses the question of what is a Holy Moment. How would describe a holy moment in your own words to a next-door neighbor who is not a Catholic?  
  3. Several places in Part 1, Kelly says that “Holy Moments are choices that are easy to live with.” Would you agree or disagree with this opinion? Why? Can you give an example? 
If you need a copy of "Holy Moments", please contact Don Mey at,, or text to 434.429.9881.


- Have you asked at least 2 men to consider joining the Knights?

- Invite a potential member to participate in a Knight activity? example; this weekends Fr. Jims' Toiletry Kit Preparation, Sunday, noon to 3:00, at St. Clare Office basement.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Important Message from the Supreme Knight

The Supreme Knight encourages all councils to participate in both the National March for Life in Washington, DC (Jan. 20, 2023) and the marches at their own state capitals. Click below to watch the Supreme Knight’s urgent call to action.

Message from the Supreme Knight

Information regarding Oregon March for Life:

JAN 28, 2023 // 2:30 PM

For more information, click the link below.

 From the Knights of St. Peter Claver Council 225:    

The Knights of St. Peter Claver invite us to an evening of finding out about 6 African American Saints on November 17.  This will be a zoom meeting.  You can register for this event online at the link below.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A message from Supreme Knight Kelly

 <iframe width="360" height="215" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

In theaters November 2 & 3.  Click here to get tickets.