Friday, September 29, 2017

Breakfast Sunday, October 1 at St. Clare's

Still looking for a little more help!  Have some holes for 9:30am-10:30am- basically just handling the dining room during the rush.  E-mail if you can be there!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Results of SJF Breakfast, and St. Clare's Breakfast October 1

The SJF Breakfast was a success, raising $263 to be split 50/50
between Council 15485 and the SJF youth group.

Thank you all for volunteering!   Scott, Joe, Travis, Brian, and Steve
came up from St. Anthony's to help.

Due to having the help from St. Anthony's council, and the current
state of 15485's finances, we decided to be very aggressive with our
breakfast schedule.  I didn't realize how aggressive- September 24th
sounded like a long way from October 1st, but it's a week.

Our St. Clare's Breakfasts follow a different schedule.  There are
three shifts you can sign up for:
6pm-8pm Saturday Night Setup (Get your Mass obligation in at 5pm, then
join us, many hands make light work of initial setup so that we don't
have to do it Sunday morning!)

7am-10:30am Sunday morning- Ted will be opening up at 7am to start the
coffee process.  We will not be serving food until 9:30, so most
volunteers can show up at 8 for setup, or even go to 8:30 am Mass and
do the Judas Shuffle to let us know when the Eucharist is going on so
that we can have hot food for the rush.  And a rush it is, it is
during that 9:30-10:30 period that we will serve between 80-120

10:30am-2pm-  Come have breakfast first for working this shift, then
help with dishes and setup.  Mass is at 10:45, so we don't see the
Brunch rush until 11:45.  We only serve until 12:30, and we stop
cooking about 12:15 to start cleanup.  Always out of there by 2pm.

Please volunteer for whatever shift, or multiple shifts, make sense
for you.  I'll be there for all.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Minutes of Meeting Monday, September 18, 2017

Ted had a hard drive failure. This post will be edited and put out by 7pm on Thursday, September 21
GK opened the meeting with prayer, pledge, and card check.

 Officers Present: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Treasurer, Warden, 1 year Trustee, 2 year Trustee

 Officers Excused: Recorder, 3 year trustee, Chancellor, Lecturer, Outside Guard , Inside Guard, Financial Secretary, Advocate

 7 brothers Present- no quorum.

Grand Knight's Remarks
At request of the chaplain, no more hand signals will be used during our meetings.  A Climate specialist will come in November to talk to us about the use of trees to mitigate carbon footprint.

Old Business

  • Breakfasts- SJF Breakfast this Sunday, September 24.  Mary Jane Weber will have the doors open for us by 8am.  Ken will post inventory and do shopping.  Ted will bring blueberries, butter, and some leftover sausages he's had since last breakfast.

    St. Clare's Breakfasts will be October 1 and November 5, and will have help from 3591.  Still need around 5 volunteers from our council though.
  • Need an Officer's meeting, will be scheduled for 6:30pm on October 16
  • Men's Conference October 20-21; will carpool leaving church parking lots at 5:30pm on Friday and 7am on Saturday.  Expect late nights.  We need a volunteer for St. Jorhn Fisher, Ted Seeber will organize St. Clare's .
New Business
  • Essay Contest kits will be delivered to Deacon Scott at SJF and Ms Sturges at St. Clare's
  • We will have a mini pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Saturday December 9th.  GK will research devotions.  
  • We will begin again with Rediscover Jesus book- Please read chapters 1-3 and think about the questions at the end of each chapter.  We will discuss at our next meeting
  • Brothers Michael and Tom presented a set of Vietnamese Embroidery Artwork for My Lam School.  3 are available at $90 each to go to this worthy cause.  Contact Tom Owens at
  • Brother Ken wishes help with the 100th anniversary of Fatima procession in Beaverton, starting at noon at the Post Office, marching to the lawn at the library.  Plan is to say all 4 mysteries of the Rosary.  SJF will hold a similar procession from SJF to the corner of 45th and Vermont, led by Brother Paul.
  • Brother Mike Devlin reported that the prayer cards and Fatima medals were a hit with the soccer kids at St. Clare Picnic.
Sick or in Distress
  • Bonnie Owens
  • Marie Damuguard
  • RIP Sally Quigley
  • Keven Schnibbner
  • Becky Griffo
  • Daniel's Parents, Voc Rehab situation, Wildfires, & Lola Cortez
Meeting was closed with a Hail Mary for all concerned

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Men's Conference is fast approaching

The 2017 Holy League Men's Conference for the Archdiocese of Portland is about a month away.  Get your tickets here  and join Council 15485 in carpools leaving from the St.Clare and St. John Fisher Church Parking Lot at 5:30pm on Friday, October 20, and 7am on Saturday, October 21

Friday, September 15, 2017

Congradulations to Dave Saunders

The Order wide October Church Drive has proven to be THE key to successful membership growth in Oregon. We focus on membership growth because each and every number represents one Knight who is making a positive impact in his parish and community. As Knights attract new members, they will help the Order become "the frontline of Catholic men who will strengthen and serve our Catholic Church."
It makes sense to look for new members in the place you're most likely to find them: your parish.
Every Council in your District is expected to plan and hold some form of Parish Recruitment Drive next month. If any Council in your District feels they cannot participate I need to know Why? This is important for you to understand so that we might provide the appropriate "fix" to their dilemma with their membership efforts.
As a reminder and for the new DD's I have attached the Drive Report you will use to report Parish Drive activity in October. I will distribute this again later in October.
Ask pastor's permission to hold a "Church Recruitment Drive Weekend" at the parish. * Contact your council's field agent to get his assistance. * Advertise the drive in the parish bulletin, making it clear that Knights will be available to talk to interested men and their families after all Masses on the given weekend. * Order your Church Recruitment Drive materials by submitting the form found at * Organize your members into teams. Make sure that at least one team is committed to covering each Mass. * Plan a First Degree Ceremonial within one week of the recruitment drive. If needed, use the First Degree Video Production available via Officers Online
NOTE: I mentioned advertising in the church bulletins. I really feel we should let the entire parish know that we are actively inviting Catholic men and their families to join with us. The parish needs to know it's 'Open Enrollment' next month and always.
NEXT STEP: Get this information to your councils (GK, FS and Membership teams) TODAY!
Congrats to DD #1 Dave Saunders. Holy Rosary Council #15605 is the first Oregon council to reach 100% of membership quota. Honorable mentions to DD #5 Bill Geary (Mac is 88%) and DD #7 Ken Anderson (Sweet Home is 75%)

Please know you are appreciated for all you do for so many. Always

Mike Woody
Oregon Membership Director
541-905-5009 cell

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Brother Daniel Salomon, GK---The Draft Agenda for our Monday September 18th Meeting

Dear Brother Knights,

This is the tentative agenda for our upcoming meeting at 7pm on September 18th at St. Clare Catholic Church in Fireside Lounge at the Parish Offices.

Opener for our Guests (2 min)
Call to Order, Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Roll Call of Officer (5 minutes)
Grand Knight Remarks: Dispensial of Hand Signals takes effect tonight but Grand Knight reserves the right to use the gravel and continue to use of titles to address each other, Father Don is fine with our implementation of the suggestions and Guest Speaker Proposal offered by Grand Knight (10 minutes)
Questions, Comments and Voting on Grand Knight's Remarks if necessary (10 minutes)
Approval of Minutes (5 minutes)
Lecturer (8 minutes)
Old Business: Reports (15 minutes)
New Business: Vote on date for Our Lady of Guadalupe Mini-Pilgrimage, Vote on Future, Time Frame and Format of Matthew Kelly discussion, Brother Tom and Michael Chow's fundraising and offer and vote, Brother Ken''s asking for help to put together a special Our Lady of Fatima public rosary and checking in about the Catholic Men's Retreat at Mt. Angel (25 minutes)
Good of the Order: (10 minutes)
Closing Prayer (5 minutes)
Optional for guests interesting in becoming Knights afterwards

Please feel free to email or call me about any questions or concerns about the agenda.

If I do not hear from any of you by Sunday night, I will plan to lead the meeting as planned above.

Thanks so much! Looking forward! May the Peace of Christ be with you!


Brother Daniel Salomon

Brother Daniel Salomon---Prayer Requests for My Sister's Pregnancy---For Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby

Dear Brother Knights,

My sister is pregnant with her third child and she recently suffered from some physical health problems. Please pray for the health of my sister and the health of her baby. Please also have Father McGivney pray for her.

Praises that my parents finally found a better living situation and please continue to pray for them as they have encountered some complications as they closed the deal. Please also have Saint Joseph pray for my parents.

Thank-you again for all your thoughts and prayers. Looking forward! May the Peace of Christ be with you!


Brother Daniel Salomon, GK

Monday, September 11, 2017

FYI---Portland 40 Days of Life Events

40 Days for Life Opening Mass
with Bishop Peter Smith,
Fr. Lucas Laborde and many other priests!
Friday, September 15th
7pm at St. Patrick’s Church.
1623 NW 19th, Portland.
Please join us in prayer for this upcoming campaign for Life in our city. Bishop Peter is always an inspiring speaker on how to be a strong witness for Christ in our world.
Check out the Portland 40 Days for Life website for more information.
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Prayer Requests and Updates from State

Dear Brothers

Past State Deputy, George Flake, had a stroke on August 21st. He is now in a Rehab Facility here in Redmond. He is doing better but will probably be there for a few more weeks. Prayers are requested that George recovery soon.

Brother and Sir Knight Robert Seymour, a long standing Knight of Council #1872 and Assembly 908, passed away.   Prayers are requested for the peaceful rest of his soul and support of the family.

Past State Deputy Jerry Brunelle died September 4, 2017 and his Funeral Service will be Sept. 22nd at Christ the King Church at 11709 SE Fuller Road, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222.  Rosary is at 10:30 and the Mass at 11:00.   A luncheon reception will follow.  An Honor Guard has been requested  and Sir Knight Tom Morgan of Assembly #2251 Milwaukie is the contact (phone 503-658-8709 or mobile 971-645-9188, email ). Honor Guard need to be there at least by 10:30.  PSD Jerry Brunelle was born in 1926 and joined the Knights of Columbus in 1956 in Christ the King Council #9257 and later in theMost Rev. William H Gross Assembly # 2251 in Milwaukie.  He was Oregon State Deputy 1985-1987 and Oregon District Master 1988-1992.

Andrew F. Robinson, Jr

Prayer Chairman

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Brother Daniel Salomon: Service Hour Due Dates for the Month of August

Dear Brother Knight,

Please send your service hours to me for the month of August via e-mail by September 14th. Please put them into the categories to the best of your ability: Church, Community, Council, Life, Family and Youth.

I apologize for the late notice. Looking forward! May the Peace of Christ be with you!

Thank you for all your amazing volunteering in the church and in the greater human community!


Brother Daniel Salomon, GK

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Brother Daniel Salomon: An Unhealthy Air Advisory Is Still In Effect Today

Dear Brother Knights,

An unhealthy air advisory is still in effect today for the City of Portland. Everyone, especially children and senior citizens and those with special sensitivities like respiratory issues, need to limit being outside and limit heavy lifting and exertion today.

It did break-up last night and earlier this morning however and is expected to break-up again tomorrow.

It is also being advised to keep all windows closed, to not use wood burning stoves and fireplaces and to not run vacuum cleaners and to drink extra water.

Continue to do what you need to do to stay safe and healthy and protect yourself and your family!

Keep you posted! My thoughts and prayers remain with you during this time!

May the Peace of Christ be with you!


Brother Daniel Salomon, GK

Brother Daniel Salomon: Our Next Local Council Meeting

Dear Brother Knights,

Our next monthly local council meeting will be September 18th at 7pm at St. Clare Catholic Church in the Fireside Room. Our regular meeting time and location. Looking forward! May the Peace of Christ be with you! Thanks so much!


Brother Daniel Salomon, GK

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Brother Daniel Salomon: How is everyone faring the air quality advisory in Greater Portland today?

Dear Brother Knights,

Currently the air quality in the Greater Portland is in the unhealthy range because of wildfires. An air quality advisory is in effect.

Meaning if you have a heart or lung condition or any other health sensitivity you should be especially careful to limit your time outside and limit heavy exertion outside. Everyone is being advised to be careful when outside and working and engaging in physical exercise outside.

It is predicted that the air quality advisory will be lifted later today and tomorrow.

Please contact me via email or phone if you want to talk about it with me, pray about it and let me know how you are doing?


Please keep this situation in your prayers. Please ask Father McGivney to pray for the wild fires and our air quality situation.

Most importantly, please stay safe and healthy today!

Please stay up to date for any additional air quality advisories!

It is possible to Google "air quality of Portland, Oregon." 

Please look out the window to assess the situation before going outside!

Please do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family!

Make sure to buy a face mask if you have not done so already and make sure a face mask is in your emergency kit.

May be the peace of Christ be with you!


Brother Daniel Salomon, GK


3rd call for cooks for St. Clare Parish Picnic!

If you can be there at 8am, please lend your strength and back to pushing the grill into place.  Beyond that, it would be nice if we could have an extra grill master or two so that we can rotate out to eat with our families.  It'll be a fun day, with Mass outside at 10am, cooking, all sorts of fun for the kids.  Cleaning the grill will now start at 1pm on our schedule, in hopes of having Al all loaded up and out of there by 2:30pm.

Please let Ted Seeber know at or 503-318-1508 if you can come to help, that way I can stop making these appeals!