Saturday, February 6, 2016

January Service Hours Reporting is due

 Right Click Here for an easy to fill out form that e-mails the Grand Knight.  Chrome users, download and open in Adobe to get it to work right.

Suggestion from Tom on Service Hours:

Bring it up at the next meeting for discussion and get a show of hands of how many are willing to respond with  their volunteer hours per month or at least respond to you with no hours. We need to demonstrate how the collective monthly hours will be used for PR and communications beyond just turning hours in to the state and national Knights.  If  some oppose it let’s find out why. Let’s collect a list of those who are willing to do it. To become a habit Knights will probably need to do it for at least 3 months. I (and perhaps the other 2 trustees) could make phone or email contact with Knights who miss the meeting and have failed to turn in hours to do so.

If all or almost all present agree to do it, we need to get written reminders out at least a week before each meeting and remind those attending the meeting if they have not already done so, to do it on paper copy at the meeting and turn it in that evening.

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