7:00 pm - Call to Order
- Prayer - Our Father
- Pledge of Allegiance
7:05 pm - Dr. David Villegas - St. Clare - Adult Formation Team
- Seeking input on what areas of faith formation are of interest and what methods of education do you prefer? Survey Taken.
- If you were not present, send an e-mail to Kim@saintclarechurch.org
- Why are you involved in Knights of Columbus?
- There are four pillars of the Catholic Church: Faith, Liturgy and Sacraments, Life in Christ and Prayer. Which of these would you like to learn more about and how?
- Do you prefer Small Groups, Presentations, Workshops, Study Groups, Concerts, Classroom, Education.
- How can we reach others who are not part of church groups?
- Roll Call of Officers
- GK- Present
- FS-Present
- DGK-Present
- Chan-Present
- Rec - Present
- Treas-Excused
- Adv- Present
- Warden - Present
- Inside Guard - Excused
- Outside Guard -Present
- One Year Trustee - Present
- Two Year Trustee - Excused
- Three Year Trustee - Excused
- 13 Brothers Present
7:22 pm - Reading / Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (October)
7:24 pm - GK’s Remarks (Don Mey)
- Membership Challenge
- Welcome new member Mark LeAir !
- Thank you to those we worked and supported or Pancake Breakfasts
- Blog/Calendar - Volunteer Opportunities
- SAFE Environment
- Membership Challenge
7:27 pm - District Deputy Remarks (Kevin Guenther)
- CUF degree Saturday, 11:30 AM at St. Anthony's Tigard
- Canby St. Patrick's Crab Feed coming up in February. More announcements will be on their site as it gets closer
7:32 pm - Treasurer’s Report (Mike Devlin)
- Fraternity balance $2,534.05
- Unity Savings Account balance $544.45
- Charity Savings Acct. balance $5.71
7:36 pm - Financial Secretary’s Report (Erik Riechers)
7:40 pm - Membership Reports
- Membership Director (Dan Riechers)
- Retention Chairman (Richard Digregorio)
- No Neighbor Left Behind Phone Calls (Richard Digregorio)
- Program Director - (Gene Andres)
- Parish / School Updates
- St. Clare (Don Mey)
- St. John Fisher (Mike Devlin)
7:55 pm - KofC Business
- Consider Unbound, www.unbound.org, sponsorship and donation. Fr. Bernard Robert Bonnot, see St. Clare Bulletin from 28th Sunday in Ordinary time. Individual or council. $600 from council, given as a $50/month subscription. GK to decide, with preference for retired clergy. Motion Passed
- Consider donation, individual or council, for Huricane Helene Relief. Sample, see Basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, N.C. KofC, Catholic Charities, etc… $500 if council.
- Monthly Wine & Cheese @ SJF, Saturday, November 23rd.
8:00 pm - KofC New Business
- Knights Christmas Potluck Dinner, December 17th. All members & their families are invited, and SC & SJF Essay contest winners and their families. Don Mey/Ted Seeber. Email Ted and Don to volunteer food or time
- Donation to support Bishop White Seminarian. $500. Approved
- SVDP St. Clare, $500 Approved
- St. Francis Center $500 Approved
- Donation to support St. Andrew Nativity School. $500. When we have funds
- Donation to support Mother & Child Education Center. $500. When we have funds
- Donation to support Holy Family Catholic Clinic. $500. When we have funds
8:10 pm - “Beautiful Eucharist” Discussion
8:25 pm - Closing Prayers
- Intentions for the Sick and/or in Distress – Hail Mary
- Shannon Seeber
- RIP GK's friend and family
- For Millie Muoth and her daughters
- For Daniel Salomon's Sister
- God Bless the work of the council and its members and grant eternal peace to the souls of the departed members.
- Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney.
8:30 pm - Adjournment
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