KofC John Clare Council Hybrid Meeting Tuesday 2/20/2024
We will return to our normal Hybrid Meeting for our 2/20 meeting. In person @ St. Clare Parish Hall, doors open at 6:30 PM, meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Online information listed below.
Be prepared to pay outstanding dues, via check or cash. If you are interested in new KofC shirts please be prepared to pay for shirts as we are finalizing our order following our 2/20 meeting.
Volunteer opportunity @ St. Clare Lenten Soup Supper / Stations sponsored by the Knights, this Friday 2/23. Soups and bread needed, set up and clean up as well.
Here is the Agenda to download.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 3883 4174
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Meeting ID: 873 3883 4174
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